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pioneering role in study of elementary particles. and their ... Isotropy: At energies 30 GeV, where effects of magnetic fields of Earth or Sun are unimportant, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Introduction
  • to
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Dr. Johana Chirinos
  • Michigan Tech University

Cosmic Rays
  • Discovery by Hess in 1912.
  • Cosmic rays
  • high energy particles incident on Earth
  • from outer space,
  • plus secondary particles,
  • which they generate as they traverse atmosphere.
  • Their study
  • pioneering role in study of elementary particles
  • and their interactions.
  • -Discovery in cosmic rays of antimatter
  • positron in 1932
  • -Discovery of ps and µs and strange
  • particles in 1940s
  • kick-started building of large particle
    accelerators and
  • development of detection equipment essential for
    elementary particle physics.

Cosmic Rays
  • In 1990s study of interactions of solar and
    atmospheric ?, on distance scales far larger
  • than anything at accelerators or reactors,
    revealed first cracks in Standard Model
  • evidence for ? flavour mixing and for finite ?
  • This led to a revival, in the new millenium,
  • of lepton physics in fixed-target experiments at
  • development of new proposals
  • building of µ storage rings to serve as sources
    of high energy ?e and ?µ.
  • At highest energies, studies of ?-rays in TeV
    range and above indicated point sources in
  • the skies where it seems the most violent events
    in the universe have taken place.
  • ?ntensive studies of both ?-rays and ultra-high
    energy protons and heavier nuclei will
  • shed new light on mechanisms for particle
    acceleration, as well as new fundamental
  • processes at energies far in excess of what could
    ever be achieved on Earth.

The spectrum and composition of cosmic rays
  • Charged primary particles
  • - protons (86)
  • - a-particles(ll)
  • - nuclei of heavier elements up to uranium (1),
  • - electrons (2).
  • ?lso very small proportions of positrons and
    antiprotons, of secondary origin,
  • generated by interactions of primary particles
    with interstellar gas.
  • Neutral particles ?-rays, ? and anti-?.
  • Some can be identified as coming from point
    sources in the sky like
  • -? from Sun and supernovae,
  • -? rays from sources such as Crab Nebula and
    active galactic nuclei(AGN).
  • Auger Observatory charged primary correlated
    with AGN

The spectrum and composition of cosmic rays
  • Direct
  • Primary particles identified with nuclear
    emulsion detectors in high altitude balloons.
  • Detectors flown in satellites
  • -scintillation counters to measure primary
    nuclear charge.
  • -gas-filled Cerenkov counters to measure particle
    velocity and energy.
  • Indirect
  • For GeV-TeV energy region, calorimetric method
    has been employed
  • Measuring ionization energy in electromagnetic
    showers that develop as a result of
  • nuclear cascade which the primary generates as it
    traverses the thicknesses of absorber.

Energy spectrum of cosmic ray protons
  • Above energy of few GeV up to
  • so-called knee at 1014 eV,
  • spectrum follows a simple power law
  • N(E) dE const. E-2.7 dE
  • Above knee, spectrum becomes steeper
  • with an index of about -3.0,
  • before apparently flattening off again
  • above 1018 eV at ankle.
  • 1020 eV
  • 1 baseball(140g) at 60mph
  • Acelerators lt 1015 eV

The spectrum and composition of cosmic rays
  • Primary spectrum multiplied by E2.7, showing the
  • Isotropy
  • At energiesgt30 GeV, where effects of magnetic
    fields of Earth or Sun are unimportant,
  • radiation appears to be quite isotropic.
  • This is expected at all but the very highest
  • since galactic magnetic fields would destroy any
    initial anisotropy.

Geomagnetic and solar effects
  • Primary radiation, charged particleslt10 GeV, show
    directional and time effects.
  • Charged primaries affected
  • -by Earths magnetic field, like magnetic
  • -by modulation in time due to solar wind (11y
    solar cycle).
  • Geomagnetic effects -Axis of dipole is at an
    angle to axis of Earths rotation.
  • -Geographical
    coordinates of poles varies slowly with time
  • Calculation of actual orbits of particles
    incident on Earth as they spiral in dipole field
  • Particle of charge ze, velocity v and momentum
    p mv
  • travelling in circular equatorial path of radius
    r around a short dipole of moment M.
  • Centrifugal and magnetic forces

