Title: Whats new with MedlinePlus, Go Local, and NIHSeniorHealth
1Whats new with MedlinePlus, Go Local, and
- Joyce E.B. Backus
- National Library of Medicine
- National Institutes of Health
- Health and Human Services
- Stats
- New on MedlinePlus
- Resource page for Librarians and Trainers
- Animated tour in Spanish
- American Hospital Association Directory
- Health Check Tools
- Organizations by topic
- Surgery video pilot
- Collaboration with AARP and VA
- Go Local
- NIHSeniorHealth
- Exercise stories, new topics
- 700 Health Topics in MedlinePlus
- 648 in MedlinePlus en español
- 58,000 email list subscribers
- 60 million page views/month
- 6.5 million unique users/month
4American Customer Satisfaction Index
Thanks for responding
- Tracks trends in customer satisfaction
- Provides benchmarking data
- MedlinePlus consistently has highest government
5For Librarians and Trainers
- Tours
- English Spanish sample tutorials for demos - no
Internet connection needed - Links to
- Evaluating Health Information Health topic
- Guide to Evaluating Health Information document
- Public Libraries and Community Partners (from the
6Tour en español
7Find a Hospital AHA directory
Find a hospital by name, zip code, or city
Driving directions from MapQuest
List of hospital services
8Health Check Tools
- Quizzes, calculators, and self-assessments
- Listed under Health Check Tools on each topic
- Entire list also available from Health Topics tab
- Also in Spanish
9Organizations by topic
- List and links to organizations producing
consumer health information - Link on Other Resources
Organizations by alphabet or topic
10Surgical Webcast Pilot
- Pre-recorded webcasts of surgical procedures by
slp3D Inc. (OR-Live) - Operations performed at US medical centers since
January 2004 - One-hour programs
- Customized MedlinePlus RealPlayer
- Printable transcripts
11Links to videos
12Customized player
13PDF transcript
14Collaboration AARP
- AARP launched health portal August
- Licensed Healthwise, Medicare Interactive
- Customized links in Healthwise to MedlinePlus
health topics - Home page links to tutorials, directories,
clinical trials, NCCAM - Reference/Web staff trained volunteers
15AARP Health Guide
Links to M Tutorials ClinicalTrials.gov M
Directories NCCAM health info
16MedlinePlus and My HealtheVet
17Go Local Concept Breast Cancer Example
- Services Go Local
- Health screening services
- Cancer care facilities
- Support groups
- Exercise and yoga classes
- Providers of wigs and prostheses
- Oncologists
- Health info - MedlinePlus
- NIH consumer literature
- News
- Symptoms, Treatment, Coping
- MEDLINE search
- ClinicalTrials.gov search
- Genetics Home Reference links
18From MedlinePlus
From a health topic page, choose a location to
find services for that condition.
19Navigation in Go Local
20Go Local Status
- NLM Hosted
- Linked today
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- In progress
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Delaware
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Nevada
- OhioSoutheast
- TexasEast Texas
- TexasGulf Coast
- Tribal Four Corners
- Utah
- Wyoming
- In approval
- Alaska
- Locally hosted
- Linked today
- North Carolina
- Missouri
- TexasSo Texas
- In progress
- CaliforniaLA County
- South Carolina
21Go Local Learn more
- Information Session Wed, May 18, 1230 pm
- Resources page
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Presentations by project participants
- Participation Guidelines
- System Training
- Vocabulary
- http//www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/
- golocalresources.html
- New topics, more NIH Institutes
- Exercise Stories
- Award from Intl Congress on Active Aging
- New features
- printer-friendly - print full topic or selected
chapters - updated accessibility buttons provide more text
sizes and clearly show contrast and speech on /
off - new message reminds users to turn off pop-up
23New Topics
- Three new topics (16 total)
- Shingles (NIAID)
- Sleep and Aging (NIA)
- Low Vision (NEI)
- Age-related Macular Degeneration (NEI)
24Next topics
- Diabetic Retinopathy (NEI)
- Glaucoma (NEI)
- Cataract (NEI)
- Problems with Taste (NIDCD)
- Problems with Smell (NIDCD)
25Future Topics (NIH Institute)
- Clinical Trials (NLM)
- Congestive Heart Failure (NHLBI)
- Dry Mouth (NIDCR)
- Falls and Fractures (NIA)
- Heart Attack (NHLBI)
- High Blood Pressure (NHLBI)
- High Cholesterol (NHLBI)
- Medicare (NIA)
- Older Adults and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
- Osteoporosis (NIAMS)
- Paget's Disease of Bone (NIAMS)
- Stroke (NINDS)
26Exercise Stories
- Narrative photos from seniors
- Starting out 13 stories
- Planning for national coverage with a variety of
exercises and of ages - The International Council on Active Aging (ICAA)
is assisting with recruitment - Form for Exercise Stories is linked from the
Exercise Stories homepage
27Stats 1.6 M pages/quarter
28- Thanks for
- Responding to our surveys
- Telling NLM what you really think
- Supporting our web sites to your patrons
- Training on consumer health sites
- Keeping those suggestions coming