Title: Buy black dragon labs Aromanex Protein Online
1Buy black dragon labs Aromanex Protein Online
Black Dragon Labs
2Aromanex Estrogen Inhibitor
Aromanex rewrites the standard for natural
hormonal support. Many companies claim they have
the latest and greatest, but here with
Aromanex, Black Dragon Labs truly does have the
latest and greatest. Aromanex utilizes the
power of 3,4-Divanillytetrahydrofuran extract to
increase free testosterone levels. The body
becomes more anabolic and efficient in protein
synthesis, resulting in muscle gains, strength
gains and body fat reduction. Combining this
extract with Bulbine Natalensis, a potent herb
from South Africa that promotes testosterone
production and estrogen reduction.
3Aromanex Estrogen Inhibitor
In a study done by the University of Fort Hare in
South Africa, one group was administered Bulbine
Natalensis and one group was not. In the group
that was taking Bulbine Natalensis, their
testosterone levels increased by 347 more than
the control group. It was also noted that Bulbine
Natalensis group had 35 lower estrogen levels
than the control group. Fenugreek 41 and Trans
Resveratrol 50 has also been added to this
testosterone amplifying formula for additional
support and promotion. Fenugreek 41 supports a
healthy male and can mimic testosterone-like
behavior for an increased testosterone
amplification. Trans Resveratrol 50 increases
both the Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle
Stimulating Hormone that signals the testes to
increase production of natural testosterone.
Studies have proven that Trans Resveratrol 50
increases the production of these hormones by 2.7
times greater than a control group.
4Aromanex Estrogen Inhibitor
INHIBIT Your Estrogen-producing
Aromatase CLEANSE Your Body These statements
have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.
5Aromanex Estrogen Inhibitor
- Stinging Nettle Extract creates more free
testosterone by binding to your bodys SHBG. - Acacetin (5,7 Dihydroxy-4-Methoxyflavone) is the
strongest known natural anti aromatase compound
yet discovered that wreaks havoc on estrogen
levels. - DIM (Diindoylymethane) promotes estrogen
metabolism resulting in less estradiol bad
estrogen resulting in diminished estrogen
related side effects. - Milk Thistle contains Silymarin, a potent
antioxidant that supports liver
detoxification and rejuvenation
6Black Dragon Labs 6750 E 46th Ave Dr 400,
Denver, CO 80216 USA https//www.blackdragon-lab