Title: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products
1Ayurvedic Personal Care Products
2Ayurvedic intimate washes are specially
formulated products that are designed to cleanse
and protect the delicate skin around the intimate
area. They contain natural ingredients such as
Aloe Vera, fenugreek, Palash leaf, Neem, and
other herbs that are known for their beneficial
and soothing properties.
3Nature v wash
Intimate wash is a herbal intimate wash with the
ability to reduce itching. It is designed to be
used as a douche and it is useful in treating
skin infections, vaginal dryness, yeast
infections, and bacterial vaginosis.
4Our Herbal Intimate Wash features
5Main Ingredients
6About Us
Ayurvedic intimate washes are specially
formulated products that are designed to cleanse
and protect the delicate skin around the intimate
area. Our Product is GMP and Ayurvedic certified.
7Thank you