Title: Water Meter Box - Proxl Global
1Water Meter Protection Box
- Proxl Global is one of the biggest manufacturers,
suppliers, and distributors of water meter boxes.
2The Water Meter Boxes come in the two most
popular colors such as blue and black. The
standard box covers size 5/8 x 1/2" and 3/4"
water meters.
3Plastic Water Meter Boxes
- These boxes are very solid and tough comparably
to the cast iron or solid meter boxes. The most
popular polyethylene plastic is used, which is
known for its quality and capacity to withstand a
huge measure of weight.
4Evolution of the Meter Box
- This cover has come a long way in style, shape,
color, and purpose.
5The Underground Water Meter Box is used in
suitable areas that can easily fit, also can be
used in pedestrian areas. These meter boxes are
durable and strong, which are extremely
Mr. R. K. Sharma Call 9654658968 Address- 308/6,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi, Delhi, India
110052 https//proxl.co.in/