Title: Hair Loss And PRP Injections
1Hair Loss And PRP Injections
50 -100 hairs on the comb or pillow are normal
but if you see a lot of hair, you have to worry
about the occurrence of hair loss. Hair loss can
be temporary or permanent. If the hair loss is
temporary, you can treatment the condition with
the help of medications and treatments like PRP
treatment in Indore. As the name suggests,
permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness is
not treatable with the help of medicines or hair
products. There are a lot of reasons that trigger
hair loss in the scalp. Have a look at the
following reasons! Stress Stress may cause hair
loss. When your body experiences physical or
mental stress, stress hormones are released in
the body to stop the growth of hair. This
condition is temporary. Hair will grow again if
you reduce the level of stress.
2Poor diet Just like other parts of body, your
hair also needs proper nutrition. if you do not
have proper diet for a long time, your hair roots
become weak to show the signs of hair thinning
and hair loss. Seasonal effects Cold or hot air,
sunshine, and UV rays also affect your hair. So,
changing seasonal conditions also cause
temporary hair loss. Medical reasons Pregnancy
and menopause may bring hair loss in female
patients. Moreover, they may lose hair after
giving the birth to a baby as well. Chronic
illness may promote hair loss in both men or
women as well. Hairstyles If you often wear
tight hairstyles, your hair follicles may
experience pressure for a long time. As a
result, hair roots become weak to invite hair
loss. Genetic reasons Hair loss may takes place
due to genetic reasons as well. This type of hair
loss is called male pattern baldness. So, these
are common reasons that promote hair loss in your
scalp. You need proper hair loss treatment in
Indore after you observe the signs like hair
thinning and hair loss. PRP hair treatment is an e
ffective treatment for hair loss. Experts
recommend it for several types of hair
loss. Therefore, you also can get favorable
results with the help of this treatment. How does
PRP work? PRP means platelet rich plasma.
Platelet rich plasma is a part of your blood
that has growth factors.
3The expert will extract a blood sample from your
arm and spin it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge
machine will show three layers called platelet
rich plasma, platelet poor plasma, and red blood
cells. As you may assume, the expert will collect
platelet rich plasma and make PRP
injections. The expert will inject PRP injections
into the scalp to get positive results. It is
possible you need multiple sessions of PRP
according to the condition of your scalp and
hair. Moreover, the experts have to determine
your candidacy as well to perform the
treatment. You may visit the Marmm Klinik if you
need proper PRP hair loss treatment in Indore
under the supervision of skilled and experienced