Title: Animating Chinese Landscape Paintings and Panoramas
1Animating Chinese Landscape Paintings and
- By
- Nelson Siu-Hang CHU
- Department of Computer Science
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Introduction
- Motivations
- Two IBMR Approaches
- Multi-Perspective Modeling
- Baseline Extrusion
- An Improved Graphical User Interface
- Conclusions
- Image Based Modeling Rendering (IBMR)
- Pre-acquired images -gt novel views
4Introduction (cont.)
- Image Based Modeling Rendering (IBMR)
- Advantages
- Realism with less computation
- Computation independent of scene complexity
- Disadvantage
- Number of images needed is large, in general
- Success in film industry
- e.g. The Matrix SoftImage Magazine Aug. 99
5Introduction (cont.)
- Tour Into the Picture (TIP) HAA97
- Visually 3D animation from a single image
- Easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI)
- Good results in relatively short time
- Works especially well for inputs of paintings
- Impressive results using the TIP technique
By Hoi Ng 1982
7Motivation (cont.)
- Chinese landscape paintings
- Horizontal or vertical scrolls
from Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual,
revised version by Chao Hsun, 1887
8Multiple Perspectives in Chinese Landscape
Eye locations
9Motivation (cont.)
- Fixed-point perspective
- As in photographs or western paintings
- At most a spherical panorama
- Space depicted is limited
- Moving-point perspective
- As in Chinese landscape painting or
multi-perspective images e.g. in WFH97 - Space NOT limited
- Goal Model and animate multi-perspective images
10Motivation (cont.)
- Panorama
- Compact representation
- Easy to produce
- Cost effective for virtual reality (VR)
11Motivation (cont.)
- Panorama Viewer
- Camera pan, zoom, tilt only
- Fixed viewpoint we cant move
- VR techniques giving better VR experience exist,
but too costly - Special hardware
- Large input data
- So, its valuable if can enhance immersive effect
of panorama without much increase in production
and computational costs
- Introduction
- Motivations
- Two IBMR Approaches
- Multi-Perspective Modeling
- Baseline Extrusion
- An Improved Graphical User Interface
- Conclusions
13The TIP Technique
14First Approach Multi-Perspective Modeling (MPM)
- TIP is not applicable for multi-perspective
images - horizons at different levels
- multiple cavities
- Solution introduce local and global models
switch them smoothly
15MPM Global Modeling
16MPM Sub-scene Modeling
- Local model for a sub-scene
17MPM System Overview
For each sub-scene
18MPM Model Switching
Scene entry points
19Panorama as Input
Sub-scene 2
Sub-scene 1
20MPM Model Switching
21Animation Results
- Painting Fishing village in mild snow
- Real scene HKUST Piazza
- Introduction
- Motivations
- Two IBMR Approaches
- Multi-Perspective Modeling
- Baseline Extrusion
- An Improved Graphical User Interface
- Conclusions
23Second Approach Baseline Extrusion
- Targets at panoramic inputs
- Builds a unified model
- Assumptions
- A fixed viewpoint (panorama)
- A flat ground is present in the scene
24Second Approach Baseline Extrusion
- Main Idea
- user draws baselines on perspective views of
the input image to indicate positions and
orientations of billboards - Extrude the baselines to form billboards
25Second Approach Baseline Extrusion
- Basically two types
- Indoor man-made structures
- Outdoor usually a sky is captured
26Longitude and latitude coordinates
- Input image represented as a spherical surface,
with polar coordinates (?, ?)
27Calculation of billboard positions from baseline
28Sample structure inferred from a baseline
29Baseline Extrusion
- Billboard heights will be determined by
- Scanning mask image, or
- Ceiling height
30Specific model component Ceiling Plane
- Define the ceiling height interactively
31Animation Result
Input panorama
- Introduction
- Motivations
- Two IBMR Approaches
- Multi-Perspective Modeling
- Baseline Extrusion
- An Improved Graphical User Interface
- Conclusions
33Graphical User Interface(GUI) Improvement
Perspective Grids
- In TIP, a good GUI is the key!
Spidery mesh
34Deriving model from a spidery mesh
35Drawing Perspective Grids
36Perspective Grids User operations
37Advantages of perspective grids
- Visual modeling
- Show a better sense of depth
- Intuitively estimate the shape of the model
- Tool for non-technical users knowledge of
field-of-view or focal length not required! - Draw the grids using 2D geometry
- Real-time feedback guaranteed
- Proposed two approaches for producing animations
- From a single image with multiple perspectives
- From a panorama
- As extensions of TIP
- Tour into images of higher spatial complexity
- Produce longer animations to make it more
- As extensions of panorama viewing
- Produce animations of higher immersive effect
- Reasonable cost
39Conclusions (cont.)
- Limitations of our IBMR approaches
- Navigation limited by geometry and texture
information captured by the input image - Multi-Perspective Modeling
- Some constrained nodes in animation path
- Not suitable for free navigation
- Baseline Extrusion
- Currently vertical billboards only
- Modeling inclined surfaces complex objects left
as future work - Proposed a minor GUI improvement