Title: The Age of And
1The Age of And Are Community Colleges
Fulfilling their Missions? JULY 2008
Center on Education and the Workforce July 30th
2What is a community college?
- Community Colleges tend to be AND institutions,
not OR institutions. - How can Community Colleges be defined by AA
degrees or BA degrees that only go to a minority
of its students? - Community Colleges are difficult to define by
Center on Education and the Workforce
3Community Colleges Have One Budget and at Least
10 Missions
- Second-chance high schools providing a
remediation on-ramp to postsecondary education
and training, - Partnering With Early College, Career Academies
and other CTE programs for high school students
who have met core standards, - The Junior College that provide the first few
years of college and transfer to four year
institutions, - Career and technical education (CTE) providers,
- The Community College that serves geographic
and demographic communities, - The Professional College that provides
occupational and professional BAs , - Incumbent worker training,
- Education and training for industry and
occupational clusters targeted on Economic
Development Clusters, - Adult basic education (ABE) and training
providers for unskilled workers, - And the preferred provider for retraining
dislocated incumbent workers.
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4Entering the Age of And In Community College
- The Simultaneous Growth of the Noncredit Shadow
Postsecondary System and the BA is Dawning of
The Age of And In Community Colleges - Democratic and Meritocratic Values
- Globally Competitive and Locally Responsive
- Internally Coherent and Externally Responsive
- Teaching and Research
- Occupational, Liberal Arts and Professional
- Teaching and RD
- University and Corporate Governance Models
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5Supporting Trends
- Alignment Between Economic and Education Demand
- Shortages In Key Occupations, Professions and
Areas Underserved by BA Centered Colleges and
Universities (e.g. education, healthcare,
uniformed services, public administration) - Credential and Skill Escalation Among
Place-bound, Non-traditional and Underserved
Working Families (the rising middle class) - K-16 and Labor Market Alignment and Transparency
- Secondary and Postsecondary Vertical Integration
- Postsecondary Horizontal Integration (centered on
multi-campuses in four year institutions in the
East and Community Colleges going South and West)
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6- Community Colleges cant perform all these
missions - with capped FTE aid
- a one size fits all cost structure
- and without substantial institutional aid for
missions that are not market driven
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7There is a growing revenue gap between Community
Colleges and other postsecondary institutions
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8 The Future of Community Colleges Will be
Driven by College for All and a Host of
Non-education Policy Dialogues
- WIA and Trade Adjustment,
- Infrastructure,
- Energy and Environmental Policy,
- State and Regional Economic Development,
- Income Maintenance (EITC) and Welfare,
- Military Recruitment and Veterans Adjustment,
- Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation,
- Education and Training in the Criminal Justice
System, - Immigration and ESL,
- Healthcare and Homeland Security.
Center on Education and the Workforce
9Valuing Community College Credentials and Courses
- Credentials that lead to family sustaining
earnings - PSE gate-keeper courses (basic skills, transfer
and occupational) - Test-based certifications
- Certificates
- AAs
- BA
- BA
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10In a number of cases, the combination of AAs and
Certificates equals or surpasses the number of
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11The average certificate takes 1.7 years to
complete and are evenly split between those taken
less than a year and those being completed in 3
or less years.
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12Valuing Credentials
- Average Earnings Data Conceals Hidden Gems
- Conventional Wisdom
- The higher the degree, the higher the earnings
- In real life
- Not all education is created equal
- e.g. Some certificates out-earn 2 and 4 year
degrees - Targeting high-value non-degree credentials
- Adds new pathways to family sustaining earnings
- Small steps are easier for the school-averse
individuals to take
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13Conventional Wisdom
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14In Real Life
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15In Real Life
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16In Real Life Earnings are not only a function of
post-secondary attainment levels
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17In Real LifeGenerally, working in your field is
better than working out of it but some
out-of-field credentials are better than others
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18Awards conferred by Title IV institutions by
gender 1996-1997
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19Awards conferred by Title IV institutions by
gender 2005-2006
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20Success is Family-Sustaining Earnings Getting
There Means Creating Career Entrepreneurs who
can Surf the US Labor Market on Their Own
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21Understanding the Highly Volatile US labor
market- the Most Dynamic in the World.
- In every quarter, 8 million jobs are added and 7
million jobs are lost. - Every year 1/3 of the labor-force changes jobs.
- Every year more than 30 million Americans are
working in jobs that did not exist in the
previous quarter. - We need immediate access to this information
- one job at a time.
Center on Education and the Workforce
22Ongoing SuccessCareer Entrepreneurs
- Ultimate success is a family-sustaining job
- On-going access to current labor market
information shows what jobs, skills and
credentials are hot - On-going access to current job openings gives
ways to connect with employers - Access to information leads to career-related
learning - Real time data gives on-going access to a
sustaining support network
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23Building a Real-Time Learning and Career
Management Information System
- Replaced Americas Job Bank
- Jobs directly from 2,500 Employers
- Jobs from State Employment Services
- Partnered with Community Colleges
- Job flow can form the basis for a real time
demand analysis - Resume flow can form the basis for a real time
supply analysis
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24Real-Time Learning and Career Management
Information System
ONet Knowledge Skills Abilities Interest Values C
ontext Tasks Activities
Job Listings
Parsing Tools
Data Repository Monitoring, mapping and
Full Information Real Time Qualifications Skills
and Experience
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25Electronic Learning and Career Exchange
My CareerSpace
Career Management Tool
Resume Writing Tool
Learning Exchange Tool
Gap Analysis Tool
Full Information Real Time Qualifications Skills
and Experience
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