Australian Stimulus Package: What You Should Know

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Australian Stimulus Package: What You Should Know


Australian Stimulus Package: Federal Government has outlined new measures in a stimulus package worth nearly $18 billion. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Australian Stimulus Package: What You Should Know

Australian Stimulus Package What You Should Know
  • The Australian Government and banking
    institutions have united to assist small
    businesses weather economic uncertainty.
  • This page is a list of the concessions and help
    available to businesses.
  • Federal Government
  • On 12 March, the Government has announced a 17.6
    billion economic plan to deal with the
    significant challenges posed by the spread of the
  • This initial package has been expanded with a
    further announcement on 22 March that brings the
    consolidated assistance provided by the Federal
    Government to 189 Billion.

  • Supporting business investment
  • Providing cash flow assistance to help small and
    medium sized business to stay in business and
    keep their employees in jobs
  • Targeted support for the most severely affected
    sectors, regions and communities
  • Household stimulus payments that will benefit the
    wider economy
  • The Government plans to introduce the package of
    Bills for the relief measures into Parliament on
    23 March. What has been announced is set out

  • i) 100 Cashback on PAYG Withholding, up to
  • Business entities with annual aggregated turnover
    of less than 50 million that withhold tax to the
    ATO on their employees salary and wages will
    receive a payment equal to 100 of the amount
    withheld, up to a maximum payment of 100,000.
  • Eligible businesses that pay salary and wages
    will receive a minimum payment of 20,000, even
    if they are not required to withhold tax.

  • The ATO will deliver the payment as a credit to
    the business upon lodgment of their activity
    statements. Where this places the business in a
    refund position, the ATO will deliver the refund
    within 14 days. The payment will be a tax-free
    refund or credit.
  • The payment will be tax free and delivered by the
    ATO as a credit in your Business Activity
    Statement (BAS) from 28 April 2020. Quarterly BAS
    lodgers will get the credit in the June-20
    quarter BAS. Monthly IAS lodgers will get a
    credit of 100 from the March-20 IAS up to the
    June-20 IAS. Any existing debt with the ATO this
    will be offset against your existing liability.
  • The Government has also announced that there will
    be an additional payment in the July October
    2020 period equal to the total of all the
    payments made in the period prior to June
    limited to the maximum threshold of 100,000.

  • The benefit is for limited time only and applies
    to the PAYG Withholding on wages between 1
    January 2020 and 30 June 2020.
  • If for example you have spent more than 100,000
    in PAYGW for the 6 month period between 1 January
    and 30 June 2020, you should receive 100,000
    from the Government. If you have spent 30,000 in
    PAYGW for the same period, you will get 30,000.
    These credit will be applied by the ATO as from
    28 April.
  • Any employer that has received the maximum 100k
    payment will not be entitled to a further payment
    in the July October quarter. The employer that,
    for example, received a 30,000 refund will
    receive a further 30,000 refund in the July
    October quarter.

  • How to apply?This credit will automatically be
    processed upon lodgement for your BAS and IAS by
  • ii) 50 subsidy on apprentice wages, up to
  • Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy
    of 50 of apprentice or trainee wages for up to 9
    months from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
    (up to a maximum of 21,000 per eligible
    apprentice or trainee).
  • If a small business is not able to retain an
    apprentice, the subsidy will be available to a
    new employer that employs that apprentice.
  • How to apply?Employers can register for the
    subsidy from early April 2020 with final claims
    for payment due by 31 December 2020.

  • iii) Instant asset write-off increase
  • For new or second-hand assets first used or
    installed ready for use from 12 March until 30
    June 2020, the instant asset write-off threshold
    will be increased from 30,000 to 150,000 for
    businesses with aggregated annual turnover of
    less than 500 million (up from the current 50
    million threshold). The threshold applies on a
    per asset basis, so eligible businesses can
    immediately write-off multiple assets.
  • The threshold will revert to 1,000 for small
    businesses (for businesses with a turnover less
    than 10 million) from 1 July 2020.

  • iv) 50 investment incentive
  • The Government is introducing a time limited 15
    month investment incentive (to 30 June 2021).
    Businesses with aggregated annual turnover of
    less than 500 million per annum will be entitled
    to accelerated depreciation deductions. Eligible
    businesses will be able to deduct 50 of the cost
    of an eligible asset upon installation. Assets
    must be acquired after 12 March 2020 and first
    used or installed by 30 June 2021.
  • There is no asset value threshold for this 50
    investment incentive and the existing
    depreciation rules will continue to apply to the
    remaining balance of the assets cost over its
    effective life. Therefore, an eligible asset will
    generate the immediate deduction of 50, plus in
    the same year will generate a Division 40
    depreciation deduction calculated in accordance
    with the normal depreciation rules.

  • How to apply?This credit will be processed on
    the preparation and lodgement of your 2020 income
    tax return.
  • Tax Payment Deferrals
  • The ATO has announced a series of payment
    deferral concessions for businesses directly
    impacted by COVD-19. These concessions are
  • Deferring by up to 4 months the payment date of
    amounts due through the business activity
    statement (including PAYG instalments), income
    tax assessments, fringe benefits tax assessments
    and excise duty.

