Title: Physics: Solving a TwoBody Pulley Problem
1Physics Solving a Two-Body Pulley Problem
- By David M. Scrofani
- MD 400A, Spring 2005
- The purpose of this tutorial is to teach the
viewer how to solve for the acceleration of each
mass in a standard two-body pulley system (Atwood
machine). Such problems are typical in
introductory level physics courses and are used
as an example of the application of Newtons
Laws. - This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of
kinematics and dynamics as would be typical in
the first few months of a high school physics
course. Familiarity with solving algebraic
systems of equations is also assumed. - Click on the next slide button to see
instructions and an animated example of such a
pulley system.
3Quick Review Newtons Laws
- (1) A body at rest tends to remain at rest a
body in motion tends to remain in motion. - (2) SF m a
- (3) For every action force, there is an equal and
opposite reaction force.
4Example of a Two-Body Pulley Problem
- In a standard two-body pulley problem, the
student is given the mass of each of the two
masses that hang from a pulley and asked to
calculate the acceleration. Usually, the mass of
the pulley, itself, is neglected and the system
is assumed to be frictionless. - Clicking on the link below will take you to an
applet on the web which simulates such a two-body
pulley system. You may vary the mass of each of
the hanging masses. But you should choose zero
for the mass of the pulley (mass 3) and also
make the system frictionless. - Try some different values for the different
masses to get a feel for how the system behaves.
5Structure and Navigation of this Tutorial
- In order to learn how to calculate the
acceleration of the masses in the pulley system,
you will follow a series of steps (six steps
total) that will be taught to you on a series of
slides. These slides ask you to proceed in a
specified order through the steps. At any time
you may go back to the previous slide or jump
back to the Six Steps Summary Slide - After viewing the last of the six step slides,
you will have a chance to try an example
calculation for yourself to see if you can apply
the six steps.
6-Step Summary
6Six Steps Summary Slide
- Step 1 Draw a Picture of the Situation
- Step 2 Draw and Label all Force Vectors
According to Standard Convention - Step 3 Decide on a Direction for the
Acceleration of Each Mass - Step 4 Write Newtons Law for Each Mass
- Step 5 Solve the System of Simultaneous
Equations that Results from Step 4 - Step 6 Examine the Answer to See that it
Makes Sense Physically
Step 1
7Step 1 Drawing a Picture
- Lets assume that you have been given the
following problem to solve A 2kg mass and a 4kg
mass hang on opposite sides of a mass-less,
frictionless pulley. Determine the acceleration
of the masses. - The first thing you should do is to draw a
picture of the situation. Like this . . .
- Notice that we have drawn the less massive block
a little smaller than the more massive one. This
is not essential but it is good practice.
Anything you can do to represent things
realistically will help you understand what is
happening in the long run.
6-Step Summary
Step 2
8Step 2 Draw and Label Force Vectors According to
Standard Convention
- We have drawn the two vectors for the force of
gravity on each mass (their weights). Since we
already know that the force of gravity is the
mass times the gravitational field strength at
the Earths surface (9.8m/s2 which we will round
to 10m/s2 here for simplicity) we write those
values right on the diagram. W mg and we get
the two values 40 Newtons and 20 Newtons. - Note that we have tried to draw the 20 N force
vector about half as long as the 40 N one.
- The two upward force vectors represent the force
of string tension on each mass. The force is
equal on each mass thats from Newtons third
law for equal and opposite forces. Since we dont
know the value for this tension force we just
label it T.
All of these force vectors have been drawn to
standard convention. Click on this button to see
an example and explanation of an incorrect
6-Step Summary
Step 3
Step 1
9Incorrect Drawing of Force Vectors
- Here we have just been sloppy with our force
vectors. - We have not drawn the forces of gravity (the
weights) as originating from the objects centers
of mass - We have drawn the weight of the 2 kg mass as long
as (if not longer than) the weight of the 4 kg
mass. - The tension force vectors are off center and not
originating from the point of contact.
