Probability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tree diagrams can help you figure out all the possibilities when you have ... Example: You have 6 shirts and 5 jeans. You have 6 5 = 30 different outfits. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Probability

  • Chapter 11

Aim 11-1 How do we use tree diagrams and the
counting principle?
  • Tree diagrams can help you figure out all the
    possibilities when you have several to choose
  • Example Lunch
  • Your school cafeteria offers two sandwiches,
    chicken or tuna. For drinks you have three to
    choose from milk, apple juice or water.
  • So how many many ways can you choose your lunch?

  • Your school cafeteria offers two sandwiches,
    chicken or tuna. For drinks you have three to
    choose from milk, apple juice or water.
  • So how many many ways can you choose your lunch?
  • Use a tree diagram to show all the possibilities.
  • Go to Easitouch

  • Does the order in which you list the decisions
    make a difference? Explain.
  • Suppose the cafeteria offers four drinks. How
    many different lunches can you now choose?

The Counting Principle
  • Suppose there are m ways of making one choice and
    n ways of making a second choice. Then there are
    m n ways to make the first choice followed by
    the second choice.
  • Example You have 6 shirts and 5 jeans. You have
    6 5 30 different outfits.

The Counting Principle
  • A greeting card software program offers 24
    different greetings, 10 different images and 8
    font styles. How many different cards can you
    make with this program?

The Counting Principle
  • A software program to design CD covers offers 240
    background, 14 font styles, and 12 song-listing
    styles. How many different covers can you make?

The Counting Principle
  • Use a tree diagram to find the number of possible
  • A diner offers three choices of entrees, three
    choices for the first side order and two choices
    for the second side order. Find the number of
    possible meals.

The Counting Principle
  • Which would be more useful in finding the
    probability of an event, a tree diagram or the
    counting principle? Explain.

Summary Answer in complete sentences.
  • Explain how a tree diagram shows the counting
  • You sell balloon in a different colors and a
    different shapes.
  • How many different balloons do you sell?
  • How many different balloons do you sell if a 10?

Aim 11-2 How do we find the number of
permutations of a set of objects?
  • Investigation
  • See Easiteach

  • A permutation is an arrangement of a set of
    objects in a particular order.

Permutations Using A Diagram
  • In how many ways can Ryan, Emily and Justin line
    up in the gym class?
  • Ryan, Emily and Justin can line up in six
    different ways. This means that there are six

Permutations Using A Diagram
  • Is the line up (Ryan, Emily, Justin) different
    from the line up (Ryan, Justin, Emily)? Explain.

Using the Counting Principle
  • At a school awards ceremony, the principal will
    present awards to seven students. How many
    different ways can the principal give out the
  • There are seven ways to give out the first award,
    six ways to give the second , and so on.
  • 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5, 040 different ways

Using the Counting Principle
  • Suppose the principal adds an award. How does
    this affect the number of different ways to give
    out the awards?

Permutations Using Factorials
  • Many CD players can vary the order in which songs
    are played. Your favorite CD has eight songs.
    Find the number of orders in which the songs can
    be played.
  • 8! 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40, 320 different

Permutations Using Factorials
  • Simplify each expression.
  • 2!
  • 6!
  • 4!
  • Find the number of ways you can arrange ten books
    on a bookshelf.

Using Permutation Notation
  • A class of 25 students must choose a president
    and a vice president. There are 25 possible
    choices for the president. Then there are 24
    possible choices for the vice president. So there
    are 2524 permutations for choosing a president
    and a vice president from 25 students. You can
    write this as 25P2.

Permutation Notation
  • The expression nPr represents the number of
    permutations of n objects chosen r at a time.
  • Example 25P2 25 24 600
  • 25 objects groups of 2

Using Permutation Notation
  • Simplify 15P3.
  • 15 14 13 2, 730 permutations of 15 items

Using Permutation Notation
  • Simplify each expression.

SummaryAnswer in complete sentences.
  • What is a permutation?
  • Name at least two ways to find the number of
    permutations of a set of objects.
  • Write the notation you could use to show the
    permutation of t things taken c at a time.

Aim 11-3 How do we find combinations by using a
  • The pair of yogurt toppings, raisins and nuts, is
    the same as the pair of toppings, nuts and
    raisins. They form the same combination. A
    combination is a group of items in which the
    order of the items is not considered.

Finding CombinationsThe table below contains our
yogurt toppings. How many different ways can you
choose two toppings?
Finding Combinations
  • How many different groups of three tutors can
    your teacher choose from four students?
  • Make an organized list to find the number of

Finding Combinations
  • Why is Example 1 not solved by finding the number
    of permutations? Explain.