  • ze B x v mv2/r
  • Equatorial field due to dipole

  • B (µ0/4p) M/r3
  • Radius of orbit(Stormer unit)

  • rS(µ0/4p) M ze/p1/2

Geomagnetic and solar effects
  • Particle momentum that makes Earths radius rE
    equal to Stormer unit rS
  • pc/z (µ0/4p) Mc e/(rE) 2 59.6 GeV
  • Proton of smaller momentum cant reach Earth from
    eastern horizon at magnetic equator
  • Stormer equation of motion obeyed by a particle
  • b rsin?cos?cos2?/r
  • r distance of particle from dipole centre
  • ? geomagnetic latitude
  • ? angle between v and its projection in
  • meridian plane OAB co-moving with particle.
  • b closest distance of approach to dipole axis
  • by a tangent to particle trajectory.

Geomagnetic and solar effects
  • Since sin? lt 1, restrictions on values of b, r,
  • for allowed trajectories of particles reaching
  • b rsin?cos?cos2?/r
  • b ? 2 is critical in determining which momenta
    are cut off by the Earths field.
  • Solving for r and with b2 for cut-off momentum
    at any ? and ? is
  • r cos2?/1(1-sin?cos3?)
  • Using again the momentum equation
  • pc/z (µ0/4p) Mc e/(rS)2
    (µ0/4p) Mc e/(rE) 2 59.6 GeV
  • pc/z r 2 59.6 GeV
  • since we are concerned with particles arriving at
    the Earth r rE/rS.
  • pc/z 59.6 GeV cos2?/1(1-sin?cos3?)1/2
  • For particles incident from vertical ? 0 and r
    0.5 cos2?
  • Cut-off momentum

  • (pc)min(? 0) 14.9 z cos4? GeV

Geomagnetic and solar effects
  • Vertical(? 0) cut-off momentum pc/z
  • In Europe ? 50 N
    1.1 GeV
  • At magnetic equator ? 0
    14.9 GeV
  • pc/z 59.6 GeV cos2?/1(1-sin?cos3?)1/2 2
  • For ?0(at magnetic equator)
  • For particles from Eastern horizon (sin?1)
    59.6 GeV
  • For particles from Western horizon (sin?-1)
    10.2 GeV 59.6/(1 v2)2
  • East-west effect
  • at all latitudes, more (positively charged)
    particles arrive from West than from East,
  • because of lower momentum cut-off.
  • The effect arises essentially because all
    positively charged particles are deflected in a
  • clockwise spiral, as viewed from above the N

Acceleration of cosmic rays
  • How do cosmic rays obtain their colossal
    energies, up to 1020eV?
  • Energy density in cosmic rays, coupled with their
    lifetime in the galaxy,
  • required a power supply similar to the rate of
    energy generation in supernova shells.
  • Total power requirement to accelerate cosmic rays
    in the disc
  • WCR ?E p R2
    D/t 2 x 1041 J/y
  • Average energy density ?E of cosmic rays in the
    galaxy 1eV/cm3.
  • Our own galaxy R 15kpc and thickness D
  • t 3 x 106 y average age of a cosmic ray
    particle in the galaxy,
  • before it diffuses out or is depleted and lost in
    interactions with interstellar gas.
  • Type II supernova typically ejects a shell of
    material of about 10 MO(2 x 1031 kg),
  • with velocity 107m/s into interstellar medium
    approximately 1/century in our galaxy.
  • Power output per galaxy WSN 5 x 1042 J/y.
  • Even galactic supernova rate is uncertain, an
    efficiency for shockwave to transmit E to
  • cosmic rays of few is enough to account for
    total E in cosmic ray beam.

Acceleration of cosmic rays
  • At present time, is not at all clear which
    mechanisms contribute predominantly to the
  • acceleration of cosmic-ray particles.
  • In contrast, extremely energetic cosmic rays are
    predominantly accelerated in
  • pulsars, binaries, or in jets emitted from black
    holes or active galactic nuclei.
  • For shock acceleration in supernova explosions
  • shape of E spectrum of cosmic-rays can be derived
    from acceleration mechanism.

