Title: Prisoner Reentry: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
1Prisoner Reentry Taking Stock and Moving
- Prepared for the North Carolina Reentry Summit
- Winston-Salem, NC
- November 29, 2006
Amy L. Solomon Senior Research Associate
2Presentation Overview
- Reentry -- defining the problem
- Reasons for optimism
- Growing knowledge base
- Public opinion supports reentry
- Ex-offender attitudes are positive
- Substantial reentry activity
- What to make of all the momentum
- Putting it all together what does this mean for
3Prisoner Reentry Magnitude of Problem
- 650,000 leaving state and federal prisons
annually - 12 million leaving local jails
- High recidivism rates
- Fiscal implications 60 B on corrections
- Impacts on families and communities acute
- Individual challenges are substantial
4Reason for Optimism 1 Growing Knowledge Base
- Reentry programs should
- Take place mostly in community vs prison
- Intensive (at least 6 months)
- Focused on high-risk individuals
- Use cognitive-behavioral treatment techniques
- Match therapist and program to learning styles of
individual - Provide vocational training and job enhancing
opportunities - Provide more positive reinforcers than negative
- Petersilia 2004
5Reason for Optimism 1 Growing Knowledge Base
- Programs that adhere to characteristics
cost-effective - See Washington State Institute for Public Policy
report - What works to reduce crime?
- What are the economics of each option?
- How would alternative portfolios effect prison
construction needs, state and local CJ costs, and
crime rates? - Findings
- Some programs reduce crime, some dont
- Several of the successful programs produce
favorable returns on investment - Public policies incorporating these options can
yield positive outcomes for Washington
6Reason for Optimism 1 Growing Knowledge Base
- Cautions
- No one magic bullet program
- Reductions in recidivism arent as big as wed
like, and dont last for as long as wed like
(5-15) - Limited by evaluations of programs not
strategies - Comprehensive, collaborative strategies may be
our best hope, yet to date they are untested - SVORI findings will help fill gap
7Reason for Optimism 2 Voting Public Supportive
of Reentry Planning
What would you prefer the state implement?
- 2006 NCCD/Zogby poll of 1000 U.S. voters
- 80 concerned or fearful about returning
prisoners - 87 believe prisons should attempt to
rehabilitate inmates
Source NCCD/Zogby 2006
8Reason for Optimism 2 Voting Public Supportive
of Reentry Planning
When Should Planning Begin?
- Lack of life skills, prison experience, and
obstacles to reentry thought major factors in the
rearrest rates. - Job training, drug treatment, mental health
services, family support, mentoring, and housing
very important services that should be offered
Source NCCD/Zogby 2006
9Reason for Optimism 3 Ex-Offenders Released
with Surprisingly Positive Attitudes
- Reentry population optimistic about future.
- Vast Majority
- Expect and receive support from families
- Will give up friends/hangouts that lead to
trouble - Report high spirituality
- Report excellent or good health
- Think they will not use drugs after release
- Want help finding job
- Think PO will be helpful
- Double edged sword
10Reason for Optimism 4 Reentry Momentum at
National, State, Local Levels
Marriage/Fatherhood, 2nd Chance Act - State Re-Entry Policy Council, NGA Reentry
Policy Academy, Justice Reinvestment - City Mayoral appointees/initiatives, police
chief interest, local jail focus - Neighborhood Weed and Seed, PSN
11What to Make of All the Momentum
- Few evaluations to date. SVORI findings a
proxy. - SVORI findings to date the good news
- All sites/states operational
- Coalitions in tact and delivering wide range of
services - Delivering almost 30 categories of services
- SVORI participants getting more services than
non-SVORI - SVORI participants doing better at 3 months
across range of outcomes (96/116) - Most sites plan to continue (94) and even expand
12What to Make of All the Momentum
- SVORI findings to date word of caution
- While service levels are higher, far short of
100, - Program size small
- Outcomes positive but moderate
- Jury still out 15 month impact and cost-benefit
findings forthcoming
13What to Make of All the Momentum
- Very exciting that coalitions at table and
changing business-as-usual - Level of implementation not there yet
- Hard to scale up and make a big impact in short
time frame - Need sustained effort to make lasting change
- More to come
14Putting It All Together What Does This Mean for
- Theres a lot we can do -
- Without new laws or regulations
- target resources where will make largest impact
high risk people, places, times - Without major costs
- mentors, moment of release, IDs
- With costs but expected returns
- Voc. Ed., intensive supervision with treatment,
cog-behav, drug treatment, etc. WSIPP report.
15Putting It All Together What Does This Mean for
- While know a lot, still a long ways to go -
- Need to implement -- and evaluate -- innovative
new reentry strategies - Strategies vs programs
- Larger recidivism gains
- Comprehensive, collaborative vs. single org.
approaches - Multiple populations dont forget about jails!
16Putting It All Together What Does This Mean for
- PSN framework is perfectly suited to address
reentry - Partnerships
- Police Probation/parole USAO/prosecutors
- Treatment and service providers Faith community
- DOC?
- Strategic planning/strategically targeting
resources - Training
- Outreach/public education
- Accountability/continual feedback
- What Works in Prisoner Reentry? Reviewing and
Questioning the Evidence. (Petersilia, 2004)
tworks.html - Evidence-Based Public Policy Options to Reduce
Future Prison Construction, Criminal Justice
Costs, and Crime Rates. (Aos et al, 2006)
http//www.wsipp.wa.gov/pub.asp?docid06-10-1201 - NCCD/Zogby poll on attitudes towards reentry
zogby.pdf - SVORI Evaluation website http//www.svori-evaluati
on.org - Prisoner Reentry and Community Policing (LaVigne
et al, 2006) http//www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID41106
1 - Urban Institute reentry findings
18URBAN INSTITUTE Justice Policy Center
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