Title: Online Fiverr Freelancer Clone System - DOD IT SOLUTIONS
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4DOD IT Solutions o?ers freelance marketplace
script, developed to create your own Fiverr
Freelancer Clone Script almost like upwork
clone, elance clone and more. Freelancer
marketplace is the revolutionary platform is
business interactions with where employers
search for the best ability and freelancers get
for their best Knowledge skills.
5Our Fiverr Freelancer Clone Script application is
the right medium for freelancers and employers
to get in touch with each other. The employer
can easily create and manage their projects.
They can also view pro?les and reviews of the
freelancer. Freelancer can manage their pro?le,
bids and ready to search projects consistent
with their skills. This freelance script
provides a user-friendly admin panel, support
secure payment gateways, dispute forums, secure
login, and more.
6Our freelancer clone allows the user to post
unlimited projects especially categories and
subcategories alongside required skills and
project budget. The Fiverr Freelancer Clone
Script comes with amazing and innovative
features, bidding module, project module.
7It is a cost-e?ective approach if you are looking
to set up your business with a small investment.
A freelance marketplace software is an easiest
and quickest method to let your own freelancing
Our Fiverr Freelancer Clone Script Upwork clone,
- clone, is similar to freelancing websites and
includes most of the functionalities.
8With our Freelancer Clone App, You can completely
transform your Freelancer Clone Solutions with
a custom-build you need, Customer App and a
powerful Admin panel to manage the business.
Check our detailed Fiverr Freelancer Clone
Script Proposal for more details .
9- Technology Used
- PHP Language
- Core PHP Framework
- MySQL Database Server Any Linux Server.
- Modules Included
- Job Portal Panels included for the above User,
Guest User, Employer, - Super Admin and advanced features.
10Admin Panel
- Secure Login
- Admin Dashboard
- Communication List
- Manage Employers
- Manage Workers
- Manage Projects
- Manage Packs
- Manage Bids
- Manage Dispute
- View Payments
- Con?guration
- Manage Newsle
Mobile 91 7339131505 Landline 0431-4000616
Skype ID doditsolutions Email
support_at_doditsolutions.in , info_at_doditsolutions.co
m For More https//www.doditsolutions.com