Acceleration of cosmic rays
  • In each cycle of acceleration at shock-front,
    particle gets energy increment ?E aE.
  • After n cycles
  • In terms of final energy E, of acceleration
  • At each stage of the acceleration, particle can
    escape further cycles.
  • P probability that particle stays for further
  • After n cycles, of particles remaining for
    further acceleration
  • N0 initial number of particles. Substituting for
  • s-lnP/ln(la). N number of particles with n or
    more cycles, with energy gt E.
  • Differential energy spectrum will follow power
    law dependence

Acceleration of cosmic rays
  • How do we account for the form of the energy
  • Differential energy spectrum will follow power
    law dependence
  • For shock-wave acceleration s 1.1
  • Differential spectrum index -2.1, compared with
    observed -2.7.
  • Steeper observed spectrum could be accounted for
  • if escape probability (1-P) was E dependent.
  • Shock-wave acceleration from supernovae shells
    appears capable accounting for E of
  • cosmic ray nuclei of charge Ze up to about 100Z
    TeV (l014Z eV), but not beyond this.
  • Other, largely unknown, aceleration mechanisms
    must be invoked
  • for very highest energy cosmic rays.

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Primary particles will produce secondaries
  • Atmosphere as target in accelerator beam.
  • -Radiation length for ? and e- 36.66 g/cm2.
  • ?tmosphere corresponds to 27 radiation lengths.
  • -Interaction length for hadrons 90.0g/cm2.
  • ?tmosphere corresponds to 11 interaction lengths.
  • Compared with total atmospheric depth1030 gm/cm2
  • Most commonly produced particles p p- p0.
  • Charged p decay to µ and ?
  • Neutral p initiate via their decay (p0 ?? ? ? )
    electromagnetic cascades,

Decay vs. interaction of p (Proper lifetime t
26 ns, mc2 0.139 GeV.
  • Decay Mean free path before decay ?
    ?ct (? E/mc2, time dilation factor).
  • For 1 GeV p ? 55
  • Interaction Depends on how much material has
    the atmosphere.
  • Depth x (gm/cm2)
  • x X exp(-h/H)
    X1030g/cm2 H 6.5 km
  • In interval ?h(?55m)
    0.01H, depth change only by 1.
  • At GeV almost all charged p decay in flight
    (rather than interact).
  • __________________________________________________
  • Decay At TeV, p decay probability
    100 sec?/EpGeV. ? zenith angle
  • For E100GeV, mean free
    path before decay ? ?ct 5.5 km
  • Interaccion Depth x (gm/cm2)
  • x X exp(-h/H)
    X1030g/cm2 H 6.5 km
  • Nuclear absorption
    important for charged p with ? H or Egt100GeV
  • At TeV majority of p undergo nuclear interaction
    before they have a chance to decay

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Leptonic decays of p produce penetrating µ and ?
  • µ can also decay and contribute
  • -via their decay e- to soft component
  • -via their decay ? to ? component
  • ?nergy loss of relativistic µ not decaying in
    atmosphere is low .
  • They constitute with 80 of all charged
  • the largest fraction of secondary particles at
    sea level.
  • Some secondary mesons and baryons can survive to
    sea level.
  • Most of low-? charged hadrons at sea level are
    locally produced.
  • Total fraction of hadrons at ground level is very

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Daughter µ are also unstable Decay proper
    lifetime of t 2200 ns. mµ0.105 GeV.
  • For 1 GeV µ Mean decay length ? ?ct (?
    E/mc2) (1/0.105) c 2200 6.6 km,
  • equal to H of
  • x X exp(-h/H)
    H 6.5 km
  • µ of lt1 GeV will decay in flight in the
  • No competition with nuclear interaction since µ
    do not have strong interactions.
  • __________________________________________________
  • For 3 GeV µ Mean decay length ?20 km,
  • typical distance from
    point of production to sea-level.
  • Ionization E loss
    2MeV/gm/cm2 of air traversed(very low).
  • Hard component of cosmic radiation
  • µ of gt3GeV can get through entire atmosphere
    without decaying or arriving to rest.
  • Higher E µ can reach deep underground.

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Intensity of p, e-, and µ of all E as function
    of altitude in atmosphere.
  • ?bsorption of p exponential function.
  • p are mostly primaries and interact depending on
  • quantity of material in atmosphere.
  • e- and e produced through p0 decay
  • with subsequent pair production
  • reach maximum intensity at altitude of 15 km
  • soon after are relatively quickly absorbed.
  • While flux of µ is attenuated relatively weakly.
  • µ produced by charged p and Kaons.
  • Mostly µ lt3GeV can decay in atmosphere,
  • ? is smaller than available d in atmosphere
    before reaching the Earth.
  • When µ is in inclined paths, decay probability
    increase(larger d in atmosphere).

