Title: Antecendents of American Education: Historical Foundations
1Antecendents of American Education Historical
2Of What Value Is This To Me?
3(No Transcript)
4Early Education
- Early Forms of Education
- Traditions values passed on verbally
- Skills to survive were taught to the children
5Different Cultures Early Education
- Hindu
- Hebrew
- Chinese
- African
6Influences on Early Organized Education
- Greek
- Age of Pericles
- Education in Greece
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle
7Influences on Early Organized Education
- Roman
- Early Education
- Grammaticus Latin Schools
- Quintilian
8The Passage Of Time And Influences On The
Development Of Education As We Know It.
9The Dark Ages (400 1000 A.D.)
- The Church
- The Dark Ages
- Charlemagne (742 - 814 A.D.)
- Alcuin and Liberal Arts
10The Middle Ages (476 1300 A.D.)
- The Age of Revival (1000 1300 A.D.)
- Aquinas
- Medieval Universities
11The Renaissance(1300 1700 A.D.)
12The Reformation(1500 1700 A.D.)
- Martin Luther
- Melanchthon
- Comenius
13The Modern Period(1700 Present)
- The Age of Reason
- Descartes
- Voltaire
- Rousseau
- Pestalozzi
- Herbart
- Froebel
14A Graphic Perspective of Todays Education
15Formal Education
- Is that which occurs in a more structured
education setting. Representative of this
element would be school/college and
school/college related activities such as taking
a course(s), participating in an athletic event,
holding employment as part of a formal
cooperative technical education program
(internship) and or participating in student
16Informal Education
- Consists of education which typically takes place
away from the school/college environment and is
not a part of the planned educative process.
(Part time volunteer work in hospital, baby
sitting, taking a summer vacation is considered
informal education).
17Formal Education
Informal Education
18Additional Considerations
- Education For Life
- Education For Earning A Living
19Education For Life
- Basic preparation for life as part of ones high
school education may serve as a foundation for
post-secondary education, earning a living or
20Education For Earning A Living
- Likewise, education for earning a living,
received early in ones life, might serve to let
an individual know that a certain occupation or
technical field would or would not be satisfying
to that person.
21Education for Life
Education For Earning A Living
22Formal Education
Education for Life
Education For Earning A Living
Informal Education