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We are now finished with electrostatics: the study of fields and potentials ... power transmission lines, magnetic levitation trains, quantum computers? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Today


  • Current and Current Density
  • Devices
  • Batteries
  • Resistors
  • Read Fishbane Chapter 26
  • Remember Quiz on Thursday and Friday.
  • Covers chapters 24-25-12,
  • Potential, Capacitors, Gravity (and everything

Devices and Circuits
  • We are now finished with electrostatics the
    study of fields and potentials produced by static
    charge distributions.
  • Next topic Devices and Circuits
  • We have studied one device so far the capacitor.
    For the next week we will investigate circuits
    composed of the following devices
  • Capacitors
  • Batteries
  • Resistors

Current is charge in motion
  • Electrons exists in conductors with a density, ne
    (ne approx 1029 m-3) and are constantly in
    random motion
  • In general only electrons move, the heavy nucleii
    remain fixed in the material lattice
  • In the absence of electric fields there is no net
    motion of the charge, electrons bounce around
    like atoms in a gas
  • When an electric field is applied
  • a small average velocity, ve ,is added to the
    random motion (an electric current)
  • NOTE that the current direction is defined as
    the direction of the field BUT the electrons move
    in the opposite direction

Current is charge in motion
  • Current density, J, is given by J qeneve
  • unit of J is C/m2sec or A/m2 (A Ampere) and
    1A 1C/s
  • Current, I, is J times cross sectional area, I
    J S
  • for 10 Amp in 1mm x 1mm area, J107 A/m2,
  • ve is about 10-3 m/s
  • (Yes, the average velocity is only 1mm/s!)

Devices Batteries
  • Batteries (Voltage sources, sources of emf)
    Purpose is to provide a constant potential
    difference and source of current between two
  • Cannot calculate the potential difference from
    first principles... chemical electrical energy
    conversion. Non-ideal batteries will be dealt
    with in terms of an "internal resistance".
  • Positive terminal has the higher potential
  • Current is defined as flowing from the positive
    to the negative terminal
  • Inside the battery chemical processes return the
    charge from the negative to positive terminals
  • emf is the term for the electrical potential
    provided by the battery

Devices Resistors
  • Resistors
  • Resistors limit the current drawn in a circuit.
  • Resistance is a natural property of almost all
    materials which opposes the motion of charge
    through the material
  • Resistance can be calculated from knowledge of
    the geometry of the resistor AND the
    resistivity of the material out of which it is
    made (often conductors).

Ohms Law
  • Set up this circuit
  • Vary applied voltage V.
  • Measure current I
  • Ratio remains constant
  • Resistance R

  • What is happening in the resistance?
  • Voltage means Potential Difference -gt E-field
  • E-field -gt constant force on electrons
  • Constant force on electrons -gt constant
  • Constant acceleration -gt very large and
    increasing currents
  • This does not happen large increasing currents
    are not observed
  • whats wrong with this picture???
  • Simple constant acceleration isnt happening.
  • Electrons undergo a lot of rapid and random
  • No constant acceleration (acceleration
    proportional to Voltage)
  • Instead velocity of electrons is proportional to

What gives rise to non-ballistic behavior?
  • E-field in conductor (resistor) provided by a
  • Charges are put in motion, but scatter in a very
    short time from things that get in the way
  • its crowded inside that metal
  • defects, lattice vibrations (phonons), etc
  • Typical scattering time t 10-14 sec
  • Charges ballistically accelerated for this time
    and then randomly scattered

What gives rise to non-ballistic behavior?
  • Newtons 2nd Law says Fma
  • So the acceleration of the electron is eE/m
  • Average velocity attained between scatters is
    given by vat or v eEt/m
  • Current density is J env so current is
    proportional to E which is proportional to
  • OHMs LAW J (e2nt/m)E or J s E s
  • Or

  • Resistance
  • Resistance is defined to be the ratio of the
    applied voltage to the current passing through.

  • Is this a good definition?
  • i.e., does the resistance belong only to the
  • Recall the case of capacitance (CQ/V) depended
    on the geometry, not on Q or V individually
  • Does R depend on V or I ?
  • It seems as though it should, at first glance...