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Because of steepness of E spectra, particle
    intensities are dominated by low-E particles
  • Low-E particles are mostly of secondary origin.
  • Momentum cut for geomagnetic field for lt GeV.
  • If only particles with Egt1GeV are counted
  • -Primary nucleons (pneutrons) with initial high
  • dominate over all particles down to altitudes of
  • where µ take over(secondary particle).
  • At high altitude mostly primaries(mostly p).
  • Only for p,same graph as for all E with
    different scale.
  • -µ gt1GeV less absorved hard component
  • -Low interaction probability of ?
  • ? are practically not at all absorbed in
  • Flux increases monotonically because additional
  • ? are permanently produced by particle decays.
  • E spectrum of primary particles is steep, E
    distribution of secondaries also reflect it.

?e and ?µ at sea level
  • Besides charged particles, ?e ?µ are produced
  • in kaon, p and µ decays atmospheric neutrinos
  • ?ig background for neutrino astronomy.
  • Propagation of atmospheric ? has provided new
  • for elementary particle physics, such as ?
  • Verticalhorizontal ? spectra similar as for µ
  • Parent of ? are dominantly p and kaons,
  • their decay probability is increased compared to
  • interaction probability at inclined directions,
  • horizontal ? spectra are also harder in
  • to the spectra from vertical directions.
  • ?µ would appear to dominate

?e and ?µ at sea level
  • ?µ would appear to dominate, since
  • are strongly suppressed.
  • p and kaons almost exclusively produce ?µ.
  • In µ decay equal numbers of ?e and ?µ are
  • At high E also semileptonic decays of charmed
    mesons constitute a source for ?.
  • Based on these classical considerations the
    integral ? spectra yield a ?-flavour ratio of
  • This ratio is modified by propagation effects
    like ? oscillations.

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Apart from longitudinal development,
  • ?? hadronic cascades spread out laterally in
  • Lateral size of EM cascade caused by multiple
    scattering of e- and e, in
  • hadronic cascades caused by transverse momenta at
    production of secondary particles
  • Comparison of shower
  • development of 100TeV
  • ? and 100TeV protons
  • in atmosphere.
  • Transverse momenta of
  • secondary particles fan
  • out the hadron cascade.

Secondary cosmic radiation
  • Comparison of shower development of 1TeV ? and
    p over Chicago ground.
  • Comparison of simulations of p and iron shower,
    simulations of ? and p.

Development of electromagnetic showers
  • Longitudinal development of EM shower
  • e- of initial E0 traversing a medium.
  • 1. radiation length e- radiates ?, of energy
  • ?ext radiation length
  • ? converts to e--e pair, each with E0/4.
  • ?riginal e- radiates a further ?, also of E0/4.
  • ?fter 2 radiation lengths 1 ?, 2 e-, 1 e, each
    of E0/4.
  • In this way, after t radiation lengths e-, e, ?
    in equal numbers,
  • each with E(t) E0/2t.
  • We neglected ionization losses.
  • Cascade multiplication process continues until
    particle ? falls to E EC, critical E,
  • when ionization loss suddenly becomes dominant
  • no further radiation or pair conversion processes
    are possible.
  • Cascade reaches a maximum and then ceases

Development of electromagnetic showers
  • -Shower maximum is at depth t t(max)
    ln(E0/Ec)/ln 2
  • It increases logarithmically with primary energy
  • - of particles at shower maximum is N(max)
    2t(max) E0/Ec
  • Proportional to primary energy.
  • -Number of shower particlesgt E equal to number
    created at depths less than t(E)
  • Differential energy spectrum of particles
  • -Total track-length integral (of charged
    particles) in radiation lengths
  • From E conservation since ionization loss per
    particle is Ec per radiation length,
  • essentially all incident energy is finally
    dissipated as ionization E loss.
  • Track-length integral gives a measurement of
    primary E.

