What Physiologists Working in Industry Do - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What Physiologists Working in Industry Do


Physiologists in Industry (Part I) ... huge undertaking, successful industry scientists foster a cooperative ... demands on an industry scientist are many ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What Physiologists Working in Industry Do

What Physiologists Working in Industry Do
  • Liaison with Industry Committee (LWIC)
  • American Physiological Society

The purpose of this presentation is to 1) inform
you about the responsibilities and types of work
a Physiologist performs as a member of the
pharmaceutical, biotech, or nutritional industry
and 2) describe some of the primary personal
attributes necessary to succeed in this
Science and Drug Discovery
  • The drug discovery process requires concerted
    efforts of scientists
  • across many disciplines (Biochemists,
    Chemists, Molecular Biologists,
  • Pharmacologists, Physiologists, Technologists,
    etc) to advance a
  • project from initial scientific principles (an
    idea or hypothesis) to a
  • clinical candidate, and ultimately a drug to
    treat human disease.
  • This extremely challenging undertaking is
    pursued under strict
  • guidelines regulated by federal (i.e. FDA,
    USDA) and international
  • (EMEA) agencies. Successful drug discovery
    requires critical
  • thinking, organizational skills, creativity,
    as well as flexibility and
  • resourcefulness.
  • In short, success in drug discovery requires
    well-trained, disciplined,
  • and rigorous scientists. The process is one
    in which Physiologists
  • can assume many critical roles. Do you fit
    these criteria?

Scope of Scientific Activities of Physiologists
in Drug Discovery
  • Activities are listed from first discovery
    principles (hypothesis generation and
  • testing) to clinical trials and submission of an
    NDA (New Drug Application)
  • Target discovery and validation
  • Proof-of-concept studies
  • Development of in vitro efficacy models
  • Mechanism of compound action
  • Development of in vivo models (normal function
    and disease)
  • Pharmacokinetic studies
  • Pharmacodynamic studies
  • Assay development
  • Ex vivo functional studies
  • Disease efficacy testing
  • Development and utilization of biomarkers
  • Safety pharmacology
  • Interpretation of clinical results
  • Exploration of additional indications
  • Regulatory submission for product and claim

Description of Bench Science Activities of
Physiologists in Industry (Part I)
  • Target Discovery and Validation Studies of
    disease mechanisms
  • using molecular and genomic approaches
    including genetic
  • association studies in humans, knockout and
    transgenic animals,
  • engineered tool compounds to identify or
    confirm a biochemical
  • target
  • Proof-of-Concept Studies Studies are conducted
    to address the
  • questions does the enzyme, receptor, channel,
    etc play a role in
  • the physiological or disease process? Is the
    target of interest be
  • activated/inactivated in this process?
  • In Vitro Efficacy Testing Develop and use
    assays to test the
  • hypothesis in simple systems such as isolated
    proteins and/or
  • cell-based systems. These assays may often
    use high-throughput
  • or multiplexed (multiple readouts) platforms.

Examples of Bench Science Activities of
Physiologists in Industry (Part II)
  • Mechanism of Compound Action Studies are
    designed to address
  • questions such as does the compound affect
    enzyme, ion channel,
  • or receptor activity? Does the compound affect
    a specific signaling
  • pathway? Does the compound affect genetic
    regulation (expression)
  • of the target?
  • Development of Disease Models Studies are
    designed to address
  • questions such as does the cell, tissue, or
    animal model resemble
  • the human condition? Is the model valid?
    (i.e. does the
  • pathophysiology respond to current

Examples of Bench Science Activities of
Physiologists in Industry (Part III)
  • Pharmacokinetic (PK) Studies generally
    considered in terms of what
  • the organism does to drug and studies are
    designed to address
  • questions such as what is the maximal plasma
    concentration of drug
  • after dosing and when does this occur? how
    much drug gets to the
  • tissue of interest and how widely is the drug
    distributed in the body?
  • how quickly is the drug cleared after dosing?
  • Pharmacodynamic (PD) Studies generally
    considered in terms of
  • what the compound does to the organism and
    studies are designed
  • to address questions such as is the
    biochemical target affected by the
  • compound and to what extent? Is the tissue
    of interest affected?