Using Combination Notation
  • You can also use permutations to find
  • You can write the number of combinations of four
    yogurt toppings chosen two at a time as 4C2.

Using Combination Notation
  • The expression nCr represents the number of
    combinations of n objects chosen r at a time.

Using Combination Notation
  • A fishing boat uses 5 fishing lines. Each line
    holds one lure. There are 12 different lures. How
    many different combinations of lures can be used
    at one time?
  • Find the number of ways you can choose 5 lures
    from 12.

Using Combination Notation
  • Solution
  • 12C5
  • If the fishing boat uses 7 lines rather than 5
    lines, are more combinations possible? Explain.

Using Combination Notation
  • Simplify each expression.

SummaryAnswer in complete sentences.
  • Explain what the combination formula means.

Aim 11-4 How do we find experimental
Experimental Probability
  • Probability based on experimental data is called
    experimental probability.
  • You find the experimental probability of an event
    by repeating an experiment, or trial, many times.

Experimental Probability
  • P (Event)

Finding Experimental Probability
  • The scientist Gregor Mendel crossbred green-seed
    plants and yellow-seed plants. Out of 8, 023
    crosses, 6,022plants had yellow seeds and 2,001
    had green seeds. Find the probability that a
    plant has green seeds. Write the probability as a

Finding Experimental Probability
?0.249 25
Finding Experimental Probability
  • Use the table at the right. What is the
    experimental probability of getting heads after
    20 tosses? Write the probability as a fraction,
    decimal and a percent.

  • You can toss a coin to find the experimental
    probability of getting heads. You can also find
    the theoretical probability without doing any
    trials because both possible outcomes (heads or
    tails) are equally likely

  • To find the theoretical probability of an event
    with equally likely outcomes, you use the formula
    you learned in Ch. 6.
  • Theoretical probability P(E)

Identifying the Type of Probability
  • The table below shows the results of a survey of
    Mayville residents. Does the survey represent
    experimental or theoretical probability?

Identifying the Type of Probability
  • Solution
  • The survey records actual responses from Mayville
    residents. It represents experimental probability.

Identifying the Type of Probability
  • Decide whether each probability is experimental
    or theoretical. Explain your answers.
  • A bag contains two red marbles and three white
    marbles. P(red) is 2/5.
  • You draw a marble out of bag, record the color,
    and replace the marble. After 8 draws, you record
    3 red marbles. P(red) is 3/8.

Finding Complements of Odds
  • The complement of an event is the opposite of
    that event.
  • For example, in a coin toss, heads is the
    complement of tails. The sum of the probabilities
    of an event and its complement is 1.

The Complement of an Event
  • For an event, A and its complement, not A, P(A)
    P(not A) 1.
  • To find the probability of a complement, use the
    following formula
  • P(not A) 1 P (A)

Complements in Probability
  • Find the probability of not rolling a 6 with a
    number cube. Write the probability as a fraction.
  • Solution
  • P(not 6) 1- 5/ 6 5/6

Complements in Probability
  • What is the probability of not rolling a 4 or 5
    on a number cube?

  • Odds in favor of an event the ratio of the
    number of favorable outcomes to the number of
    unfavorable outcomes.
  • Odds against an event the ratio of the number
    of unfavorable outcomes to the number of
    favorable outcomes.

  • Example
  • The odds in favor of the spinner landing on red
    are 1 to 3 or 1 3. The odds against the spinner
    landing on red are 31.

Determining Odds
  • Suppose you select a ball at random from the golf
    balls shown. What are the odds in favor of
    selecting a yellow ball?
  • Solution
  • Since two balls are yellow and five are orange,
    the odds of selecting a yellow ball at random are
    2 5.

Determining Odds
  • What are the odds against selecting a yellow ball
    at random?

SummaryAnswer in complete sentences.
  • How does experimental probability differ from
    theoretical probability? Give an example of each.
  • What is the relationship between the odds in
    favor of an event and the odds against an event?
    Give an example of each.

Aim 11-5 How do we find the probability of
independent and dependent events?
  • Compound events are two or more related events.
  • Suppose you draw a card from a stack of ten cards
    and replace it. When you draw a second card,
    there are still ten cards from which to choose.
    The compound events are independent.
  • Independent events, the outcome of one event does
    not affect the outcome of a second event.

