Title: Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement Learning
1Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse
Reinforcement Learning
- Pieter Abbeel
- Stanford University
- Joint work with Andrew Ng.
- Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- Motivation for Apprenticeship Learning
- Proposed algorithm
- Theoretical results
- Experimental results
- Conclusion
3Example of Reinforcement Learning Problem
4RL formalism
System dynamics
System dynamics
System dynamics
- Assume that at each time step, our system is in
some state st. - Upon taking an action at, our system randomly
transitions to some new state st1. - We are also given a reward function R.
- The goal Pick actions over time so as to
maximize the expected sum of rewards ER(s0)
R(s1) R(sT).
5RL formalism
- Markov Decision Process (S,A,P,s0,R)
- W.l.o.g. we assume
- Policy
- Utility of a policy?? for reward RwT?
6Motivation for Apprenticeship Learning
- Reinforcement learning (RL) gives powerful tools
for solving MDPs. It can be difficult to specify
the reward function. Example Highway driving.
7Apprenticeship Learning
- Learning from observing an expert.
- Previous work
- Learn to predict experts actions as a function
of states. - Usually lacks strong performance guarantees.
- (E.g.,. Pomerleau, 1989 Sammut et al., 1992
Kuniyoshi et al., 1994 Demiris Hayes, 1994
Amit Mataric, 2002 Atkeson Schaal, 1997 ) - Our approach
- Based on inverse reinforcement learning (Ng
Russell, 2000). - Returns policy with performance as good as the
expert as measured according to the experts
unknown reward function.
- For i 1,2,
- Inverse RL step
- Estimate experts reward function R(s) wT?(s)
such that under R(s) the expert performs better
than all previously found policies ?j. - RL step
- Compute optimal policy ?i for
- the estimated reward w.
9Algorithm Inverse RL step
10Algorithm Inverse RL step
Quadratric programming problem. (same as for SVM)
12Feature Expectation Closeness and Performance
- If we can find a policy ? such that
- ?(?E) - ?(?)2 ? ?,
- then for any underlying reward R(s) wT?(s),
- we have that
- Uw(?E) - Uw(?) wT ?(?E) - wT ?(?)
- ? w2 ?(?E) - ?(?)2
- ? ?.
13Theoretical Results Convergence
- Theorem. Let an MDP (without reward function), a
k-dimensional feature vector ? and the experts
feature expectations ?(?E) be given. Then after
at most - k T2/?2
- iterations, the algorithm outputs a policy ?
that performs nearly as well as the expert, as
evaluated on the unknown reward function
R(s)wT?(s), i.e., - Uw(?) ? Uw(?E) - ?.
14Algorithm (projection version)
15Theoretical Results Sampling
- In practice, we have to use sampling to estimate
the feature expectations of the expert. We still
have ?-optimal performance with high probability
if the number of observed samples is at least - O(poly(k,1/?)).
- Note the bound has no dependence on the
complexity of the policy.
16Gridworld Experiments
Reward function is piecewise constant over small
regions. Features ? for IRL are these small
128x128 grid, small regions of size 16x16.
17Gridworld Experiments
18Gridworld Experiments
19Gridworld Experiments
20Gridworld Experiments
21Case study Highway driving
Output Learned behavior
Input Driving demonstration
The only input to the learning algorithm was the
driving demonstration (left panel). No reward
function was provided.
22More driving examples
In each video, the left sub-panel shows a
demonstration of a different driving style, and
the right sub-panel shows the behavior learned
from watching the demonstration.
23Car driving results
Collision Left Shoulder Left Lane Middle Lane Right Lane Right Shoulder
? (expert) 0 0 0.13 0.20 0.60 0.07
1 ? (learned) 0 0 0.09 0.23 0.60 0.08
w (learned) -0.08 -0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03 -0.01
? (expert) 0.12 0 0.06 0.47 0.47 0
2 ? (learned) 0.13 0 0.10 0.32 0.58 0
w (learned) 0.23 -0.11 0.01 0.05 0.06 -0.01
? (expert) 0 0 0 0.01 0.70 0.29
3 ? (learned) 0 0 0 0 0.74 0.26
w (learned) -0.11 -0.01 -0.06 -0.04 0.09 0.01
24Different Formulation
- LP formulation for RL problem
- max. ? ?s,a ?(s,a) R(s)
- s.t.
- ?s ?a ?(s,a) ?s,a P(ss,a) ?(s,a)
- QP formulation for Apprenticeship Learning
- min. ?,? ?i (?E,i - ?i)2
- s.t.
