Title: Identifying the Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
1Identifying the Sources of Ultra-high Energy
Cosmic Rays
- Tonia Venters
- The University of Chicago
- International Astroparticle Physics Symposium -
May 7, 2008
2The ultra-high energy sky is anisotropic.
Sources of UHECRs are likely to be nearby
astrophysical objects.
3The Search for Sources Idea 1
- Correlation scans using different catalogs
(source type? possible counterpart emission?) - Does the correlation improve (exhibit more
significant deviation from isotropy) or get worse
(exhibit less significant deviation from
The only recourse at the 1 event per source limit.
4Problems with a Makeshift Catalog
- The VCV catalog is a patched up catalog
- Comprised of objects that have been reported in
the literature to be AGNs - No selection criterion applied
- Objects from many different surveys all with
their own sensitivities and goals and all looking
at different parts of the sky - Includes objects that are no longer thought to be
Interpretation is not so obvious!!!
5Source density?
- Sparse catalogs
- Harder for isotropic events to hit objects
- Harder for real events to hit objects
- Why is the catalog sparse? - Property of objects?
Survey(s) not very sensitive? - Dense catalogs
- Easier for isotropic events to hit objects
- Easier for real events to hit objects
- How do we distinguish isotropy from anisotropy?
6The Search for Sources Idea 2
- Catch the culprits red-handed
- Wait for clusters of events - Auger source
catalog - Source positions
- Source significances
- Source fluxes
- Source spectra
- Request help from our lower energy friends -
Multiwavelength campaigns
7Lessons from HE Astronomy - Background
- Claim source significance as a fluctuation of the
background - Claim source fluxes - maximum likelihood fit of
background source of flux F to observations - Model of the background critical!
- Non-existent at the highest energies
- Dominant at lower energies
8Lessons from HE Astronomy - Error Circles
- Point Spread Function - based on instrument and
well understood - PSF -
- Dominated by magnetic fields that are not very
well constrained - Different for different parts of the sky
- Doesnt peak at the center
- Large error circles problematic for source
identification? - Get help!!! - Multi-wavelength
campaigns - Maybe we can do this As I said before -
catalogs, please! - Bursting sources - Aarrrgghh!!!
- 4 doublets - 8 events within 3.2º error circles
- 1 Auger year of data
- Within another year - 83 events from them (if
real sources)
10Hot spots?
11Not just excess of events
- Lack of events where there are a lot of sources!
- Is it significant?
- If real, what does it mean?
- Object Properties?
- Confinement?
- Shield?
12The Future
- Auger South (complete)
- Running for several years - more statistics
- More hot spots
- Continue looking at Virgo Centaurus
- Auger North (bigger)
- Better statistics
- More sources
- Look at Virgo
- Multi-wavelength Campaigns
- More complete uniform catalogs
- Campaigns on Auger excesses/deficits
13The Beginnings of UHECR Astronomy!!!