Development of electromagnetic showers
  • Effects of both radiation loss ionization loss
    are present throughout shower process.
  • Actual shower consists of
  • -an initial exponential rise,
  • -a broad maximum and
  • -a gradual decline thereafter.
  • Simple model reproduces many of essential
    quantitative features of actual EM cascades.
  • Model treated shower as one-dimensional.
  • Actual showers spread out laterally, due mostly
    to Coulomb scattering of e-.
  • Lateral spread of a shower

Extensive air showers
  • EAS Cascades initiated by energetic primary
    particles which develop in atmosphere.
  • If primary is high energy p rather than e-
    nuclear cascade develop through atmosphere.
  • Nuclear interaction length in air 100 gm/cm2.
  • p(or heavier nucleus) generates mesons,
  • and they can in turn generate further particles
    in subsequent collisions.
  • While in EM shower, e- lose bulk of their E in a
    radiation length,
  • nucleons can penetrate through several
    interaction lengths,
  • losing only fraction of their E in each
    encounter, to nucleons as well as mesons.
  • In air, nuclear interaction length is 2.5 times
    radiation length
  • cascades initiated by nucleons are much more
    penetrating than EM cascades.

Extensive air showers
  • EAS has ??, muonic, hadronic, and ? component
  • ?ir shower develops shower core of energetic
    hadrons(nucleons), which inject
  • permanently ? into more widely spread ??
    component (by fresh p0 production and
  • decay and fresh ?? cascades) and other shower
  • p0, which are produced in nuclear interactions,
  • whose decay ? produce e- and e via pair
  • continually fed e-,e and ? component.
  • e-,e and ? initiate ?? cascades through
    alternating processes of
  • pair production and bremsstrahlung.
  • µ and ? components are formed by decay of charged
    p and kaons.

Extensive air showers
  • Development of EM cascades is shown for various
    primary E.
  • Particle intensity increases initially in
    parabolical fashion and decays exponentially
  • after maximum of shower has been reached.
  • Longitudinal profile of particle parameterized
  • N(t) ta e-ßt
  • t x/X0 shower depth in units of radiation
  • a and ß are free fit parameters.
  • Position of shower maximum varies
  • only logarithmically with primary E.
  • Total of shower particles increases linearly
    with E.
  • (used for E determination of primary particle).
  • Earths atmosphere represents a combined hadronic
    and EM calorimeter.
  • Critical E in air is Ec 84 MeV.

Extensive air showers(EAS)
  • Atmosphere is a target of 11 interaction
    lengths 27 radiation lengths.
  • Minimum E for primary particle to be reasonably
  • measured at sea level via particles
  • produced in air shower is 1014 eV.
  • Longitudinal development of components of
  • EAS in atmosphere for primary ?1015 eV
  • Particle N, at sea level in its
  • dependence on primary E E0
  • N 10-10 E0eV .

  • Neutrino physics is largely an art of learning a
    great deal by observing nothing.
  • Limits of classical astronomy observations in
    radio, infrared, optical, UV,X-ray, ?-ray
  • have limit due to EM radiation is quickly
    absorbed in matter.
  • One can only observe the surfaces of astronomical
  • Energetic particles from distant sources are
    attenuated via interactions with ? of CMB.
  • Requirement for an optimal astronomy
  • 1. Optimal astroparticles or radiation should not
    be influenced by magnetic fields.
  • 2. The particles should not decay from source to
  • 3. Particles and antiparticles should be
    different for distinguish origin from matter or
    antimatter source.
  • 4. Particles must be penetrating so that one can
    look into the central part of the sources.
  • 5. Particles should not be absorbed by
    interstellar or intergalactic dust or IR or CMB
  • These requirements are fulfilled by ? in an ideal
  • Why ? astronomy has not been a major branch of
  • ? can escape from the center of the sources
    because its low interaction cross section.
  • But also enormous difficulty to detect ? on

  • For solar ? several 100 keV, cross section for
    ?nucleon scattering
  • s(?eN) 10-45 cm2/nucleon
  • Interaction probability of ? with our planet
    Earth at central incidence is
  • f s NA d ? 4 ? 10-12
  • NAAvogadro number,
  • d diameter of the Earth,
  • ? average density of the Earth.
  • From 71010?/cm2s radiated by Sun arriving at
    Earth only 1 at most is seen here.
  • ? telescopes must have an enormous target mass,
    and long exposure times.
  • For high E, interaction cross section rises with
    ? E.
  • ? several 100 keV can be detected by
    radiochemical methods.
  • For ?gt 5 MeV large-volume water Cherenkov
    counters are an attractive possibility.
  • Neutrino astronomy is a very young branch of
    astroparticle physics.

