Let’s Understand Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment Better

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Let’s Understand Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment Better


kidneys is to filter waste from the body in the form of urine. The human kidneys filter the waste from the blood with the help of nephrons and throw the waste out as urine. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Let’s Understand Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment Better

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We all understand the significance of kidneys for
our bodies. One of the very crucial jobs of
kidneys is to filter waste from the body in the
form of urine. The human kidneys filter the waste
from the blood with the help of nephrons and
throw the waste out as urine. Additionally, there
are responsibilities such as Controlling the
fluid volume to keep homeostasis in
balance. Maintenance of balance among
acid-base. Removal of inorganic ions Maintenance
of concentration of electrolytes Taking care of
plasma concentration Secretion of crucial
hormones Activation of vitamin D Regulation of
blood pressure
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Disease Treatment Better
Reportedly, over 20 of the worlds population is
struggling with varied kidneys related issues and
in search of affordable and effective treatment.
If the diseases in kidneys get detected early
then the prevention becomes easy but later
artificial treatment has some limited services to
offer. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is
considered to be a treatment that is not only
effective but also fits under the challenges of
masses. There are different ways in which
kidneys can be destroyed and causes that are
innumerable and complex. But, regardless of any
challenge, Ayurvedic kidney treatment can provide
relief to everyone on any stage of the damage.
Ayurveda is the oldest method of treatment which
is evolved enough to treat damages that could be
a threat to life.
In Ayurveda, kidneys are called Vrikka. In
Ayurveda, it is believed that blood and fat
tissues form kidneys. Kidneys are known as the
root of the fat tissue channels. Anything that
affects blood and fat would affect the kidneys in
a bad way. According to Ayurveda, the human body
is a combination of various elements including
chakras and doshas. For the good health of the
body, it is necessary for these elements to be
Source Lets Understand Ayurvedic Kidney
Disease Treatment Better
Any aggravation in the Kapha dosh can block the
urinary tract which could result in the vitiation
of Vata dosha as well. This entire phenomenon
results in the inadequate generation of the urine
which affects the tissues and prevents them from
generating. This results in kidneys sickness and
eventually, kidneys could fail. With this, a
person begins to notice various signs and
symptoms that indicate the bad health of the
kidneys. However, with the help of
nephrons-corrective herbs of Ayurvedic kidney
disease treatment, all these damages can be
There are some very effective herbs used for
Ayurvedic kidney treatment and provides a highly
effective impact on the human body inside out.
Given below are some of the herbs with which any
ailment of the kidneys can be pacified. Kaasni
This herb effectively improves the kidneys
function and also assists damage control in case
of respiratory issues, heart-related issues, and
disorders related to digestion. It brings the
balance of the doshas (Pitta and Kapha) back.
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Disease Treatment Better
Punarnava Punarnava is rich in the ability to
restore any kind of loss in the organ or the
body. It has the ability to bring the harmony of
herbs back and it is diuretic and
anti-inflammatory in nature. Gokshura All the
imbalances between the three doshas can be
brought back to normal with the help of this
herb. It is very well known for the chemical
properties it contains and for its diuretic
ability. It is very helpful for those who are
undergoing dialysis or have kidney stones. There
are innumerable herbs in nature that can be used
in the process of Ayurvedic kidney treatment.
These herbs naturally and effectively help in the
rejuvenation of the damage and clear out any
blockage inside the channels. Ayurvedic kidney
disease treatment can partially or completely
restore all losses and have made kidney failure
irreversible. Along with the herbs, Ayurveda
suggests the regular practice of certain yoga
posture that supports kidneys for good such as
Padahastasana, Navakasana, Parivritta
Trikonasana, Pashimottanasana, Setu Bandha Asana,
Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Ardhamatsendriyasana,
Marichasana, and Parivritta Janu Shirshasana.
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Disease Treatment Better
Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment suggests the
need to refrain from the excess consumption of
painkillers and over the counter medicines as
they can cause damage to the kidneys. The food
you eat during kidney diseases should be low in
potassium, protein, saturated fats, and
sodium. Keep the blood sugar level and blood
pressure under control. Stay away from the use of
cigarettes, alcohol, and other tobacco
products. Do not consume red meat due to their
high protein content. Consume less dairy. Eat
fiber-rich food. Consume ample water. Get the
regular checkup done. Eat a lot of fresh fruits
and vegetables. These were some of the dietary
and lifestyle guidelines under Ayurvedic kidney
treatment Note Consult a doctor before the
addition or omission of anything in or from the
diet and lifestyle.
Source Lets Understand Ayurvedic Kidney
Disease Treatment Better
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