Cultural Assimilation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cultural Assimilation


Jessica Alba! Now what do you think Jessica Alba could possibly have to do ... Jessica Alba. As you may have already noticed, Jessica Alba is pro-assimilation. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cultural Assimilation

Cultural Assimilation
  • By
  • Kristin Cameron, Scott Haslam, Alexa MacLean,
    Mwenya Mwansa, Alex Smith

  • The purpose of our presentation is to discuss
    the pros and cons of cultural assimilation. Does
    cultural assimilation have a beneficial or
    detrimental effect on society?

The Question
  • Is the cultural assimilation of immigrants and
    visible minorities the only workable public
    policy for a well-functioning national society?

  • The principle of cultural assimilation is not the
    only workable public policy in a well-functioning

What is Assimilation, you ask?
  • Assimilation is the process by which a minority
    is absorbed into the mainstream culture.

Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach
  • There are two types of assimilation Enforced
    assimilation, which is the when dominant group
    refuses to allow the minority to practice its
    religion, speak its language or follow its
  • Permissible assimilation, in contrast, permits to
    the minority to adopt the dominant groups
    patterns in its own way and act its own speed.

Enforced assimilationThe bad kind.
  • A historical example of assimilation would be
    when First Nations children (who are now known as
    Native Canadians) were forced to attend
    residential schools to become a part of the
    Canadian culture. They often were abused if
    caught speaking their native language or
    practicing their faiths rituals.

The picture depicts a group of Native and
Canadian children outside of a residential school
during one of their first days at the school.
This picture shows the after effect of
assimilation on the Native Children. Can you tell
who is who?
Permissible Assimilation -Its your choice!!
  • A good example of permissible assimilation is
    Mexican immigrants who move to the United States.
    They make a conscious choice to move to America
    to start a new way of life. The United States
    border is highly secured because of the amount of
    illegal immigrants trying to cross the border
    every day.

Jessica Alba!
Now what do you think Jessica Alba could
possibly have to do with Assimilation?
  • A lot, actually.

Coming to America and refusing to follow
American laws and customs, and refusing to
integrate with American society, translates into
disrespect for what America is and stands for. 
And as jingoistic fantastically patriotic as it
may sound, I just dont think people like that
should be allowed to enter our country. Jessica

  • As you may have already noticed, Jessica Alba is
    pro-assimilation. Her quote above shows the
    effects of assimilation on an immigrant to
    American society. This is very hypocritical of
    Jessica since her father is of Mexican heritage.

There must be something good about assimilation,
  • Although Canadas history includes unfortunate
    examples of assimilation there are still
    advantages to the policy of assimilation!

Pros of Assimilation
  • Increased immigration means that ethnic groups
    with different religions, backgrounds and
    practices must try to get along.
  • Cultural and value differences are a potential
    source for conflict.
  • It is imperative that these histories do not
    become part of the Canadian fabric.

Pros continued
  • Ethnic identity refers to identification of
    oneself as belonging to/feeling part of an ethnic
    and cultural community.
  • Visible minorities are especially likely to be
    targets of prejudice and discrimination.

  • The belief is that racism becomes less frequent
    due to assimilation...
  • If you assimilate, you dont segregate

  • By 2016 it is estimated that visible minorities
    will likely comprise close to 20 of the adult
    population and 25 of the children population of

What will happen to Canadas national identity????
  • No, no we dont mean the other side. We mean
    the other side to assimilation -
  • Multiculturalism.

  • Multiculturalism, also known as pluralism, is a
    philosophy or political policy that permits, or
    even encourages, racial and ethnic variation.

Multiculturalism and Some Cons of Assimilation
  • Being against assimilation shows that you are
    pro-multiculturalism which is the first step to
    becoming a diverse society.
  • Multicultural societies such as Canada or
    Switzerland welcome debate and are very
    understanding of the rest of the world. This
    makes multicultural societies effective
    international mediators which is important in
    negotiation for peaceful conflict resolution.
    This diversity has taught such nations to accept
    and respect the diverse views of others.