  • Allowing businesses on a quarterly reporting
    cycle to opt into monthly GST reporting in order
    to get faster access to GST refunds they may be
    entitled to.
  • Allowing businesses to vary Pay As You Go (PAYG)
    instalment amounts to zero for the March 2020
    quarter. Businesses that vary their PAYG
    instalment to zero can also claim a refund for
    any instalments made for the September 2019 and
    December 2019 quarters.
  • Remitting any interest and penalties, incurred on
    or after 23 January 2020, that have been applied
    to tax liabilities and
  • Allowing affected businesses to enter into
    low-interest payment plans for their existing and
    ongoing tax liabilities

  • How to apply?The ATO assistance is not
    automatic, contact your iKeep team, who will
    approach the ATO to request assistance, and if
    eligible, the ATO will tailor the assistance
    package for you.
  • Non-iKeep clients can call the ATOs Emergency
    Support Infoline on 1800 806 218 to discuss
    relief options based on their needs and
  • Temporary relief for financially distressed
  • The Government has also announced a series of
    measures that are aimed at lessening the threat
    of legal action against businesses that could
    cause them to become insolvent and force them
    into liquidation.

  • These measures include
  • An increase to the threshold at which creditors
    can issue a statutory demand on a company and
    initiate bankrupt proceedings against an
    individual. The new threshold limit has not been
    released yet.
  • The time companies and individuals have to
    respond to statutory demands they receive will be
    increased. Now 6 months, previously 21 days.
  • Directors are temporarily relieved from any
    personal liability for trading while insolvent.
  • New measures that introduce some flexibility to
    the Corporations Act 2001 targeted at providing
    relief from the provisions of the Act to deal
    with the unforeseen events that arise as a result
    of the Coronavirus health crisis have been
    announced. No further detail is available as to
    what these amendments are.

  • The Government also announced that the ATO will
    tailor solutions for owners and directors that
    are currently struggling due to the Coronavirus.
    The assistance offered by the ATO to business
    will including a temporary reduction of payments
    or deferrals of tax liabilities, or withholding
    enforcement of liabilities by not proceeding with
    actions such as Director Penalty Notices and the
    wind-up of a business.
  • How to apply?The ATO assistance is not
    automatic, contact your Kelly Partners client
    director, who will approach the ATO to request
    assistance, and if eligible, the ATO will
    tailor the assistance package for you.
  • Non- iKeep clients can call the ATOs Emergency
    Support Infoline on 1800 806 218 to discuss
    relief options based on their needs and

  • Supporting the flow of credit
  • The Government, the Reserve Bank of Australia and
    the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
    have taken coordinated action to ensure the flow
    of credit in the Australian economy. These
    measures include
  • Support for immediate cash flow needs for SMEs
    Under the Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme, the
    Government will provide a guarantee of 50 to SME
    lenders to support new short-term unsecured loans
    to SMEs. The Scheme will guarantee up to 40
    billion of new lending.
  • Quick and efficient access to credit for small
    business The Government is cutting red tape by
    providing a temporary exemption from responsible
    lending obligations for lenders providing credit
    to existing small business customers.

  • Reserve Bank of Australia Supporting the flow
    and reducing the cost of creditThe Reserve Bank
    of Australia (RBA) announced a package on 19
    March 2020 that will put downward pressure on
    borrowing costs for households and businesses.
  • The RBA announced a term funding facility for the
    banking system. Banks will have access to at
    least 90 billion in funding at a fixed interest
    rate of 0.25 per cent. This will reinforce the
    benefits of a lower cash rate by reducing funding
    costs for banks, which in turn will help reduce
    interest rates for borrowers. To encourage
    lending to businesses, the facility offers
    additional low-cost funding to banks if they
    expand their business lending, with particular
    incentives applying to new loans to SMEs.

  • In addition, the RBA announced a further easing
    in monetary policy by reducing the cash rate to
    0.25 per cent. It is also extending and
    complementing the interest rate cut by taking
    active steps to target a 0.25 per cent yield on
    3-year Australian Government Securities.
  • Support for Non-ADI and smaller ADI lenders in
    the securitisation market.
  • The Government is providing the Australian Office
    of Financial Management (AOFM) with 15 billion
    to invest in structured finance markets used by
    smaller lenders, including non-Authorised
    Deposit-Taking Institutions (non-ADI) and smaller
    Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions (ADI).
    This support will be provided by making direct
    investments in primary market securitisations by
    these lenders and in warehouse facilities.

  • Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
    Ensuring banks are well placed to lend
  • The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority
    has announced temporary changes to its
    expectations regarding bank capital ratios. The
    changes will support banks lending to customers,
    particularly if they wish to take advantage of
    the new facility being offered by the RBA.
  • 2) State Government NSW
  • Payroll Tax Concessions
  • For businesses whose total grouped Australian
    wages for the 2019/20 financial year is less than

  • will have their annual tax liability reduced by
    25 when they lodge their annual reconciliation,
    which is due on 28 July.
  • For those taxpayers who lodge and pay monthly, no
    payment is required for the months of March,
    April or May 2020 ie. the payroll tax is
    completely waived
  • When lodging your annual reconciliation, you will
    still need to provide wage details paid in these
    months and will receive the benefit of a 25
    reduction in the amount of tax you would have had
    to pay for 2019-20.
  • How to apply?
  • This will be automatically applied for the
    payroll tax returns covering above mentioned

  • will have their annual tax liability reduced by
    25 when they lodge their annual reconciliation,
    which is due on 28 July.
  • For those taxpayers who lodge and pay monthly, no
    payment is required for the months of March,
    April or May 2020 ie. the payroll tax is
    completely waived
  • When lodging your annual reconciliation, you will
    still need to provide wage details paid in these
    months and will receive the benefit of a 25
    reduction in the amount of tax you would have had
    to pay for 2019-20.
  • How to apply?
  • This will be automatically applied for the
    payroll tax returns covering above mentioned

  • Other ConcessionsThe NSW government has also
    announced the following concessions
  • The raising of the NSW payroll tax threshold to
    1 million as from July 2020 anda waiver of a
    range of fees and charges for small businesses
    including bars, cafes, restaurants and tradies.
  • VIC
  • The Victorian government has announced a 1.7
    billion economic survival and jobs package that
    includes the following assistance to SME

  • SME businesses with payrolls of less than 3
    million will be refunded their payroll tax.
    Payments to eligible businesses will commence
    from 23 March.
  • SME businesses with payrolls of less than 3
    million will also be able to defer any payroll
    tax for the first three months of the 2020/21
    financial year until 1 January 2021.
  • Commercial tenants in government buildings can
    apply for rent relief.
  • A Business Support Fund will be established to
    support the hardest hit sectors, including
    hospitality, tourism, accommodation, arts and
    entertainment, and retail.

  • How to apply?Vic businesses can now access
    information on the support services being
    provided on dealing with COVID-19, including how
    to access financial support available through the
    national stimulus package, by calling the
    Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15. A
    coronavirus business support page has also been
    created. Find it here.
  • QLD
  • Interest Free State Government LoansThe QLD
    Government will offer 500m in loans to eligible
    businesses to retain employees and maintain
    operations. Details are
  • Loans up to 250,000

  • First 12 months interest free
  • Currently taking expressions of interest before
    rolling out the concessional loans
  • How to apply?Expressions of interest application
    is herePayroll Tax Concessions
  • Deferred payroll tax returns until 31 July
    2020Payroll Tax Concession Summary
  • How to apply?
  • Complete the online payroll tax deferral
    application form

  • 3) Banks and Lending Institutions
  • Specific COVID-19 concessions have been announced
    by the following banks
  • i) Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
  • Deferring repayments on a variety of business
    loan and overdraft products, for 6-months.
  • Reducing commercial interest rates by 0.25
  • Waiving merchant terminal fees for impacted
    customers with CBA payment terminals, for 90
  • Waiving early redraw fees on business term
    deposit accounts (including Farm Management
    Deposit accounts).
  • Waiving establishment fees and excess interest on
    Temporary Excess products.

  • Deferring repayments on vehicle and equipment
    finance loans, and providing tailored
    restructuring options that meet individual
    customer needs.
  • How to apply?Speak with your CBA Bank Manager.
  • ii) ANZ
  • Suspending interest repayments
  • Deferral of business loan repayments for up to 6
    months, assessed on a case-by-case basis
  • Providing early access to term deposits without
    incurring break fees
  • Providing access to additional credit subject to

  • How to apply?Contact ANZ or your relationship
  • iii) NAB
  • Deferral of business loan repayments for up to 6
    months, assessed on a case-by-case basis
  • Extension of a business loan term by a period of
    up to three months, where individual
    circumstances warrant
  • Support to restructure existing business loans,
    including equipment finance
  • Business credit card deferred repayments.
  • How to apply?Contact NAB or your relationship

  • iv) Westpac
  • Continuing its hardship assistance program
  • Deferral of business loan repayments for up to 6
    months, assessed on a case-by-case basis
  • How to apply?Contact Westpac or your
    relationship manager

  • v) Bendigo
  • Home Loan and Business Loan customers can apply
    for relief on loans for up to three months
  • Waiver of fees for the restructuring or
    consolidation of loans
  • Credit card customers can apply for an emergency
    credit card limit increase
  • Discounted interest rates on new personal loans
    taken out by existing Bendigo Bank customers
  • Waiver of interest rate reduction for early
    withdrawals on term deposits prior to maturity
  • Deferral of payments and extensions for Equipment
    Finance on a case by case basis

  • How to apply?
  • Contact Bendigo Bank or your relationship manager
  • https//
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