Title: Technologies
1Technology Integration
2Technology Integration Coordinator
- Primary Focus
- to enrich and support teaching
- and learning
- to strengthen technology
- skills of teachers, etc.
- Responsibilities include
- Collaborating with teachers to support their use
of technology in integrating the curriculum
through a variety of instructional methods
3What is an Integrated Lesson?
- A lesson where technology is
- used to enhance the lesson
- used on a regular basis
- a part of the natural learning process
Productivity Software
Word Processing (reports, lesson plans, etc.
Spreadsheets (organize, categorize, etc.
PowerPoint (presentations, review lessons, etc.
Internet (research, lesson plans, presentations,
- Listening exercises provide both sound and visual
input (contextual clues) - Students interact with the computer and use motor
skills which provide a reinforcing effect - Students move along at their own pace
Teachers and students can record their
own comments or descriptive phrases on a
PowerPoint presentation.
Improves self-confidence
7Digital Camera Memory Card Reader
Catch the Moment!
Photograph completed projects
Record images for reports
Share classroom activities
Lesson ideas for using the digital camera
8(No Transcript)
9Bring it all together ---
Sample Lesson - Grade 1 Guess What?
- This lesson addresses these 7 Language Arts
Standards - Standard 6 (Grammar, Spelling)
- Standard 11, 12 (Listening Skills)
- Standard 2 (Phonics)
- Standards 5, 6, 4, 13 (Written Language)
- Standards 2, 7 (Reading)
- Standard 4 (Oral Language)
- Cross Curriculum (Art/Technology)
2 ? lab classes and discussion in the classroom
10Name-- Terasa Guessing Game? Try to guess me-
give me a try!
I'm green
and colorful.
You see me in the winter.
What am I ?
11I am a Christmas tree.
13Power Point Presentations
Here are some samples of how a PowerPoint can
enhance a lesson!
- Gr. 2 Language Arts - ABC Order
- Gr. 5 Math - Associative Property
- Gr. 7 Science - Anatomy Quiz
14ABC Order
Created by Connie Campbell
15Alphabetical Order The first letter of the word
is used to tell where the word would appear in
ABC order. Look at these words box car a
pple The word apple would come first because a
comes before b or c in the alphabet.
16Put these words in ABC order.
cat ape bear
1. ape
2. bear
3. cat
17On your paper put these words in ABC order.
1. pizza clock book
2. mouse house blouse
3. fish man child
18Here are the words in ABC order.
2. blouse house mouse
1. book clock pizza
3. child fish man
19On your paper put these words in ABC order.
1. funny sad mad
2. tree bush plant
3. mom dad grandpa
20These words are shown in ABC order.
1. funny mad sad
2. bush plant tree
3. dad grandpa mom
21Now that you have learned to put words in
alphabetical order, show a friend how to do it!
22Associative Property
23Before a couple are married they are considered
as two separate people.
24After the marriage, they are considered as one.
25These numbers are all separate.
26The numbers with parentheses around them are
counted as one number.
- (4 5) 9 3
- 6 x 3 x (8 x 4)
27Therefore, the operations inside the parentheses
must be done first.
- (4 5) 9 3
- 6 x 3 x (8 x 4)
28The numbers are associated together.
- Associative Property the addition or
multiplication of a set of numbers is the same no
matter how the numbers are grouped.
(4 3) 9 16
4 (3 9) 16
- Parentheses the enclosing symbols ( ) which
indicate that the terms within are considered as
one unit.
(4 3) 9 16
31Order of Operations
- The operations within parentheses must be done
first before the other operations.
(4 3) 9 16
7 9 16
32Solve these problems
- (76 13) 20
- 60 (45 - 23)
- (329 200) 125
- 75 (25 -13)
- 88 (55 13)
33Solve these problems
- (76 13) 20
- 60 (45 - 23)
- (329 200) 125
- 75 (25 -13)
- 88 (55 13)
- Did you remember to do the operations in the
parentheses () first?
35Solve these problemsLet n 5
- (16 n) 4
- n (3 1)
- (n n) 8
- 24 (n 7)
- 14 (n 13)
- Did you remember to do the operations in the
parentheses () first?
