Title: Earmark Grant Evaluation: An Introduction and Overview
1Earmark Grant EvaluationAn Introduction and
Presented by Nancy Hewat, Senior Project
Manager Public Policy Associates, Inc. 119 Pere
Marquette Drive Lansing, Michigan
48912-1231 (517) 485-4477 www.publicpolicy.com
May 2005
2Presentation Topics
- The evaluation requirement for earmark grants
- Evaluation overview or Wheres the upside?
- Planning the evaluation
- Logic modeling
- The evaluation process for earmark grants
- Please dont hold your questions!
3The Evaluation Requirement
4Each grantee must
- Conduct or commission an evaluation
- Submit evaluation plan
- Use the evaluation template
- Submit evaluation report shortly after
completion of project activities
5Evaluation Overview or Wheres the upside?
6Evaluation is a mindset
- We are all evaluators
- Evaluation is continuous
- Evaluation looks forward, not just backward
- Involves organizational learning
- Means people working together
7Program evaluation is ...
- The systematic collection of information about
the subject of the evaluation - Used to make decisions about organizations or
programs - Creation
- Improvement
- Effectiveness
8Evaluation allows you to examine ...
- Whats working well
- What is not
- How to improve
- There is no bad news, only news!
9Evaluation looks in two directions
improve program/ project quality (learning from
showing results
10Evaluation requires comparison ...
- of the same group over time
- pre- and post-tests
- trends in community-level data
- of two comparable groups
- at one point in time
- over time
- of your group to a larger group
- county compared to state
11Our Approach
Utilization-Focused Evaluation
- Focuses on intended uses and intended users
- Is inherently participatory and collaborative by
actively involving primary intended users in all
aspects of the evaluation - Leads to ongoing, longer-term commitment to using
evaluation logic and building a culture of
learning in a program or organization
12Benefits of Evaluation
- Program/organizational improvement
- Accountability to funders and others
- Planning
- Program description for stakeholders
- Public relations
- Fund raising
- Policy decision making
- Evaluation has lots of upside!
13Planning the Evaluation
14Elements of the Evaluation Plan
- Who conducts the evaluation?
- Internal or external?
- Experienced or novice?
- When do they do it?
- Along the way or after the fact?
- How much do they do?
- The level of intensity must fit the project
- Too much diverts resources, too little leaves
unanswered questions - What exactly do they do?
- Six major steps
15Evaluation Steps
1. Specify goals
2. Establish measures
3. Collect data
4. Analyze data
5. Prepare reports
6. Improve project
16Step 1 Specify Goals
- Thinking about goals
- What are you trying to accomplish?
- What would success look like?
- What is the difference between the current state
of affairs and what you are trying to create? - Example of a goal statement
- Increase incomes of low-income families in the
region through training for entry-level jobs that
have career ladders leading to good jobs.
17Step 2 Establish Measures
- Determine performance measures
- Must be quantifiable
- Data must be available, reliable, and valid
- Examples of measures
- Process Number of trainees
- Outcome Skill and credential gains
- Impact Wage increases and promotions
18Step 3 Collect Data
- Identify data sources, such as
- Administrative records
- Surveys, interviews, focus groups
- Observation
- Gather data
- Design the instruments and procedures for
collection - Conduct data collection periodically
- Record data
- Organize data
- Create data base
- Verify data
Remember the measures!
19Step 4 Analyze and Interpret Data
- Sort and sift organize data for interpretation
- Cross tabs
- Modeling
- Conduct data analysis to look for
- Changes over time
- Progress relative to goals or standards
- Differences between groups
- Test preliminary interpretation
- This is the most creative step.
20Step 5 Prepare Reports
- Determine reporting schedule
- Report preliminary findings to key stakeholders
and other audiences - Gather reactions
- Incorporate reactions
- Finalize reporting products
- Different audiences need different
types of reports.
21Step 6 Improve Project
- Deliver reporting products internally
- Facilitate strategic and operational planning
- Improve processes and results
- A good evaluation will be more
valuable to you than to DOL!
22Logic Modeling
23Does the project hang together?
- Are the expected outcomes realistic?
- Are there enough resources?
- Do the customers like the product?
- Does the organization have the right skills?
- Logic models help answer these
24A Simple Logic Model
Things needed to run the project People, stuff,
money, etc.
What you do Market, recruit, design, train,
place, etc.
Direct results of activities Training
completers,credentialsawarded, etc.
Changes caused by the project Jobs, wages,
promotions, etc.
25Logic Models Focus on Outcomes
Mission Concise statement of purpose
Goal Broad statement of desired outcome
Objective Measurable statement of an expected
outcome over a period of time
Performance Measures Ongoing quantitative
indicators of objective outcome achievement
26The Evaluation Process for Earmark Grants
27Use the DOL Tools
- The Essential Guide for Writing an Earmark Grant
Proposal - Evaluation Template for Earmark Grantees (to be
provided later)
28Earmark Grant EvaluationAn Introduction and
Presented by Nancy Hewat, Senior Project
Administrator Public Policy Associates, Inc. 119
Pere Marquette Drive Lansing, Michigan
48912-1231 (517) 485-4477 www.publicpolicy.com
May 2005