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... with Smart Mobile Agents endowed some intelligent, human like abilities. ... Computing Technology: Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic or Immune ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • What does it mean a browsing into Internet A
    pecking, gently picking game of Prophet? If
    this is our case I dare say, exactly like I bet,
    So far its torment task, but worthy we to
    meet.DIM VOKAL

Proposer Dimitar Lakov Institute of Computer
and Communication Systems Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev, Bl. 2, Sofia
1113 E-mail
  • Advantages of investigations in Internet
    browsing needless to say are manifold still to
    high extent significant for our world, collapsing
    into small information village. In every moment
    every humble citizen of our planet urgently needs
    relevant, useful information.
  • A growing mass of titles into Internet per 2006
    has reached as equal as 161 Exabytes (an Exabyte
    is equal to 1018 bytes). The task is enormous,
    important, and hardly achievable since a full
    success means stopping of information avalanche.
    A slightest advance in this direction would be
    great success, deserving at least
  • Apart from information growing up we have no
    adequate response of the most advanced searching
    browsers. The reason
  • i. Monopoly of searching browsing machines such
    as Google, Yahoo, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, etc. All
    of them rely on old-fashion searching techniques
    and strategies. As a response of every customer
    inquiry he obtains as much as ten to hundred
    thousands entries hardly assessable
  • So far any attempt to minimize avalanche of
    information production is bond to fail due to
    inadequate techniques of above mentioned
    browsers. The so called advance technique is no
    more than restrictions of intellectual freedom of
    customer in searching. It is expressed in
    Boolean logic, time constraints, linguistically
    oriented searching and many other machine
    oriented techniques that are far from powerful
    human abilities to assess and process
  • In the most of the cases customer of browsers
    stops its searching at first satisfying entry
    from proposed variety without ability or more
    exactly with inability to embrace such multifold
  • The Proposal is intended to work for partial
    solution of the last two points.

  • II. WHY FP7?
  • As a part of European strategy for sustainable
    scientific and technology transfer of the FP7 may
    be thought as necessary initial step in our
    attempt to coordinate investigation in the field
  • The proposer has some success in definition of
    new principles of intelligent, client dependent
    browsing in the sense of unconfined human
    abilities. So far a principle constraint in the
    field is inability of access to distributed
    databases of monopolists where one can experience
    his ideas for intelligent Soft Computing Internet
  • Some fertilization of these ideas using authority
    and experience from European Countries would be
    highly desirable. The partners would be carefully
    chosen among well known experts from EC, still in
    some extent restricted due to political
    consideration scholars, but highly motivated. The
    most of them have long list of respectful
    achievements in Soft Computing Technology fuzzy
    logic, artificial neural network, evolutionary
    and immune algorithms etc., with applications in
    almost all information processing fields
  • The Proposal relies mainly on small workable
    groups, consisting preferably of young
    researchers and doctor students. Their studying
    abilities, untamed mind tuned with experience of
    respectful scholars would be pledge for future
    success. We mean tuning as continuous process of
    information updating in the field by means of
    regular scientific meeting hosted by partners
    partaking in traditionally organized conferences
    in events of partners self organized meeting on
    Intelligent Browsing theme (conferences, youth
    schools, project workshops, etc.)
  • Scientific production. This refer to
    publications in respectful journals (most of the
    leaders are within responsible editors in Soft
    Computing paradigm), annual project reports,
    congress and conferences publications, scientific
    reports in self organized conferences if there
    are planned resources for this activity. The most
    important is achieving publicity not only in
    scholar societies, but also in public sector,
    since the problem is beyond pure scientific
    investigation and importance. In operative sense
    such scientific network will be double with an
    electronically created one for gaining
    flexibility and exchange operability.

  • Without underestimating other European Programs
    such as ESF, ESA, EUREKA the authors are
    convinced that the level of competence of
    proposal partners reflect up to date initial
    state of investigations in the field. In contrast
    to well defined and useful investigations of
    Browsing all over the world a synergy between
    Soft Computing, Intelligent Mobile Agents and
    Browsing is new but promising direction. Smart
    Soft Computing Agents Browsing needs some
    maturing of its potential, ideas, and
    achievements. Although there are many
    possibilities for financial breakthrough the
    proposer consider FP7 the most appropriate.
  • They can be briefly summarized in the following
  • Scientific collaboration of east and west
    countries, especially Balkan countries,
    undeserved and suffering from isolation up to
  • Creation of a kernel of scientific network in
    this important fastest growing field, in which
    the authors hope to be involved many other
    researchers from Europe and all over the world
  • Scientific production expressed in technical
    reports publications within Soft Computing
    events, appropriate journals, self organized
    symposia, monographs, and last but not least
    learning and broadening of workable teams within
    all participating countries
  • Creation of initial variants of Intelligent
    Searching tools and their testing on benchmark,
    or specially generated for this purpose small
  • Preparing a basis of future applications of
    industrial products within other more powerful,
    in point of view of resource support, European