High energy Neutrinos
  • Is considered realistic that point source in our
    galaxy produces ? spectrum according to
  • This leads to an integral flux of ?
  • The interaction cross section of high-energy ?
    was measured at accelerators
  • s(?µN) 6.7 10-39 E? GeV cm2/nucleon.
  • For 100 TeV ? s 6.7 ? 10-34 cm2/nucleon.
  • For target thickness of 1km, an interaction
    probability W per ?
  • W NA s d 4 ? 10 -5
  • For d 1 km, ?(ice) 1 g/cm3.
  • Total interaction rate R obtained from integral ?
    flux F? , interaction probability W,
  • effective collection area Aeff 1 km2, and a
    measurement time t .
  • Event rate R F? W Aeff 250

High energy Neutrinos
  • Assuming half a dozen sources in our galaxy,
    estimate would be 4 events/day.
  • Besides point sources,
  • events from diffuse ? background carries little
    astrophysical information.
  • Excellent candidates within our galaxy supernova
    remnants of Crab Nebula and Vela,
  • galactic center, and Cygnus X3.
  • Extragalactic candidates could be Markarian
    galaxies Mrk421, Mrk 501, M87, quasars.
  • ? astronomy was pioneered with Baikal telescope
    installed in lake Baikal in Siberia.
  • The most advanced larger telescopes are
    AMANDA/ICECUBE in the South pole and
  • NESTOR/ANTARES/???? detector in the Mediterranean
    coasts of Greece, France
  • and Italy.
  • Real ? astronomy will require larger detectors.
  • Auger experiment could also detect high energy ?

Gamma Astronomy
  • An important, so far unsolved problem of
    astroparticle physics origin of cosmic rays.
  • Investigations of charged primary cosmic rays are
    essentially unable to answer this
  • because charged particles have to pass through
    extended irregular magnetic fields on
  • their way from source to Earth.
  • This causes them to be deflected in an
    uncontrolled fashion, forgetting their origin.
  • Particle astronomy with charged particles is only
    possible at extremely high E when are
  • no significantly affected by cosmic magnetic
  • Would require E gt1019 eV with flux of primary
    particles extremely low.
  • Whatever the sources of cosmic rays are, they
    will also emit energetic penetrating ? rays
  • not deflected by intergalactic or stellar
    magnetic fields and so point back to sources.
  • However ? rays from distant sources might be
    subject to time dispersions.
  • Astronomical objects in the line of sight of
    these sources can distort their trajectory by
  • gravitational lensing making them look blurred
    and causing time-of-flight dispersions in
  • arrival time also for electromagnetic radiation.

Extensive air showers
  • Even EAS initiated by primary particles with
    Elt100TeV doesnt reach sea level,
  • it can be recorded via Cherenkov light emitted by
    shower particles.
  • As relativistic particles traverse the
  • part of E loss appears as a coherent wavefront of
    Cerenkov radiation.
  • This radiation is mostly in ultraviolet or blue
    region of the spectrum.
  • Huyghens construction for emission of Cerenkov
    light by a relativistic particle
  • Cos ? (ct/n)/(ßct)1/(ßn)
    ßgt 1/n
  • Refractive index n of air at ground en-1
  • Threshold E for e- mc2/(1-ß2)1/2
  • For µ 4.3GeV (mµ 106 MeV).
  • Most components of EAS have much greater E,
  • so they will produce abundant Cerenkov light.
  • Relativistic particle above threshold 10000?/km
    of path.
  • Can be detected by large mirrors pointing to
    photomultipliersWhipple Observatory

Extensive air showers
  • Cerenkov light emitted in narrow cone of
    ?(2e)1/2(1.4 at ground, although Coulomb
  • scattering of e- will considerably broaden this),
    so that light appears in restricted radius
  • 100m around shower axis, axis must be fairly
    close to mirror system to be recorded.
  • Ionizing particles can excite fluorescence from
    N2 in the atmosphere
  • 5000?/km of track in the blue wavelength region.
  • Fluorescent light is emitted isotropicallydistant
    showers several km away, not aimed
  • towards mirror/photomultiplier system, can be
  • Sensitivity to highest E events greatly
  • Whipple Observatory 1.system employing these
  • techniques with large mirror array.
  • 2 spatially separated arrays of mirrors for
  • images to reconstruct shower profile.
  • Distinguish showers initiated by primary ?
  • develop early, contained in upper atmosphere,
  • from those by nucleonsdevelop slowly,penetrating.
  • Poor duty cycle cloudless, moonless nights.

