If you ever ask yourself “am I addicted to Gabapentin?” Here is your answer Since Gabapentin Or Neurontin does not interacts with the opioids receptors but it targets GABA neurotransmitter instead, It is not considered to be very addictive. With this being said, you also have to consider neurontin can produce withdrawal symptoms to those who quit before completing their recommended dosage or among those people who abuse the consumption of this medicine. Also, Gabapentin is a sedative and can create high so it likely the some individuals may get psychologically dependent on its consumption. Gabapentin’s unique ability to cure multiple ailments at once has made it one of the most prescribed drugs if not the most prescribed medicine in USA. While there are many companies out their selling gabapentin and other drugs online but medlifetime remains one of the best source to Buy Neurontin (Gabapentin) Online in USA – PowerPoint PPT presentation