  • The following objectives and deliverables are at
    hand of our implementation strategy
  • Defining, implementation and experimenting with
    Smart Mobile Agents endowed some intelligent,
    human like abilities. The last means
    presentation, implementation, and operation with
    versatile, soft constraints of customer defined
    searching goals
  • Generation of simple still dependable enough way
    of generation or modification of data bases in
    searching hyperspace. This faces to the problem
    freely access to these databases normally closed
    to researchers, as well authorization of data
    access, encryption and defense against intruders
  • Mechanism of remote scanning of above defined
    databases. It may be based on one of the
    following Soft Computing Technology Fuzzy Logic,
    Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic or Immune
    Algorithms etc. In addition this technology has
    to be enough simple for embedding into kernel of
    Intelligent Mobile Agents
  • Defining of hierarchical, multistage searching
    technology of remote browsers. Our goal is to
    minimize the number of out coming results to the
    affordable, tractable extent of remote browsers
  • Realization of on site also hierarchical strategy
    of browsing as a result of already obtained
    results from remote browsers. Principally this
    would use the same well approve technique.

  • Creation of scientific net oriented to the
    problems of browsing into Global net. The tools
    of this net are already existing in the face of
    Internet and URL system organization, so our task
    is only to gather and organize into scientific,
    real living and professional oriented net
  • Changing investigation and mind of interpretation
    in the field of this interesting highly perpetual
    to human activity field. In this we rely mainly
    on so far not tempted with old fashioned way of
    thinking young researchers, able to accept
    slightest rational peck into new ides
  • We hope that this organization will add respect
    and understanding of Soft Computing Technology as
    a breakthrough into conventional computing and
    information processing techniques. As is well
    known computing with words is already at hand in
    advanced research activities

  • Scientific work should comprise the following
  • At starting point this open for further
    participation net aims at constituting workable
    groups for every one of envisaged scientific
    directions choosing of appropriate Mobile
    Intelligent Platform, selection of Soft Computing
    Technology, based on expertise and achievements
    in other similar scientific fields defining new
    database organization firmly connected with
    chosen technology postulating access rules,
    information defense, and way of encryption
    coordination and synchronization of program
  • Information exchange current state of advance
    via Internet electronic tools regular meeting on
    the basis of organized project workshops
    organization of scientific events conferences,
    symposia, etc. (at least one per year)
    organization of summer youth schools, changing
    host of any one of participation countries (as a
    rule they can be organized within project
    scientific events)
  • Innovation is expressed twofold on one hand it
    is hidden within idea and implementation of new
    generation Soft Computing Agents, on the other
    educational aspect of young people in Soft
    Computing Technologies and partially their
    applications in smart Internet Browsing

  • Organization is envisaged to be
  • The highest control organ and in law of the
    project will be annual meetings of participants
    caring one vote per country. It will decide for
    further tactics and strategy of the project, as
    well as current financial report of it. The
    annual meeting is also responsible for
    constituting of new participants after first year
    joining of other participants
  • Managing council consisting of three to five
    leading in the field participants of the project,
    which performs executive power of the project
    between annual meetings. It is going to be
    selected after initial negotiations
  • Leaders of particular groups. They will be chosen
    at the first meeting with the accordance of
    experts in the fields and full consensus. Leaders
    are responsible for performance of scientific
    plan and deliverables in it
  • Event leaders approved for every scientific
    meeting. They are chosen at regular annual
    meeting and obtain the necessary resources for it
    from the project budget
  • Current information for the project advance. It
    is realized using organization of E-net of the

  • Partners
  • Academician Janusz Kacprzyk
  • Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc.
  • Fellow of IEEE, IFSA
  • Systems Research Institute
  • Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Prof. Georgi M. Dimirovski, on leave to
  • Dogus University, Acibadem Kadikoy,
  • Istanbul, Turkey

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