Title: Is Your Custom-Made Suit of High Quality?
1Is Your Custom-Made Suit of High Quality? Custom
made suits in London have peaked in
popularity over the last few years. These
days, more and more men are making using
of endless scopes of buying customs suits.
Features of a custom suit like pick stitching,
pattern matching, although subtle, tell an
individual story of a well-made suit. When it
comes to custom-made suits, there are a
great many attributes to look for. However,
the tell-tale signs of a custom-made suit
speak for themselves. While they are subtle,
they are unique in the world of custom suits for
So, the question is, How do you know if
your custom suit is of high quality? Here
is how Does Your Custom Suit Fit Well? Fit is
the first thing that comes across your
mind. You will know a good fit when you
see it. A good custom-made suit will have sleeves
of the right length. Its body will be shaped and
contoured around the torso. The shoulders
will be right where they should be. The
jacket lapel will lay flat on its chest
without creating a gap between the collar
on the back of its neck. See If the Buttonholes
Work Working sleeve buttonholes are the
stories of old days when every jacket used
to be bespoke with all-functional buttonholes
on their sleeves. Historically, military
surgeons used to wear jackets that they
could easily roll up while offering help to
a wounded soldier. Today, these working
buttonholes are not only nods to their
practical beginnings, but they still serve a
2What about Pick Stitching? Pick stitching is
often a thing of negligence on off-the-rack
suits. It is labor intensive and a little
difficult to do well. It is a subtle detail
that can add some life to a suit if done
correctly. Look for it in your custom suit
along the lapel and pocket flaps. Pattern
Matching If It Is Done Right Pattern matching
is something you ought to have a keen
eye for details. Do the pockets line up with
the rest of the suit? Simply put, was the pocket
fabric haphazardly sewn on? Was due care taken
while lining up the pattern on the pocket with
the rest of the suit? Is There Material Label
Present? A bespoke suit always says what
natural fibers it uses. Whether it is a
ready-to-wear or made-to-measure garment, look
for the label inside. Maybe the material
consists of wool, cashmere, cotton, or silk. A
big NO for polyester and nylon. Is the Collar
Hand Sewn? For your bespoke suit, be sure
to raise the collar of its coat to see
how it is sewn on. A quality mens suit
is hand sewn. With some practice,
your eyes will be ready to distinguish
a hand sewn collar from a machine sewn
one. Check for Some Fabric Reserve in the
Pants An easy way to check the fabric reserve is
to look in the pants. Flip them over and take a
look at the sides. See if there is some
fabric reserve. If there are at least two
inches of fabric reserve, you will know
that it is a work of a quality tailor.
After all, poor quality suits usually save on
the fabric, limiting any room to expand.
3What Makes for a Custom Suit It Is in the
Details Itself Often what keeps apart a
well-made suit from the rest is simply a
matter of details. So, look for these
details when you have a custom suit in
your hand and know if it is of high
quality. You will know if it is a bespoke suit
when you look for these signs closely.
Online Consultation Contact Person - Finlay
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W1J 8NR Country - United Kingdom Website -
https//www.bespokesuits.london/ PH No - 44 207
183 2372 Mail - info_at_bespokesuits.london