Title: Earth System Science Education
1Earth System Science Education for the 21st
Century Annual MeetingJune 28-30,
2004 Monterey, CA
2ESSE 21 Is a leader in systemic change for
interdisciplinary Earth system science education
at the undergraduate level Emphasizes the
understanding of Earth as a system of
interrelated air, water,land, life and social
processes Offers colleges and universities small,
competitive grants to develop Earth system
science courses, curricula, and degree programs
Engages a collaborative community of educators
and scientists as partners in jointly developing
and sharing courses and learning resources
focused on Earth system science research and
application Places special emphasis on reaching
minority-serving institutions. Is led by the
Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
and sponsored by NASA
3ESSE 21 Goals Support and expand an active and
diverse community of college and university
educators and scientists as partners dedicated to
developing and offering courses and relevant
curricula in Earth system science by joining of
faculty from different disciplines. Foster and
enrich the grassroots development of quality
shared content at the undergraduate and graduate
level, incorporating Earth system science,
research, data, models, visualizations,
applications and technology for classroom and
laboratory use. Provide enabling infrastructure
that fosters and supports broad collaboration
among an interdisciplinary community in the
development of content and serves as a focal
point for sharing interdisciplinary ideas,
resources, and talents.
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5Welcome ESSE 21 Year 3 Participants David
Anastasio, Lehigh University"Where is the
Missing Carbon?" Multidisciplinary
Web-Based-Inquiry Modules for Earth System
Science Instruction" R. David Baker, Austin
College"Earth System Science Education in a
Liberal Arts Environment Unique Undergraduate
Experiences and Enhanced Public
Awareness"Robert Ford, Loma Linda University"A
Proposal to Participate in ESSE 21 by the School
of Science and Technology, Loma Linda
University"Robert Kelly, University of
Wyoming"Development of an Undergraduate Program
in Earth System Science at the University of
Wyoming"Prabhakar Misra, Howard
University"Development of an Earth and Space
Science Focused Education and Research Program at
Howard UniversityApril Ulery, New Mexico State
UniversityA Proposal to Participate in the
NASA/USRA Earth System Science Education for the
21st Century Program
6ESSE 21 Steering Committee Susan Alexander,
CSUMBRobert Harriss, NCARCaesar Jackson,
NCATSabra Lee, Lesley UniversityOwen Thompson,
UMD Working Groups Diversity Caesar
JacksonEvaluation Sabra LeeLessons Learned
(community and content) Susan Alexander Robert
Harriss Owen Thompson Education Evaluator
David Reider
7Meeting Objectives Communicate our progress in
extending ESS Share experiences, ideas lessons
learned Learn about new opportunities Develop new
partnerships Collectively define our needs and
priorities Contribute to grassroots leadership
and ownership Build community Plan for the future
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