Title: SOURCE:
1From Farm to School Improving Small Farm
Viability and School Meals
SOURCE From Farm to School Improving Small
Farm Viability and School Meals, CSREES.
2Carbon footprint labels to capture amount of CO2
emitted during manufacture, distribution and
disposal of product
SOURCE http//www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008
SOURCE http//www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008
4SOURCE Capital Press, November 30, 2007
5Wal-Mart promotes sustainable agriculture by
promoting the concept of food miles
- Food in an average U.S. meal travels 1,500 miles
before it reaches your plate.
- Humans drink nearly 4 quarts of water per day,
food requires 2,000 quarts of water to produce
- Reducing how many miles food travels saves money,
reducing gas emissions
SOURCE Wal-Mart Sustainable Agriculture Fact
Sheet - http//walmartfacts.com/_resources/LinksOf
6(No Transcript)
7SOURCE San Francisco Chronicle, December 1, 2007
8SOURCE Pirog, R. and Benjamin, A.2007. Checking
the food odometer Comparing food miles for local
versus conventional produce sales to Iowa
institutions. Leopold Center for Sustainable
Agriculture, July 2003. http//www.leopold.iastate
9SOURCE Pirog, R. and Benjamin, A.2007. Checking
the food odometer Comparing food miles for local
versus conventional produce sales to Iowa
institutions. Leopold Center for Sustainable
Agriculture, July 2003. http//www.leopold.iastate
10Eating local more important than eating organic?
SOURCE Murray, D. 2005. Oil and Food A Rising
Security Challenge. Earth Policy Institute
report, May 9, 2005-4. http//www.earth-policy.org
11One-fifth goes to ag production The other
four-fifths goes to moving, processing,
packaging, selling and storing food after it
leaves the farm
SOURCE Murray, D. 2005. Oil and Food A Rising
Security Challenge. Earth Policy Institute
report, May 9, 2005-4. http//www.earth-policy.org
12Food Inc. lifts the veil on our nations food
industry - exposing its highly mechanized
SOURCE Participant Media's and River Road
Entertainment's Food, Inc. Opens 3rd Annual
Culinary Cinema of the Berlin International Film
Festival, 2/10/09, Reuters http//www.reuters.com
13Organic or local?
- Willingness of consumer to pay for organic
produce about same as for local produce. - Frequency of purchases was different for organic
and local produce. - Consumers consider ''freshness'' and ''safe to
eat'' as ''very important'' when purchasing
locally grown produce.
When you buy fruits and vegetables, how often do
you buy locally grown (or organically grown)
fresh produce when it is available
Local Organic Always 14 6 Mos
t times 40 15 Sometimes 38 38 Seldom/Never 8
SOURCE Yue, C. and Tong, C. 2009. Organic or
Local? Investigating Consumer Preference for
Fresh Produce Using a Choice Experiment with Real
Economic Incentives. HortScience 44 366-371.
14SOURCE http//www.barfblog.com/blog/141228/10/03/
15A new ruralism movement will take hold, causing
the urban-rural divide to fade and intermingling
neighborhoods with working farms, bringing people
and their food together.
SOURCE Capital Press, September 30,
2010 http//www.capitalpress.com/content/TH-agribi
16Forget quaint notions of sustainability, then,
centered on cheerful things like local foods and
compact fluorescent bulbs. If we dont solve our
most pressing environmental challenges, including
soil erosion, climate change, peak oil, and
increasing consumption of global resources from a
growing population, history suggests we wont
SOURCE CSA News, February 2011 https//www.crops.