Title: Best Meditation Classes In Queens, NY (2)
1Best Meditation Classes in Queens, NY
Guided meditation for everyone, any goal.
2People are incomplete because instead of living
in the world, which is Truth, they live inside
their own mind world, which is made up of their
life lived (karma), habits that were inherited
from the ancestors, and the body. People create
their own false mind worlds by storing their
memories as images and because of this they live
trapped inside these self-made worlds.
Flushing Meditation Method
3Free meditation consultation
Book Now
4Opt for the best meditation classes in Queens, NY
now that are offered in cheap. The leading
meditation experts are going to conduct. the best
meditation classes in Queens, NY for you and will
help you learn more about how you can meditate in
the right manner.
53202 150th Pl. Flushing, NY, USA
Meditation Sessions Daily
Phone No - 718-353-6678
Email - flushingmeditation_at_gmail.com
(In-Person and Online) Mon - Fri 7 AM - 9 PM
Sat 10 AM - 7 PM Sun 10 AM - 4 PM
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