- ?s ?a ?(s,a) ?s,a P(ss,a) ?(s,a)
- ?i ?i ?s,a ?i(s) ?(s,a)
25Different Formulation (ctd.)
- Our algorithm is equivalent to iteratively
- linearizing QP at current point (Inverse RL
step), - solve resulting LP (RL step).
- Why not solving QP directly? Typically only
possible for very small toy problems (curse of
dimensionality). Our algorithm makes use of
existing RL solvers to deal with the curse of
- Our algorithm returns a policy with performance
as good as the expert as evaluated according to
the experts unknown reward function. - Algorithm is guaranteed to converge in
poly(k,1/?) iterations. - Sample complexity poly(k,1/?).
- The algorithm exploits reward simplicity (vs.
policy simplicity in previous approaches).
27Proof (sketch)
28Proof (sketch)
29More driving examples
In each video, the left sub-panel shows a
demonstration of a different driving style, and
the right sub-panel shows the behavior learned
from watching the demonstration.
30Additional slides for poster
- (slides to come are additional material, not
included in the talk, in particular projection
(vs. QP) version of the Inverse RL step another
formulation of the apprenticeship learning
problem, and its relation to our algorithm)
31Simplification of Inverse RL step QP ? Euclidean
- In the Inverse RL step
- set ?(i-1) orthogonal projection of ?E onto
line through ?(i-1),?(?(i-1)) - set w(i) ?E - ?(i-1)
- Note the theoretical results on convergence and
sample complexity hold unchanged for the simpler
32Algorithm (projection version)
33Algorithm (projection version)
34Algorithm (projection version)
35Appendix Different View
- Bellman LP for solving MDPs
- Min. V cV s.t.
- ? s,a V(s) ? R(s,a) ? ?s P(s,a,s)V(s)
- Dual LP
- Max. ? ?s,a ?(s,a)R(s,a) s.t.
- ?s c(s) - ?a ?(s,a) ? ?s,a P(s,a,s) ?(s,a)
0 - Apprenticeship Learning as QP
- Min. ? ?i (?E,i - ?s,a ?(s,a)?i(s))2 s.t.
- ?s c(s) - ?a ?(s,a) ? ?s,a P(s,a,s) ?(s,a)
36Different View (ctd.)
- Our algorithm is equivalent to iteratively
- linearize QP at current point (Inverse RL step),
- solve resulting LP (RL step).
- Why not solving QP directly? Typically only
possible for very small toy problems (curse of
dimensionality). Our algorithm makes use of
existing RL solvers to deal with the curse of
37Slides that are different for poster
- (slides to come are slightly different for
poster, but already appeared earlier)
38Algorithm (QP version)
Uw(?) wT?(?)
39Algorithm (QP version)
Uw(?) wT?(?)
40Algorithm (QP version)
Uw(?) wT?(?)
41Gridworld Experiments
42Case study Highway driving
Output Learned behavior
Input Driving demonstration
(Videos available.)
43More driving examples
(Videos available.)
44Car driving results (more detail)
Collision Offroad Left Left Lane Middle Lane Right Lane Offroad Right
1 Feature Distr. Expert 0 0 0.1325 0.2033 0.5983 0.0658
Feature Distr. Learned 5.00E-05 0.0004 0.0904 0.2286 0.604 0.0764
Weights Learned -0.0767 -0.0439 0.0077 0.0078 0.0318 -0.0035
2 Feature Distr. Expert 0.1167 0 0.0633 0.4667 0.47 0
Feature Distr. Learned 0.1332 0 0.1045 0.3196 0.5759 0
Weights Learned 0.234 -0.1098 0.0092 0.0487 0.0576 -0.0056
3 Feature Distr. Expert 0 0 0 0.0033 0.7058 0.2908
Feature Distr. Learned 0 0 0 0 0.7447 0.2554
Weights Learned -0.1056 -0.0051 -0.0573 -0.0386 0.0929 0.0081
4 Feature Distr. Expert 0.06 0 0 0.0033 0.2908 0.7058
Feature Distr. Learned 0.0569 0 0 0 0.2666 0.7334
Weights Learned 0.1079 -0.0001 -0.0487 -0.0666 0.059 0.0564
5 Feature Distr. Expert 0.06 0 0 1 0 0
Feature Distr. Learned 0.0542 0 0 1 0 0
Weights Learned 0.0094 -0.0108 -0.2765 0.8126 -0.51 -0.0153
45Proof (sketch)
46Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse
Reinforcement Learning
- Pieter Abbeel and Andrew Y. Ng
- Stanford University