Title: Multipletime states
1 Multiple-time states measurements
Jeff Tollaksen Chapman University
FQXi 2nd International Conference Ponta Delgada,
Azores, July 7-12, 2009
2The time reversed description of a quantum system
Backward Evolving Quantum State
The Quantum State Evolving Backward
3The two-state vector description of a quantum
4The two-state vector description of a quantum
Measurements performed on a pre- post-selected
system described by the two-state vector
Strong measurement The Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz
(ABL) formula
Weak measurement The Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman
Weak value
5Multiple-time states measurements Aharonov,
Popescu, Tollaksen, Vaidman, Phys Rev A 79,
052110 (May 1, 2009)
The remarkable thing about two time states is
that, similar to ordinary quantum states, we can
form superpositions.
e.g. a 2 time-state
Multiple-time measurements are measurements
consisting of multiple measurement stages, but
which cannot be decomposed into separate
measurements, 1 for each time
6PRL 58, 1385 (1987)
Confirmed experimentallySchulz, et al PRL 90
,177901 (2003)
7Multiple-time states Aharonov, Popescu,
Tollaksen, Vaidman, Phys Rev A 79, 052110 (May 1,
- Whenever we consider multiple instants of time,
the most general object is any combination of
bras kets, e.g.
- four-time state w/ well-defined past future
(determined by the initial preparation final
post-selection) two measurement periods
(t1lttltt2) and (t3lttltt4). The multi-time state is
a vector in the Hilbert space - expanded in basis states
- Another 4-time state both the future and the
past are uncertain
8Multiple-time measurements operators Aharonov,
Popescu, Tollaksen, Vaidman, Phys Rev A 79,
052110 (May 1, 2009)
- This is an observable that gives the value zero
in the case when the x-component of the spin is
the same at the two times, but doesn't offer any
information about the actual value of the
x-component - could yield three possible values 2, 0 and -2.
To each of these values we associate a multi-time
- These are entangled states measurements are
collections of bras kets very similar to
states - no simple description in the standard quantum
- kinematic dynamical descriptions are united
9Multiple-time states measurements Aharonov,
Popescu, Tollaksen, Vaidman, Phys Rev A 79,
052110 (May 1, 2009)
- The operator is not there in order to evolve the
state, but is part of the state itself - true force of the formalism w/ multi-time
- To obtain the state of the system given the
outcome k of the POVM we insert the multi-time
Krauss operator into the original multi-time
state i.e. we use POVM not just to prepare a
state - but to test it
- multi-time state is covariant
10QM Generalization Each moment of time a new
- Consider a spin 1/2 particle with constant time
- Ques can we prepare a set of N of these
particles such that if we perform at some given
time t0 measurements on these N particles we'll
get the same information as we'd have obtained by
making measurements at t1, t2...tN on the
original single particle? E.g.
11QM Generalization Each moment of time a new
- For QM, this doesnt work, due to multi-time
- Measuring sx (t4) - s x (t2) for the single
spin-1/2 particle on the left will not re-produce
multi-time correlations.
12QM Generalization Each moment of time a new
- New ability to obtain a post-selected state of
one particle that is completely correlated to the
pre-selected state of a second particle
- stack N particles on top of another along the
time axis
- introduced new approach to quantum mechanics
multi-time states describing experimental
situations consisting of multiple preparation and
measurement stages - Put states operators on equal footing,
complementary - implications for the problem of the flow of time
14Time-Symmetric formulation of QM (TSQM)
To be useful and interesting, any re-formulation
of QM should meet several criteria, for example
- TSQM is consistent with all the predictions made
by standard QM, - TSQM brings out features in QM that were missed
before (e.g. weak values, QRW) - TSQM lead to simplifications in calculations and
stimulated discoveries in other fields - TSQM suggests generalizations of QM