Examples of Bench Science Activities of
Physiologists in Industry (Part IV)
  • Ex vivo functional studies Evaluation of
    integrated tissue or whole
  • organ function with ability to carefully
    control dose, duration, and
  • exposure to compound (e.g. isolated working
    heart, isolated perfused
  • kidney, isolated blood vessel, brain slice,
  • Disease efficacy testing Acute and/or chronic
    studies are conducted
  • to address questions such as does the
    compound modify disease
  • progression in vivo (i.e. prevention model)?
    Can the compound
  • regress the disease (treatment model)? How
    does the efficacy of
  • the compound compare to existing
    pharmacotherapies or potential
  • co-therapies?
  • Development and utilization of biomarkers
    Studies are conducted to investigate whether
    there a quantifiable blood or urinary biochemical
    marker that predicts severity or progression of
    the disease? Can the marker serve as a surrogate
    for long-term efficacy of the compound?

Examples of Bench Science Activities of
Physiologists in Industry (pt V)
  • Exploration of additional indications Evaluate
    experimental results and literature to determine
    whether additional scientific opportunities exist
    (i.e. does the mechanism of action or signaling
    pathway play a role in other conditions other
    than the primary indication?)
  • Interpretation of clinical results mechanistic
    and/or theoretical
  • evaluation of unexpected clinical events
    (utilization and identification of
  • appropriate biomarkers to track mechanistic
    or pathophysiological
  • responses to agent).
  • Preclinical safety pharmacology Studies are
    designed to address
  • questions such as what is the therapeutic
    index of the compound?
  • What is the incidence of adverse events in
    major organ systems (e.g.
  • cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal,
    respiratory, CNS) at multiples
  • (3x, 10x, 30x) of therapeutic plasma
    concentrations of the compound?

Non-Bench Science Activities of Physiologists in
  • Industry scientists have many
    responsibilities beyond benchwork
  • Training and supervision of technical staff
  • Generation of novel scientific and technical
  • Rigorous design, analysis, and interpretation of
  • Presentation of scientific concepts and business
    applications of
  • research to various professionals to enable
    business and scientific
  • decisions
  • Participation in project team and strategic
    planning meetings
  • Writing of technical reports and scientific
  • Documentation of all scientific observations and
    submitting patents
  • Planning facility development and resource
    (people, space, equipment)
  • deployment
  • Participation in the preparation and submission
    of documents (IND
  • Investigational New Drug NDA New Drug
    Application) to the Food
  • Drug Administration (FDA)

Personal Attributes of Successful Industry
Scientists(Part I)
  • To be successful in discovering and developing a
    new drug, you must
  • participate in a process that requires concerted
    efforts by many people
  • across many departments and disciplines.
    Specific attributes are required
  • to succeed in this fast-paced environment
  • Critical Thinking Industry scientists identify
    key issues and deliver
  • timely scientific responses to discovery
    projects and business
  • development opportunities
  • Team and Collaborative Behavior Industry
    scientists network with
  • internal/external scientists to assure access
    to current and innovative
  • technologies and scientific advances.
  • Interpersonal Skills The drug discovery and
    development process is a
  • huge undertaking, successful industry
    scientists foster a cooperative
  • spirit, and work well with other scientific,
    regulatory, clinical, and
  • business professionals.

