Title: Camel Thorn Alhagi psudalhagi
1Camel ThornAlhagi psudalhagi
- Spiny, creeping perennial. 1.5- 4 ft.
- Deep penetrating horizontally spreading roots.
- Stems covered with greenish spines.
2Dyers WoadIsatis tinctoria
- 4 ft tall, annual, biennial or short lived
perennial. - Spreads only by seed.
- Thick tap root, up to 5 ft. deep.
3Dyers WoadIsatis tinctoria
- Small yellow flowers in flat topped clusters.
- Fruits, teardrop shape, hang down off the stem.
Purple brown.
4Diffuse KnapweedCentaurea diffusa
- Growth 3 feet
- Stem single, much branched, bushy.
5DiffuseKnapweedCentaurea diffusa
- Flowers white to pinkish.
- Bracts yellowish-green, comblike margin, ending
with a short-stiff spine.
6Russian KnapweedCentaurea repens
- GROWTH Creeping perennial, dense colonies
produced from buds on roots.
7Russian KnapweedCentaurea repens
- ROOTS Deep (25)
- FLOWERS Pink to purple on tips of stems.
- BRACTS papery with pointed margin.
- Causes Chewing Disease.
8Spotted KnapweedCentaurea maculosa
- GROWTH Biennial, 3 ft tall.
- STEM Covered with fine hair.
9Spotted KnapweedCentaurea maculosa
- FLOWER Pink to purple, rarely white. Seed head
bracts are black tipped, appear spotted. - Rosette forms the first year, flower stalks the
second year. - Very aggressive.
10Squarrose KnapweedCentaurea vigata
- Perennial, erect to 18 inches.
- STEMS Many branched, covered with dense fine
11Squarrose KnapweedCentaurea vigata
- LEAVES covered with dense fine hair.
- ROOTS Taproot.
- Sprouts back after fire.
12Squarrose KnapweedCentaurea vigata
- FLOWER at the end of the stems.
- Rose to pink.
- Bract tips spines are sharp, spreading, and
13Yellow Star ThistleCentaurea solstitialis
- FLOWER Develop at tips of stems. Bracts bear
3/4 thorns. - SEEDS
- A single plant can produce 150,000 seeds.
- Plumed unplumed
14Yellow Star ThistleCentaurea solstitialis
- LEAF Leaf clasps stem and appears winged.
15Yellow Star ThistleCentaurea solstitialis
- GROWTH 2-3 ft. annual. Invades Cheatgrass sites.
Spreads rapidly. Changes completely the
habitats that it invades.
16Yellow Star ThistleCentaurea solstitialis
- Dandelion looking rosette forms after
17CanadaThistleCirsium arvense
- Growth Perennial up to 5 ft. tall
- Leaves wavey margins, yellowish spines
18Canada ThistleCirsium arvense
- Flowers Purple, occasionally white
- Stems single, branched near top, hollow
19Musk Thistle Carduus nutans
- GROWTH Erect, up to 7 ft. tall. Biennial,
rosette formed first year, stem elongates the
second year.
20Musk Thistle Carduus nutans
- LEAVES Dark green with light midrib, hairless on
both sides. - STEMS Hairless
- SEEDS Can be in excess of 20,000 per plant.
21Musk Thistle Carduus nutans
- FLOWERS Solitary. Heads nodding by mid summer.
1.5-3 diameter. Bright purple, sometimes white.
Spiny bracts.
22Scotch Thistle Onopordum acantium
- GROWTH Erect, up to 8 ft. tall. Biennial,
rosette formed first year, stem elongates the
second year. - LEAVES Velvet gray, hairy on both sides.
- STEMS Spiny leaf wings extend down onto stem.
23Scotch ThistleOnopordum acantium
- FLOWERS Numerous, spiny rounded on the bottom
but flat on top. Pale purple to violet. Flowers
stand alone on branch tips.
24Dalmatian ToadflaxLinaria genstifolia ssp.
- Creeping perennial. Up to 3 ft tall.
- LEAVES alternate and waxy.
- Heart shaped.
- Clasp the stem.
25Dalmatian ToadflaxLinaria genstifolia ssp.
- Flowers yellow snapdragon-like, with an orange
bearded throat. - 1 long
- Serious problem in Colorado and Arizona.
26Yellow ToadflaxLinaria vulgaris
- Creeping perennial, 1-2 ft tall.
- Narrow, strap like 2 leaves.
- May be harmful to livestock.
27Yellow ToadflaxLinaria vulgaris
- Yellow snapdragon-like flower with an orange
throat. - Referred to as butter and eggs
28Salt CedarTamarix ramosissima
- Growth 5-20 ft shrub or small tree.
- Stems reddish-brown bark, highly branched.
29Salt CedarTamariz ramosissima
- Leaves small, scale-like,
- Flowers pink to white, finger-like clusters.
30Leafy SpurgeEuphorbia esula
- Aggressive, up to 3 ft.
- Milky latex.
- Creeping
- 25 ft deep
- Sprouts from root buds.
31Leafy SpurgeEuphorbia esula
- Yellowish green bracts enclose flowers.
- Seed capsules rupture, throwing seeds up to 15
32Hoary CressWhite Top, PepperweedCardaria draba
- Perennial, 3 ft tall.
- Flowers white, densely clustered.
- Gray/green leaves, clasping.
33Perennial Pepperweed Tall White TopLepidium
- Creeping perennial up to 6 ft. tall.
- Leaves have prominent midvein
- White flowers in a rounded cluster.
34Rush SkeletonweedChondrilla juncea
- Growth Perennial- up to 4 feet.
- Stems Appear leafless. Lower stem covered with
coarse brown hairs - Stems and leaves produce milky latex.
35Rush SkeletonweedChondrilla juncea
- Flower Yellow scattered among branches.
- Basal leaves form a dandelionlike rosette
36Medusahead RyeTaeniatherum caput-medusae
- Growth aggressive winter annual 6-24 inches.
- Leaves rolled
- Flower Long-awned spiked, mature awns twisted
and barbed.