Title: Minkowski Space
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2Minkowski Space
- Consider a 4 dimensional vector space
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7Time Dilation Again
8Four velocity
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11The relativistic Addition of velocities
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15Relativistic addition of velocities
16The momentum Energy 4 vector
- As we have seen the classical momentum is not
relativistically invariant
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20Doppler again
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25Relativistic Center of Mass System
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29- The energy available for inelastic processes is
30End of Special Relativistic Section
31The wanning of the classical world view
32Classical Physics
- The physical universe is deterministic, given
enough information one can predict exactly the
evolution of the system - Light consists of electromagnetic waves while
ordinary matter consists of discrete particles - Physical quantities like postion momentum,
angular momentum and energy are continuous
variables - Newtonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism depend
typically on second order differential equations
33Thermal Radiation
- We see objects by scattering electromagnetic
radiation from them - When we heat an object it can also emit radiation
- As the Temperature of a body is increased the
intensity of the thermal radiation rises - The higher the temperature the shorter the wave
length of the most intense emitted radiation - A body becomes red hot and then white hot
35- Stefan showed that the total power emitted per
unit area,R, called the total emissive power or
total emittance is given by the empirical
Constant independent of surface
Emissivity,characterisic of surface, 1?e
Temperature on absolute scale
36- If a body is in thermal equilibrium with its
surroundings, it must absorb and admit the same
amount of radiant energy(otherwise temperature
would rise) - A blackbody is a perfect absorber so if it is
emitting thermal radiation we must have - e1
37- Early attempts to study these observations
quantatively ran into difficulties because it was
found that the thermal radiation emitted from a
given body at a given temperature depended on
the material from it was made, the roughness of
the surface etc.
38Cavity Radiator
- To avoid these problems the idea of a cavity
radiator was introduced. - Idea form a cavity in a material with its walls
held at a constant temperature - A small hole is created which allows radiation to
escape - The radiation emerging from this hole does not
depend on the nature of the cavity or the
material just on the temperature
39- "Blackbody radiation" refers to an object or
system which absorbs all radiation incident upon
it and re-radiates energy which is characteristic
of this radiating system only, not dependent upon
the type of radiation which is incident upon it.
The radiated energy can be considered to be
produced by standing wave or resonant modes of
the cavity which is radiating.
40Cavity blackbody radiation
- The radiation emitted from a cavity through a
small hole ("cavity radiation") is very close to
the theoretical blackbody curve for the same
temperature. In the cavity, the radiation is in
equilibrium with the material - most of the
radiation stays inside the cavity, being
continually emitted and re-absorbed by the walls.
Radiation emitted from the outer surface of a
material will not necessarily be fully
thermalized - some frequencies corresponding to
certain transitions of the material, will be
emitted preferentially. So, the blackbody curve
is not material-specific, but the actual emission
from an object will be. Cavity radiation will
depend less on the material, and the smaller the
hole, the closer it will correspond to the
theoretical blackbody curve.
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42Intensity versus wavelength for different
43Rayleigh-Jeans distribution
- The radiation detected outside the hole will be a
sample of the radiation inside the box, so some
analysis is required to understand whats
happening inside the box. - The box is filled with electromagnetic standing
waves. If the walls are metal, the radiation
bounces around inside the box with the electric
field stopping at each wall, creating a node at
each wall. - The number of standing waves with wavelengths
between ?? and ?d? is N(??) d? (8? V / ?4) d?
where V is the volume of the box. - This can be proven by regular analysis of
standing waves and expanding it to three
dimensions. - Each individual wave contributes an energy kT to
the radiation in the box. From classical
thermodynamics, we know that the radiation in the
box is in thermal equilibrium with the walls at
temperature T. Radiation is absorbed and quickly
reemitted by the walls, which creates
oscillations in the frequency of the radiation.
The mean thermal kinetic energy of an oscillating
atom is 0.5kT. Since these are simple harmonic
oscillators, the mean kinetic energy is equal to
the mean potential energy, so the total energy is
kT. - The radiance is related to the energy density
(energy per unit volume) u(?) in the relationship
44Some ideas from Thermodynamics
- Consider a collection of electromagnetic waves
inside a blackbody cavity of temperature T. - The energy density is just the average energy of
the waves multiplied by their number density
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46- k is the Boltzmann constant
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49From all this we get
known as the Rayleigh-Jeans formula)
50Ultra violet Catastrophe
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52Ultra violet Catastrophe
- Plank rederived the formula and avoided the
catastrophe by assuming that the oscillators
could only take energies which were integer
multiples of some energy