Title: Digital Baseband
1Digital Baseband
- M. Josie Ammer
- BWRC retreat 6/1/2000
- Physical Layer (PHY) Design Flow - digital
- Two-Chip Intercom (TCI) PHY Specification
- Receiver Timing Recovery Algorithm
- Receiver Implementation Complexity
- State Machine Translation to Hardware
- Power Estimation
- TCI PHY Future
- Plans for PicoRadio PHY
3Physical Layer Design Flow
4TCI Physical Layer
- TCI Application Intercom-style voice
conversations - 15-20 users, 64Kb/s/user
- Requires up and downlink, peer-to-peer PHY
- Provide simple interface to protocol stack
- Existing RF, analog components support
- 31 chips/symbol DSSS
- 25 MHz chip rate
- QPSK mod
- Supports 1.6Mb/s
- TDMA supports required bandwidth, user count
- Leverage existing analog, RF components for TCI
5Receiver Algorithm
- 8x over-sampled A/D supplies 8 streams of 9-bit
data (noise is correlated amongst streams) - Choose 3 of the 8 streams (Coarse Timing/Pilot
Detect)(Search for peaks of certain amplitude in
matched filter) - Choose final stream (Fine Timing)
- Estimate and correct carrier offset
- Use training symbols to achieve coherent lock
(DPLL) - Maintain coherent lock during data mode (DPLL)
6Receiver Complexity
State Flow and Data Flow Transistor
State Flow Diagram Complexity
7Stateflow Compilation Example
Example PLL control Stateflow chart
Simple State Machine- 5 states- 4 inputs
(1-bit)- 5 outputs (1-bit)- No temporary
variables- No assignment and usage within one
- For simple state machines, compiler is efficient!
8SF2VHD Status
- Default transition, initialization not
implemented properly (to be fixed soon) - Evaluate SF2VHD efficiency on complicated state
machines - Energy estimates without going through synthesis?
9Power Estimation
- Previously, only able to get transistor counts
- Current work (Ning)
- Characterize module energy
- Log activity for block inputs during Simulink
simulation - Combine activity with energy characterization
- Get more accurate power estimation
- Also working on timing and area estimation
10Power Estimation Example
Log file output foo.cpe_stage3.Add_Sub 10 foo.c
pe_stage3.MUX1 1 foo.Reg_C1.Reg1 11 foo.cpe_stage1
.Add_Sub 10 foo.cpe_stage7.Add_Sub1 8 foo.cpe_stag
e7.Add_Sub 8 foo.cpe_stage6.Add_Sub1 9 foo.cpe_sta
ge6.Mult 9 foo.cpe_stage5.MUX3 3 foo.cpe_stage5.MU
X2 2 foo.cpe_stage5.MUX1 3 foo.cpe_stage5.MUX 3 fo
o.cpe_stage1.Add_Sub1 10
Simulink simulation (fixed pt.)
Use activity information to get better power
11TCI PHY Future Tasks
Gross Power Estimates
- Provide feedback to SF2VHD team in order to
complete tool - Use new in-house power estimate tool to
analyze/optimize power - Work with ICMake team to produce PHY digital core
- Integrate PHY core with protocol stack core
(being developed in parallel)
12Future Plans for Pico Radio
- Select, implement lowest power radio architecture
- CDMA, OFDM, neither
- Direct conversion, Low-IF
- Lower bit rate
- In cooperation with analog and RF design groups
- Develop low power carrier detect and coarse
timing - Reduced bit width, oversampling
- 2-bit ADC at 2x oversample(feasibility
demonstrated in 98)
Goal 60uW for entire PicoRadio Physical Layer!
(1 duty cycle)
13Links to other work
- IC Make design flow
- Module generators
- Clock methodology
- Power estimation from Simulink
- Physical Layer for PicoRadio
- Protocol design and verification
- Protocol implementation
- Tool chain (software and hardware)
- Architectures and circuits
- Analog and RF group
14(No Transcript)
- Timing recovery circuitry accounts for more than
half the power of the TCI receiver. - This poster describes
- Digital timing recovery algorithm for TCI
- Hardware implementation approach
- Improvements to make for PicoRadio
PicoRadio requires 100x improvement over TCI!