Title: Popular 1 Oz Silver Bars | BOLD Precious Metals
Table Of Content
Types Of Silver Bars Popular Mint Popular
Designs Advantages Of Buying Silver Bars
Even with being one of the smallest silver bar
sizes, 1 Oz Silver Bars are one of the most
famous silver bullion investment options. This
is because they are simple to buy and sell,
ideal for shipping and storage, and do not
require a significant initial investment to get
4Minted Bars
Minted bars are made to clarify specifications
(like coins).
Types Of
Traditional Cast Silver Bars It is mostly
presented before an audience.
Silver Bars
Hand-Poured These silver bars are created by
pouring molten silver into a mould or portraying
with the particular shape.
5Popular Mint
6Popular Designs
1. Perth Mint Kangaroo The participation of one
of Australia's most famous marsupials enables
Perth Mint to combine a high-quality product
with an appealing design.
7Popular Designs
2. Sunshine Mint This Sunshine Mint bar is an
excellent choice for investors looking to add
incremental fine Silver qualities to their
tangible assets. The Sunshine Mint Silver Eagle
design appears at the top of the obverse side of
this bar. The reverse side of this bar features
a repeating rising sun pattern, with the Mint
Mark SI seal circled in the center.
8Popular Designs
3. ScottsdaleMint This Sunshine Mint bar is an
excellent choice for investors looking to add
incremental fine Silver qualities to their
tangible assets. The Sunshine Mint Silver Eagle
design appears at the top of the obverse side of
this bar. The reverse side of this bar features
a repeating rising sun pattern, with the Mint
Mark SI seal circled in the center.
9Advantages Of Buying Silver Bars
- Lower cost per ounce - Some suggest that by
purchasing so- called "generic silver" in the
type of bars or rounds, you can obtain an extra
ounce of silver if that money is used to acquire
a roll of 1 oz silver coins, with additional
markups. - They can be an excellent way to store your wealth
in tangible, purchaseable assets. You may be
able to plan for future trades, barters, or
cash-ins if you use this option.
10Lower cost per ounce - Some suggest that by
purchasing so-called "generic silver" in the
type of bars or rounds, you can obtain an extra
ounce of silver if that money is used to acquire
a roll of 1 oz silver coins, with additional
markups. Way to store wealth - They can be an
excellent way to store your wealth in tangible,
purchaseable assets. You may be able to plan for
future trades, barters, or cash-ins if you use
this option. Convenient to store - Some may
wonder how large a 1 oz silver bar is, unaware
that it can fit into your pocket. They are easy
to keep track of and store. Because they stack
easily and can be stored in our Air-Tite Case for
safe display, you can fit so much silver in less