Independent Event
  • If A and B are independent events, then P(A, then
    B) P(A) P(B)

Probability of Independent Events
  • If you have 6 blue socks and 4 black socks and 10
    white socks, what is the probability of drawing a
    white sock then a white sock if you replace the
  • P(white, then white)

Dependent Events
  • Suppose you draw a card from a stack of ten cards
    and do not replace it. When you draw a second
    card, there are fewer cards from which to choose
  • These compound events are dependent events. For
    Dependent events the outcome of the one event
    affects the outcome of a second event.

Dependent Events
  • If A and B are dependent events,
  • then P(A, then B) P(A) P(B , after A).

Probability of Dependent Events
  • Two girls and three boys volunteer to speak at a
    school assembly. Their names are put in a hat.
    One name is selected at random and not replaced.
    Then another name I selected. Find the P(girl,
    then girl).
  • P(girl) P(girl, after girl)
  • P(girl, then girl)

Probability of Dependent Events
  • From the above example, find the probability that
    a boy and then a girl are selected.

SummaryAnswer in complete sentences.
  • Contrast the formula for finding the probability
    of independent and dependent events.

Aim 11-7 How do we plan a survey?
  • Statisticians collect information about specific
    groups using a survey. Any group of objects or
    people in a survey is called a population.

  • Sometimes a population includes too many people
    to survey. So you look at a sample of the
    population. A sample is a part of the population.
  • In a random sample, each object in the population
    has an equal chance of being selected.

Determining Random Samples
  • Tell whether or not the following surveys are
    random samples. Describe the population of the
  • At a game show, five people in the audience are
    selected to play based on their seat number.
  • This is a random sample. The population is the

Determining Random Samples
  • Tell whether or not the following surveys are
    random samples. Describe the population of the
  • b. A student interviews several people in his art
    class to determine the movie star most admired by
    the students at school.
  • This is not a random sample. The students in the
    art class may not represent the views of all the
    students at school. The population is the
    students at school.

Determining Random Samples
  • To find out the type of music people in a city
    prefer, you survey people who are 18-30 years
    old. Is the sample random? Explain.
  • Describe the population of the sample.

  • There are other ways to sample a population.
  • In a systematic sample, the members of a survey
    population are selected using a system of
    selection that depends on a random number.

  • In a stratified sample, members of the survey
    population are separated into groups to ensure a
    balanced sample. Then a random sample is selected
    from each group.

Methods of Sampling for Conducting Surveys
Real-World Problem Solving
  • You think the school bus makes stops that are too
    far apart. You want to see if the riders on all
    buses agree. Tell whether each survey plan
    describes a good sample and, if so, name the
    method of sampling used.
  • a. Randomly interview 50 people walking on the

  • Solution
  • This sample will probably include people who are
    not bus riders. It is not a good sample because
    it is not taken from the population you want to

  • You think the school bus makes stops that are too
    far apart. You want to see if the riders on all
    buses agree. Tell whether each survey plan
    describes a good sample and, if so, name the
    method of sampling used.
  • b. Compile a list of all bus riders by grade
    level. Put each name on a slip of a paper into
    the appropriate grade-level box. Select ten names
    from each box to survey.

  • Solution
  • This is a good sample. It is an example of a
    stratified sample.

  • You think the school bus makes stops that are too
    far apart. You want to see if the riders on all
    buses agree. Tell whether each survey plan
    describes a good sample and, if so, name the
    method of sampling used.
  • c. Pick four buses at random. Interview every
    fifth rider boarding the bus.

  • Solution
  • This is a good sample. It is an example of a
    systematic sample.

Real-World Problem Solving
  • a.To find out what type of music people 12-16
    years old prefer, you survey people at random at
    a local art museum. Is this a good sample?
    Explain your reasoning.
  • b. Describe another survey plan for part(a) that
    uses systematic or stratified sampling.
  • c. Which survey method is easier to conduct?

Determining Biased Questions
  • Unfair questions in a survey are biased
    questions. They make assumptions that may or may
    not be true.
  • Biased questions can also make one answer seem
    better than another.

Real-World Problem Solving
  • Look at the clipboard, and determine whether each
    question is biased or not. Explain your answer.

Real-World Problem Solving
  • This question is unbiased. It does not try to
    persuade you one way or the other.
  • This question is biased. It makes in-line skating
    rink A seem more appealing than skating rink B.

  • c. This question is biased. It assumes you either
    in-line skate or ice skate.

SummaryAnswer in complete sentences.
  • Explain some important steps in planning a
  • Explain how to decide whether or not a question
    is biased.
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