Personal Attributes of Successful Industry
Scientists (Part II)
  • Strong Communication Skills Effective
    communication of ideas
  • whether one on one, in small groups, or
    through formal presentations.
  • Writing is clear, well-organized and
    logically developed the audience
  • is taken into consideration.
  • Efficiency The demands on an industry scientist
    are many (various
  • experimental models to run and multiple
    compounds to test). Thus,
  • industry scientists are constantly challenged
    to implement new processes
  • to streamline procedures while maintaining
    rigorous standards.
  • Flexibility Effectively initiates change as
    needed and adapts to
  • necessary changes in operations or
    strategies also initiates new ways
  • of accomplishing work.
  • Leadership Industry scientists drive
    operational plans and develop
  • and implement tactics to deliver results by
    set timelines. Leads by
  • appropriate actions and behaviors inspires
    and guides others to
  • achieve corporate and personal goals.

Physiologists in IndustryTarget Discovery and
Target discovery studies investigate disease
mechanisms using molecular and genomic approaches
in knockout and transgenic animals.
Physiologists use these approaches to identify or
confirm a role for biochemical targets in organ
and organism function and dysfunction. Below
gene knockout of PKCa improves cardiac
performance following pressure overload (TAC),
while transgenic overexpression of PKCa impairs
cardiac performance.
Overexpression of PKC? (Prkca) in transgenic mice
reduces cardiac ventricular performance
PKC? knockout (Prkca -/-) mice have enhanced
cardiac ventricular performance
Reprinted with permission from Braz et al. Nature
Med 10(3), 2004
Physiologists in IndustryProof-of Concept
Proof-of-concept studies address whether a
biochemical target plays a role in a disease
process (i.e. is the target of interest
activated, inhibited or differentially expressed
in disease?) Physiologists use various approaches
to learn whether a biochemical target is involved
in disease. Lower left panel over-expression of
the cardiac enzyme, calcineurin (CN) transgenic
mouse, induces cardiac hypertrophy lower right
panel aortic-banding increases cardiac CN
expression (A) and activity (B), treatment with
CsA, a CN, inhibitor prevents aortic-banding
induced cardiac hypertrophy (C).
Reprinted with permission from Molkentin Circ Res
87, 2000
Reprinted with permission from Lim et al.
Circulation 101, 2000
Physiologists in IndustryIn Vitro Efficacy
In vitro efficacy studies employ assays utilizing
simple systems (e.g. isolated proteins and/or
cell-based systems). These preparations allow
Physiologists to carefully control experimental
conditions and compound concentrations while
measuring and comparing responses and behaviors
of large numbers of compounds. Below a
classical competition curve utilizes radioligand
binding techniques to evaluate the ability of
compound Y to compete for receptor subtype
binding, in turn generating affinity and potency
Physiologists in IndustryMechanism(s) of
Compound Action
Enalapril blocks the blood pressure response
to Angiotensin I The mechanism of action is the
antagonism of angiotensin converting enzyme
inhibition of the mean arterial pressure
response to Angiotensin I bolus
Time (min)
Angiotensin I
(300 ng/kg, IV)
(10 mg/kg)
Physiologists in IndustryDevelopment of Disease
Ultimately, drugs developed through the discovery
process must be able to modify disease
progression and outcome. Physiologists develop
models of disease for drug discovery, and must
have an thorough understanding of normal and
pathologic ranges of functional parameters. A
valid disease model must involve many of the
critical biochemical pathways and display many
clinical findings of the human disease state.
Below Surgical instrumentation and induction of
chronic pacing-induced heart failure.
Surgical Instrumentation
Pacing-Induced HF and Recovery
  • Cardiac function and coronary flow are measured
    in the conscious state by chronic
  • Heart failure (elevated end diastolic pressure,
    reduced ejection fraction and cardiac reserve) is
    induced by right ventricular pacing for 3-4
  • Recovery from heart failure is allowed by the
    termination of pacing for 5-6 weeks after
    developed heart failure.

