Title: Steinway model B sale
Buy Steinway Model B, A, S,M
2- Concert Pianos is a well-known Steinway piano
dealer where you may buy a Steinway piano. As one
of the most reputable brands in the musical
instruments industry, Steinway is also one of the
most costly, however, at concert piano, we
provide piano at a reasonable price.
3- The used Steinway B is one of the best-selling
models and is known for having the greatest
Steinway tone and touch outside of the concert
grand models. Our professional will assist you in
obtaining your ideal piano.
4- If you are looking for used Steinway A III then
browse our incomparable collection of top quality
pianos. Our inventory includes pianos that have
been fully restored pianos as well at competitive
- Address 4501 Alpha Rd 130, Dallas,Texas75244
- Phone no. 214-347-7945
- E-mail Bruno_at_redbirdllc.com
- Website https//concertpianos.com/