Title: All About The SBLC Leasing And The Documentary Credit
2All About The SBLC Leasing And The Documentary
Commercial exchanges represent the basis of our
economy, in particular via the SBLC leasing or
the letter of credit. From the outset, commerce
has consisted of an exchange between at least two
people. At first, people exchanged objects and
products that they considered to have the same
value or whose quantity they adjusted so that the
exchange seemed fair. Subsequently, money was
created as a medium of exchange. Thus, a person
wishing to acquire a product from another person
no longer needs to exchange it for one of his own
products. All he/she has to do is exchange it for
3Even today, money is the medium of exchange used
in most transactions. However, since trade is no
longer just local, but global, there can be quite
a bit of time between a buyers order and a
sellers delivery. When it comes to large
amounts, the seller requires a guarantee from the
buyer that at the time of delivery, the latter
will have a sufficient amount. At these times,
lease SBLC will be used efficiently. The letter
of credit is the documentary credit which
precisely guarantees that payment will take
4SBLC Leasing and its uses
It is also called SBLC since this acronym simply
means standby letter of credit. The SBLC letter
of credit is a document issued by the banking
establishment in the name of the buyer. It
guarantees that in the event of a default in
payment by the latter, the bank will replace
itself in order to ensure payment from the
seller. In other words, the lease SBLC can be
compared to a form of insurance that guarantees
that the financial contract will be well
established, whatever the events. An SBLC leasing
is therefore not intended to be actually used,
but it allows the buyer to reassure the seller.
5To obtain a letter of credit, the buyer must
apply for it from his bank. The document is then
sent to the seller by the buyer. If ever the
buyer cannot pay the seller, the latter only has
to turn to the advising bank, which will then
obtain reimbursement from the issuing bank. The
letter of credit is an operation that consists of
a banking institution undertaking on behalf of a
buyer to make payment to a seller. More
specifically, via this process, the buyer agrees
that the payment will be made within a specific
6The issuing bank makes the payment to an advising
bank which then issues a confirmation of payment
to the seller. The seller is thus guaranteed to
be paid since it is the bank that takes care of
it and as soon as the documentary credit is set
up, the seller is certain to receive his
payment. Indeed, the SBLC leasing is above all a
guarantee that is used if the buyer can no longer
make the payment.