Title: Reasons for Heat Treating Wooden Pallets
1Reasons for Heat Treating Wooden Pallets You're
not the only one who may be asking what
heat-treated pallets are. It's possible that
you've heard of heat-treated wood pallets but
have never stopped to consider what makes them
unique from regular pallets. Heat-treated wooden
pallets, crates, and other wooden transport
containers are mandatory in many parts of the
world. What precisely is a heat
treatment? During the heat treatment procedure,
wooden pallets are heated in a specific chamber
until the core reaches 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit
(56 Celsius). This temperature must be
maintained for at least 30 minutes before
cooling. A stamp indicating compliance with ISPM
15 requirements is applied once this procedure is
finished. Why heat treating? For a variety of
reasons, this wood pallet treatment is appealing.
To begin with, it's essential to be able to ship
internationally since heat will kill any insects
that burrow into wood and shield the wood from
infestation. This stops insects from expanding
and encroaching on territory, especially in
locations where they are not native.
Additionally, heat-treated hardwood pallets weigh
less than untreated ones. This can significantly
save shipping costs alone! The quality won't
suffer either in fact, heat treatment will make
your wooden pallets endure even longer.
2SB is pleased to provide heat-treated wooden
pallets for sale that can be sent
internationally. They adhere completely to ISPM
15 requirements to make sure that you only
receive safe products for use. Contact them right
now to discuss your logistical needs! Contact
Vijay Konesh SB Pallets 1300 Ellesmere Road,
Scarborough, ON M1P 2X9 (416) 615
0959 info_at_sandb.ca https//www.sandb.ca/