  • Air Cerenkov telescopes interesting type of
    ?-ray detector.
  • ?ypical detector must be flown with balloon or
    satellite above
  • atmosphere to avoid absorption of ?-ray, Air
    Cerenkov telescope
  • nullifies problem by making atmosphere part of
  • ?-rays interacting in atmosphere create an air
  • Depending on ? of initial cosmic ?-ray, may be
    thousands of
  • electrons/positrons in cascade emitting Cerenkov
  • Light is pancake-like 200m in diameter but 1m
  • HESS,MAGIC,...
  • VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging
    Telescope Array System), built by
  • a collaboration headed by the Whipple
    Observatory, uses an array of seven 10m optical
  • reflectors for gamma-ray astronomy in 50 GeV - 50
  • Solar Tower Atmospheric Cerenkov Effect
    Experiment (STACEE) will use primary
  • collection mirror large field of 220 solar
    heliostat mirrors at National Solar Thermal
  • Test Facility of Sandia National Laboratories.
  • Milagro built by collaboration headed by Los
    Alamos National Laboratory, use 5000m2
  • pool of water covered with light-tight barrier as
    Cerenkov detector to study TeV ?-rays.

  • Observing the Universe in ?-rays allows us to
    examine things which are happening that
  • cannot be seen with ordinary telescopes and which
    are very important in helping us to
  • understand how matter and radiation interact with
    each other.
  • This is especially true for understanding their
    interaction under extreme conditions
  • where temperatures are hundreds of millions
    degrees, matter is very dense, or magnetic
  • fields are very strong.
  • Some specific targets include
  • solar flares
  • Gamma-ray Bursts
  • Black Holes and Neutron Stars
  • Supernovae
  • Pulsars
  • Active Galaxies Seyferts and Quasars

Extensive air showers
  • At higher E various detection techniques.
  • Classical techniquesampling of shower particles
    at sea level with 1m2 scintillators or
  • water Cherenkov counters.Auger 75y ago extended
    array of detectors in coincidence.
  • Shower detectable at sea-level for primary
    Egt1015eV, when maximum is near ground.
  • At mountain altitudes, threshold 100 TeV.
  • E assignment for primary not very precise.
  • Shower develops in atmosphere which acts as
  • calorimeter of 27 radiation lengths thickness.
  • Information on shower is sampled in only one,
  • the last layer of calorimeter and
  • coverage of this layer is typically only 1.
  • Direction of incidence of primary obtained from
  • arrival times of shower particles in different
  • sampling counters as shower front crosses array.
  • Since shower front is quite well defined.

Extensive air showers
  • More advantageous to measure total longitudinal
    development of cascade in atmosphere
  • Apart from directional Cherenkov radiation shower
    particles emit isotropic scintillation
  • light in atmosphere.
  • For particles with Egt1017 eV, fluorescence light
    of N is sufficiently intense to be
  • recorded at sea level in presence of diffuse
    background of starlight.
  • Detector consists of a system of mirrors and
    photomultipliers, which view the sky.
  • Air shower passing through atmosphere near
    activates only those photomultipliers
  • whose field of view is hit.
  • Fired photomultipliers allow to reconstruct
    longitudinal profile of air shower.

Extensive air showers
  • Total recorded light intensity to determine
    shower E more precise E assignments.
  • Big disadvantage compared to classical air-shower
    technique only clear moonless night
  • Arrangement of mirrors and photomultipliers in
    Flys Eye setup of Utah.
  • Auger experiment array of sampling detectors
    complemented by telescopes measuring
  • fluoresce light produced in atmosphere.
  • Much larger acceptances of these telescopes
  • in orbit Air Watch.

Extensive air showers
  • -?as been tried to observe air showers via EM
    radiation emitted in radio band.
  • Is believed this radio signal is caused by
    shower e- deflected in Earths magnetic
  • field creating synchrotron radiation.
  • Because of strong background in all wavelength
  • these attempts have not been particularly
    successful so far.
  • -Possibility to detect large air showers via
    their µ content in underground experiments
  • has been followed up in recent experiments.

Ultrahigh Energy cosmic rays
  • -AGASA
  • -Flys Eye
  • -HiRes
  • -Telescope Array
  • Auger Observatory
  • Biggest ultra high energy cosmic ray detector on
  • http//
  • http//
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