Title: Stability of Flowing NonNewtonian Liquids of Cylindrical Shape
1Stability of Flowing Non-Newtonian Liquids of
Cylindrical Shape
- Kazem Edmond, A.D. Dinsmore,
- Department of Physics, U. Mass., Amherst
- J.P. Rothstein,
- Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, U. Mass., Amherst - Manuel Marquez
- Kraft Foods, Inc. and Los Alamos National
- Ultimate Goal Develop a method for the
self-assembly of rigid cylinders. - Coat cylindrical fluid interfaces with
3Motivation Continued
- Develop a consistent method for the creation of
long-lived coherent jets. - Build a device that produces cylindrically shaped
fluid interfaces via flowing streams of water and
- Motivation
- Part 1 Jetting
- History and Previous Work
- Design of Apparatus
- Results
- Part 2 Encapsulation
- History
- Results (Self-Assembled Cylinders)
- Conclusion
5Spheres are easy
- Droplets of water suspended in oil normally form
spheres, and not cylinders. - But we need a cylindrical fluid interface
A sphere maximizes volume, while minimizing
surface area, resulting in the least amount of
surface tension. Less surface tension requires a
lower amount of free surface energy.
6but cylinders are hard.
- While we cannot force droplets to be cylindrical,
jets of water are naturally cylindrical. - To produce jets
- Overcome the Rayleigh Instability, which is
responsible for droplet formation. - Use a coaxial hydro-dynamic flow-focusing
7Related Work
- Previous experiments have demonstrated a
controlled method of droplet production (oil and
water). - Jetting was observed at high oil-flow velocities.
- We will use a non-Newtonian inner fluid.
- A polymer (polyacrylamide) dissolved in water
will help maintain a longer lasting coherent jet,
giving enough time for particle adsorption.
S.L. Anna, N. Bontoux, H.A. Stone, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 82, Number 3, 20 Jan. 2003.
- Polyacrylamide is a long polymer. MW (5-6)x106
- The polymer acts as a non-linear entropic spring.
- Stretches, resists extensional flow (very high
extensional viscosity). - Exerts normal stress on the oil-water
interface--counters the Laplace pressure. - The waters viscosity changes with shear-rate.
Elongated Entropic spring
Random Coil
- Producing long-lived coherent jets using a
flow-focusing geometry. - Oil flows around an inner stream of water.
11Jetting in Action
100 mm
12Controllable Jets
100 mm
80 mm
50 mm
30 mm
14Jet Encapsulation
- We want to coat our stable jets with nano-spheres.
- Shells formed with spherical droplets
- A.D. Dinsmore, et al., Science 298, 1006 (2002)
- Y. Lin, et al., Science 299, 226 (2003)
A Scanning electron microscope of a dried
10-µm-diameter colloidosome composed of 0.9-
µm-diameter polystyrene spheres.
A 0.7- µm-diameter PMMA spheres adsorbed onto
surface of water droplet. B Single-layer-thick
image of PMMA particles.
20 mm
18More Cylinders
- Cylindrical fluid interfaces were achieved using
a coaxial flow arrangement. - Interface is stable long enough for adsorption to
take place. - Plans for the Future
- Make more and better cylinders.
- Dynamics of the Assembly.
- Mechanical Properties of the Cylinders.