Calculating Resistance
  • To calculate R, must calculate current I which
    flows when voltage V is applied.
  • Applying voltage V sets up an electric field in
    the resistor. What determines the current?
  • Current is charge flowing past a point per unit
    time, which depends on the average velocity of
    the charges.
  • Field gives rise to force on the charge carriers
    which reach a terminal velocity.
  • Resistance calculation splits into two parts
  • Part depends on the resistivity ?, a property
    of the material
  • Part depends on the geometry (length L and cross
    sectional area A)

  • Resistivity is a property of bulk matter related
    to the resistance of a sample.
  • The resistivity (r) is defined as
  • Where E electric field and j current density
    in conductor.
  • For the case of a uniform material


So YES, the property belongs to the material and
we can calculate the resistance if we know the
resistivity and the dimensions of the object
e.g., for a copper wire, r 10-8 W-m, 1mm
radius, 1 m long, then R .01W for glass, r
1012 W-m for semiconductors r 1 W-m
Makes sense?
  • Increase the length, flow of electrons impeded
  • Increase the cross sectional area, flow
  • The structure of this relation is identical to
    heat flow through materials think of a window
    for an intuitive example

Question 1
  • Two cylindrical resistors, R1 and R2, are made of
    identical material. R2 has twice the length of R1
    but half the radius of R1.
  • The resistors are then connected to a battery V
    as shown
  • What is the relation between the currents I1 and

Question 1
  • a
  • b
  • c

Question 1
  • Two cylindrical resistors, R1 and R2, are made of
    identical material. R2 has twice the length of R1
    but half the radius of R1.
  • The resistors are then connected to a battery V
    as shown
  • What is the relation between the currents I1 and
  • The resistivity of both resistors is the same
  • Therefore the resistances are related as
  • The resistors have the same voltage across them

Question 2
  • A very thin metal wire patterned as shown is
    bonded to some structure.
  • As the structure is deformed this stretches the
    wire (slightly).
  • When this happens, the resistance of the wire

(c) stays the same
(a) decreases
(b) increases
Question 2
  • a
  • b
  • c

Question 2
  • A very thin metal wire patterned as shown is
    bonded to some structure.
  • As the structure is deformed this stretches the
    wire (slightly).
  • When this happens, the resistance of the wire

(c) stays the same
(a) decreases
(b) increases
  • Because the wire is slightly longer,
    is increased.
  • Because the volume of the wire is constant,
    increasing the length, decreases the area, which
    increases the resistance.
  • By carefully measuring the change in resistance,
    the strain in the structure may be determined

Is Ohms Law a good law?
  • Our derivation of Ohms law ignored the effects
    of temperature.
  • At higher temperatures the random motion of
    electrons is faster,
  • time between collisions gets smaller
  • Resistance gets bigger
  • Temperature coefficient of resistivity (?)
  • Typical values for metals ??4?10-3

Is Ohms Law a good law?
  • Our derivation of Ohms law ignored quantum
    mechanical effects
  • Many materials, only conduct when sufficient
    voltage is applied to move electrons into a
    conduction band in the material
  • Examples are semiconductor diodes which have very
    far from linear voltage versus current plots

Is Ohms Law a good law? Superconductivity
  • At low temperatures (cooled to liquid helium
    temperatures, 4.2K)the resistance of some
    metals?0, measured to be less than
    10-16?conductor (i.e., ?lt10-24 Om)!
  • Current can flow, even if E0.
  • Current in superconducting rings can flow for
    years with no decrease!
  • 1957 Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS)
    publish theoretical explanation, for which they
    get the Nobel prize in 1972.
  • It was Bardeens second Nobel prize (1956

Is Ohms Law a good law? Superconductivity
  • 1986 High temperature superconductors are
    discovered (Tc77K)
  • Important because liquid nitrogen (77 K) is much
    cheaper than liquid helium
  • Highest critical temperature to date 140K
  • Today Superconducting loops are used to produce
    lossless electromagnets (only need to cool
    them, not fight dissipation of current) for
    particle physics.
  • Fermilab accelerator, IL
  • The Future Smaller motors, lossless power
    transmission lines, magnetic levitation trains,
    quantum computers?? ...

Is Ohms Law a good law?
  • Answer NO
  • Ohms Law is not a fundamental law of physics
  • However it is a good approximation for metallic
    conductors at room temperature as used in
    electrical circuits

  • Ohms Law states
  • Ohms Law is not a physical law but an
    approximation which works well enough in normal
  • Read Chapter 27 for tomorrow
  • Remember the Quiz on Thursday and Friday.
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