Title: A Brief Introduction About - Joshua Freed (1)
1A Brief Introduction About Joshua Freed
2A Successful Real Estate Developer
Equity Capital Inc. CEO, Joshua Freed lives in
Florida with his wife and five children. He is an
experienced and successful real estate
developer and supports his community through
philanthropic efforts.
3CEO Of Equity Capital Inc.
Joshua Freed serves as the CEO of Equity Capital
Inc., a company focused on acquiring projects at
discounted values with the assistance of outside
investment sources.
4A Team Of Highly Skilled Professionals
Joshua Freed engages a team of highly skilled
professionals in his organization, Equity
Capital Inc, where he serves as CEO. Mr. Freed
has dedicated his life to public service and is
passionate about giving back.
5Lives In Florida
Mr. Freed is a member of the Rotary Club and
Kiwanis, and he currently lives in Florida with
his wife.
6Created A High-Revenue Company
He has been a successful real estate developer
and created a high-revenue company, reaching a
revenue of 75 million annually.Mr. Freed has
sat on the board for Protect a Child Today as
well as Vital Solutions.
7Visit To Know More
- https//joshuafreed.tumblr.com/
- https//soundcloud.com/joshuafreed
8Joshua Freed