37Insert parentheses to make each equation true
- 11 5 1 5
- 15 - 10 8 13
- 8 2 7 13
- 9 3 2 10
38Written by Moncia Yuskaitis
- Clipart from Broderbund ClickArt 125,000
Deluxe Image Pak - Clipart from Corel Gallery by Corel Corp.
39Anatomy How much do you know about the body?
Created by Connie Campbell
40Respiratory System
Which do you inhale when you breathe oxygen or
carbon dioxide?
41When you inhale you breathe in oxygen. When you
breathe out you exhale carbon dioxide.
42When you inhale, does your chest expand or
43When you inhale, your chest expands.
44Which is a muscle in your chest the larynx,
trachea, or diaphragm?
45The diaphragm is a muscle in your chest.
46What system distributes oxygen and nutrients to
our body cells?
47The circulatory system distributes oxygen and
nutrients to our body cells.
48What vessels in the human body carry blood away
from the heart?
49Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
50How long does it take blood to circulate
throughout your body?
51It takes blood about one minute to circulate
throughout your body.
52Which cells in your body destroy germs red or
53The white cells in your body destroy germs.
54Is the aorta part of the human heart, lungs, or
55The aorta is part of the human heart.
56Which vessels return blood to the heart veins
or arteries?
57Veins return blood to the heart.
58What do surgeons remove from the body during an
59Surgeons remove the appendix from the body during
an appendectomy.
60The pituitary gland helps you grow. Is it
attached to your brain or your liver?
61The pituitary gland is attached to your brain.
62Which is the recessive gene blue eyes, brown
eyes, or curly hair?
63Blue eyes are created by a recessive gene.
64Which protects you from disease your immune
system or your nervous system?
65Your immune system protects you from disease.
66Are most bones in the body connected by tendons
or ligaments?
67Most bones in the body are connected by ligaments.
68Are vocal cords located inside your larynx,
trachea, or esophagus?
69The vocal cords are located inside your larynx.
70Where are your adenoids?
71Your adenoids are in your throat.
72What is the kidneys main waste product?
73The kidneys main waste product is urine.
74Is undigested food stored in the large intestine,
small intestine, or both?
75Undigested food stored in the large intestine.
76Are cells that transmit sensory messages called
nerve cells or muscle cells?
77Cells that transmit sensory messages called nerve
78Do the optic nerves help you see, hear, smell, or
79Optic nerves help you see.
- Scan and resize small objects, allowing students
to study details (i.e., a penny) - Scan pictures from books to make a collection of
graphics on an assigned topic add text to
explain the graphics
Find other ideas at http//extend.unb.ca/thelink/
81Flash Drive
- Ways for students and teachers to save work
- Floppy Disk 1.4 MB
- CD-R 650 - 850 MB
- DVD-R 1.4 4.7 GB
- Flash Drive up to 8 GB
82TV or Projector
- Bring the curriculum to life
- Present material from
- a Word document
- a PowerPoint
- a Website
- BrainPop or BrainPop Jr.
- United Streaming
- etc.
- Save documents
- Download educational sites
- vocabulary lessons from Sadlier-Oxford are
available for download - www.sadlier-oxford.com
Another example The American Nation (Prentice
84Interactive Whiteboard
- Like a blackboard with many pages
- Move backwards or forwards as needed
- Insert pictures, graphs, charts
- Students can interact with the whiteboard
- Bring your lessons alive!
Smart Board or Mimio
Mimio Board
85Vernier- Let's Go Elementary Science!
Using Probes for Temperature, Motion, etc.
86Software Programs
- Here are some of the popular programs for
elementary schools - Kidspiration
- Inspiration
- Graph Club 2 or Graphers
- Scholastic Keys (an overview program for MS
Office with a kid-friendly interface)
- Google for lesson plan ideas, such as
- punctuation lesson plans
- Civil War lesson plans
- black history lesson plans
- saints lesson plans
- etc.
Quick Easy
88Interactive Websites
- Virtual Field Trips, Videos Webcasts
- Examples http//www.exploratorium.edu/
- Science from the Poles
oles.html - Webquests (by topic or by grade and subject)
- Newspaper Clipping Generator
- http//www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.
asp - Class Tools http//www.classtools.net/
- 15 flash programs covering various curriculum
89Pass it on ---
Help your teachers find their way to Technology
Please share any or all of this PowerPoint with
your teachers.