- Such a poor drawing may not cause you to obtain
an incorrect answer for this problem. But it will
make it harder for someone else looking at your
work to understand your thinking. And perhaps,
worse, it allows bad habits to develop which will
ultimately make things harder for you in the long
10Step 3 Decide on the Direction of Each Mass
- This is an important step. By examining the
situation you can tell that the 4 kg mass will
accelerate down and the 2 kg mass will accelerate
up. - We put arrows alongside the masses to indicate
this. - The direction of acceleration is taken to be the
positive direction for forces acting on that mass
when we write Newtons Law in the next step. It
is very important to observe this convention or
your answer will be incorrect.
6-Step Summary
Step 4
Step 2
11Step 4 Write Newtons Law for Each Mass
- For the mass on the left
- Since the acceleration is downward (see last
slide) the downward force is positive and the
upward tension force is negative. Filling in
Newtons Law we get
- For the mass on the right
- Since the acceleration is upward (see last slide)
the upward tension force is positive and the
downward force of gravity is negative. Filling in
Newtons Law we get
6-Step Summary
Step 5
Step 3
20 N
12Step 5 Solve Equations for Two Variables (a and
Here we are most concerned with the value of the
acceleration and not the value for the tension
force since it was not asked for in the original
problem statement. On the next slide well take a
moment to consider whether or not these answers
make any physical sense to help us determine
whether or not we have made any mistakes. The
solution on the left is simply presented to you
assuming that you have some familiarity with
solving a system of two equations with two
variables. If you would like to see the algebraic
steps used in this solution click the button to
the left below.
- Equation 1
- Equation 2
- Solution
6-Step Summary
Step 6
Step 4
13Algebra for the Equations Solution
Starting with these two equations we solve the
second one for T
Now we plug this value for T into the top equation
Now we solve this equation for a
We solve this for a which gives us a 3.33
m/s2. Plugging this value for a back into either
original equation gives a value for T.
14Step 6 Examining the Answer
- This step which is often neglected by beginning
problem solvers is very important. Often, if you
have made a mistake in the calculations you will
know it right away if your answer does not make
any physical sense. Lets check our answers this
way. - Recall the value of the acceleration, a 3.33
m/s2. Is this number reasonable? The largest it
could ever be is 9.8 m/s2 (or 10m/s2) since that
is the acceleration caused by gravity in free
fall. And the smallest it should ever be is 0
which would be the case if both masses were the
same mass. Our value of 3.33 m/s2 is somewhere in
the middle which is a good thing. - Now recall the value for the tension force T
26.67 N . This value is between the two values of
weight for the two masses. Think of it this way
26.67 N is less than 40 N and so the mass on the
left accelerates down. And 26.67 N is more than
20 N so the mass on the right accelerates up. Now
that makes sense! - We conclude that the solution is probably correct
since our answers fall within an expected range.
If we had gotten an acceleration greater than 9.8
m/s2 or a tension force greater then 40N (or less
than 20N) we would know that we had made a
mistake somewhere.
6-Step Summary
Practice Problem
15Practice Problem
- Now its time for you to try to apply these
steps. Try this problem. - A 12 kg mass and a 3 kg mass hang on opposite
sides of a pulley. Determine the acceleration of
the system and the force of tension in the cable
connecting the masses. - Remember the six steps are
- Step 1 Draw a Picture of the Situation
- Step 2 Draw and Label all Force Vectors
- Step 3 Decide on a Direction for the
Acceleration of Each Mass - Step 4 Write Newtons Law for Each Mass
- Step 5 Solve the System of Equations that
Results from Step 4 - Step 6 Examine the Answer to See that it Makes
Sense Physically
Click for a correct drawing
Click for correct equations
Click for the solution
16Drawing With Force Vectors
30 N
120 N
18Final Solution
- Instead of providing the solution here I have
provided another link to the applet web site that
you visited at the beginning of this tutorial. Go
there and enter the settings for this problem (be
sure to make mass 3 the pulley mass zero,
and make the system frictionless). Check your
answer by observing the simulation.
- Congratulations on successfully completing this
tutorial. At this point if you would like, you
may go back to the applet on the web site and
experiment further by allowing the pulley to have
mass and by allowing the system to have friction.
Such complications are beyond the scope of what
we will be covering in this course but why not
experiment? - Thank you for viewing this lesson.
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The End