Title: The cosmic microwave background
1The cosmic microwave background
From cosmology
Morlet wavelet
- Cosmology
- Basic definition
- State of the art (concordance cosmological model)
- Electromagnetic signal on the sky
- Best laboratory for precision cosmology
- Signal processing on the sphere
- Stochastic signal
- Angular power spectrum
- Beyond the concordance model
- Gaussianity and statistical isotropy
- Spherical wavelets
3I. Cosmology
- Cosmology understanding the structure and
evolution of the universe - Theory vs. observation concordance cosmological
Cosmological principle homogeneity isotropy
Age T0 13.7 109 yrs Rate H0
71km/s/Mpc Accelerated
Weird energy recipe Ordinary matter ? Ob
0.05 Dark matter ? Odm 0.25 Dark Energy
? O? 0.70
Expansion from Big Bang
Flat geometry
Primordial inflation seeds for LSS
- 60s electromagnetic microwave radiation
observed - Blackbody
- Isotropy around T 3 ?K
- Signature of the cosmological principle
- Identification with CMB
- Primordial plasma matter-radiation
- Radiation decoupling 380.000 years
- after the big bang
- 90s COBE
- T 2.725 0.002 ?K
- BUT predicted anisotropies ?T/T 10-5
- Signature of primordial energy density
perturbations at inflation - Signature of structure and evolution of the
5 Precision cosmology
- From COBE to WMAP satellite mission towards
precision cosmology
COBE 90s
WMAP ongoing
6III. Signal processing on the sphere
- Physics inflation - cosmological
principle - one universe - Signal stochastic and gaussian -
stationary - unique realization - Analysis (WMAP) two-point correlations
- angular power spectrum Cl
- Best unbiased estimator
- Cosmic variance (non-ergodicity)
- ? Concordance cosmological model
7IV. Beyond the concordance model
- Physics beyond inflation -
cosmological principle - Signal non-gaussian - non-stationary
(statistical anisotropy) - Space-scale analysis of the maps spherical
Singular features non -gaussianities
Localized analyses
Signal and foreground WMAP map at 94GHz
8 Non-gaussianity with wavelets
- Spherical wavelet analysis and non-gaussianity
- Real space maps ? wavelet space (enhanced
singularities) - Skewness and excess kurtosis
- Vielva et al. Axisymmetrical spherical mexican
hat - Excess kurtosis at 99.8 c.l. one spot at
scale 10? - McEwen et al. Real Morlet wavelet (global
direction) - Skewness at 99 c.l. one spot at scale 26?
with given orientation - Project Steerable wavelets for directional
analysis - Match all non-gaussianities
- Identify their local direction
We entered an era of precision cosmology with the
CMB analysis Many questions remain, notably
about the nature of gravitation was Einstein
? astro-ph/0407208 ? astro-ph/0407508 ?