Physiologists in IndustryPharmacokinetic Studies
Pharmacokinetic studies characterize how the body
handles a compound. Physiologists work
alongside Medicinal and Bioanalytical Chemists to
determine if a compound is orally bioavailable
and will achieve adequate plasma and tissue
exposure and duration prior to undertaking an
efficacy or chronic disease modification study.
Below Oral administration of Compound X (10 mpk)
exhibited good fractional bioavailability (F
54) and plasma half-life (t1/2 6 hours).
Physiologists in IndustryPharmacodynamic Studies
Pharmacodynamic studies characterize the effects
of a compound on the body. Certain enzymes are
activated (e.g. phosphorylated) or modified (e.g.
glycosylated) in disease processes. For example,
to determine if a compound will inhibit an enzyme
of interest, Physiologists determine whether
enzyme phosphorylation and kinase activity are
suitable pharmacodynamic indices for compound
activity. Below intraperitoneal administration
of a physiological stimulus dose-dependently
increased enzyme phosphorylation and kinase
activity, providing a model to assay compound
activity against this enzymes activity.
Western Blot Phosphorylated Enzyme
Immunoprecipitation Kinase Assay
3 mpk
10 mpk
p lt 0.01 vs. vehicle

Total Enzyme

p lt 0.01 vs. vehicle

p-TXXX / Total enzyme
3 mpk
10 mpk
Physiologists in IndustryEx Vivo Functional
Ex vivo studies evaluate integrated organs and
organ systems from normal and diseased organisms.
These preparations allow Physiologists to
carefully control experimental conditions and
organ compound exposures while measuring and
comparing functional responses in normal and
diseased organs. Below an isolated working
heart preparation allows careful control of
preload, afterload, heart rate, and compound
Cardiac Systolic Performance Endpoints LV
Systolic Pressure mmHg LV End Diastolic
Pressure mmHg Left Atrial Pressure mmHg
Aortic Mean Pressure mmHg Max
/-dP/dt mmHg/sec Peak Pressure mmHg Time
to Peak Press (TPP) msec TPP/PP msec/mmHg Dias
tolic Function Endpoints tau msec 1/2
Relaxation Press (1/2 RP) mmHg 1/2 Relaxation
Time (RT1/2) msec (RT1/2) / (1/2 RP) msec/mmHg
Physiologists in IndustryDisease Efficacy
Drugs developed through the discovery process
must show efficacy in modifying disease
progression and outcome. Physiologists develop
models of disease for drug discovery, and are
required to have a thorough understanding of
normal function as well as the pathology of
disease states. Last, models of human diseases
for drug discovery must be amenable to standard
pharmacotherapies. Below Effects of varying
delay (7 day vs. 30 days post-MI) of ACE
inhibitor treatment on a) survival, b) cardiac
hemodynamics, and c) morphology after myocardial
infarction (MI).
ACEi 30d post-MI
ACEi 7d post-MI
Reprinted with permission from Mulder et al.
Circulation 95, 1997
Physiologists in IndustryDevelopment and
Utilization of Biomarkers
Blood and/or urinary biochemical markers that are
correlated to disease severity allow tracking of
disease progression and regression following drug
therapy. Physiologists a) develop disease models
that have biomarker profiles similar to those
observed in human disease, b) evaluate biomarker
responses to standard and novel therapeutic
agents, and c) develop assays to quantify
biomarkers. Below Kaplan-Meier survival curve
for mortality and morbidity in human heart
failure patients based on plasma brain
natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations. Thus,
plasma BNP is associated with disease severity
and may be used in place of more expensive and
time-consuming assays.
Reprinted with permission from Anand et al.
Circulation 107, 2003
Physiologists in IndustryPreclinical Safety
  • Studies can be designed to address specific
    questions regarding safety
  • of a compound with respect to a) acute plasma
    concentrations of drug
  • (does increasing the plasma concentration of a
    drug 10-fold above
  • the therapeutic level induce cardiac
    electrophysiological abnormalities?)
  • or b) following chronic dosing. For example
  • Determine the effects of increasing drug
    concentrations after dosing for
  • 7 or 28 days various organ function,
    morphology, and histology
  • Determine No Adverse Events Level (NOEL) for
  • Federally required data in 2 species before
    First Time in Human (FIH)
  • testing
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