Some More Cons of Assimilation
  • Knowledge-based economies such as Canadas
    operate best in a competitive global marketplace
    where every mind matters. The more people who
    contribute, the more money can be made.
    Multiculturalism encourages all members of a
    society to take part in the economy. Therefore,
    to protect this economic prosperity, racism must
    be eliminated.

Cons, (again) Through Statistics!
  • 2006 HDI Ranking
  • 1. Norway
  • 2. Iceland
  • 3. Australia
  • 4. Ireland
  • 5. Sweden
  • 6. Canada
  • 7. Japan
  • 8. United States
  • 9. Switzerland
  • 10. Netherlands
  • Green countries are multicultural red countries
    are not.

What is the HDI?
  • The Human Development Index measures a countrys
    levels of health, knowledge and decent standard
    of living. (extend on cue cards)
  • Seven of the top ten countries, including the top
    six overall, have multicultural national policies.

Some More Cons of AssimilationWhat We Think!
  • Assimilation takes away a societys
    individuality. It creates a false sense of
    community and does not appreciate the differences
    in peoples cultures and beliefs. Norms and
    morals are also subject to assimilation by the
    means of changing the way people approach things.
    If a persons morals do not agree with the
    societys in general, it is hard for a person to
    feel that they are unique.

Now on to
Mwenyas Corner!!!!
  • I am going to talk about my learnings,
    experiences and observations on multiculturalism
    in Canada compared to other non-multicultural
    Countries, based on the one year I have been

About me!!
  • First of all, I should mention that I come from
    a heterogeneous cultural country called Zambia
    which is located in the southern part of Africa.
    Zambia has 73 languages with diverse cultures and
    it has also been a safe haven for people seeking
    refuge from neighboring countries in the region,
    especially where there has been civil strife.

A first hand account
  • The practice of multiculturalism in Canada has
    and is still playing a big role in helping me
    with my settling because I have been well
    accepted into the community and this has given me
    a sense of pride. For this reason I have been
    able to focus more on my education and other
    personal issues. If I were in other countries
    like the United States, that not only encourage,
    but also practice cultural assimilation, my focus
    would have drifted away from more important
    things like education and focused more on trying
    to fit in the society.

  • For example- wanting fast cash, learning their
    black societys type of slang language, wearing
    bling, wanting to be rap star and other things
    they do in their society that they portray to the
    world generally referred to as the American
  • Such little things have really given U.S.
    immigrants and other minority groups the wrong
    picture compared to Canadian immigrants. The
    majority of U.S. immigrants prefer trading
    education and hard work for firm and fast cash,
    while most Canadian immigrants prefer going for
    the education and hard work. Hence, we see low
    crime levels in this country compared to the U.S.
    Well, get me right, I am not saying immigrants
    and minority groups like myself should not adopt
    other cultures and develop characteristics of
    those cultures, but while we learn and adopt
    other cultures, it should be our own personal
    choice instead of being forced on us.

  • Multiculturalism public policy has given me a
    sense of acceptance within the university and the
    community I have lived in for the last year.
    Students, either immigrants or visible minority
    groups like myself integrate easily with other
    students with different cultural backgrounds
    which makes the study environment very conducive.
    This policy does not only benefit the foreign
    students but also local Canadians who also have
    opportunities of learning other cultures without
    having to travel to foreign countries like Zambia.

  • The Multiculturalism policy also allows me to
    keep and defend my cultural values and identity.
    While I disagree with Cultural Assimilation being
    enforced on immigrants and visible minorities,
    one thing I strongly agree with that should be
    enforced on immigrants regardless of status is
    the law. What I mean is that laws and regulations
    of this country should be enforceable against
    anyone residing in Canada at the time of
    committing any offence. Like in my country, all
    citizens, residents and immigrants are required
    to abide by the law because we all live by the
    law and, once broken, justice must prevail.

Conclusion- Were almost done!
  • After exploring both assimilation and
    multiculturalism we have completed our answer to
    the original question.

Lets recap
  • Is the cultural assimilation of immigrants and
    visible minorities the only workable public
    policy for a well-functioning national society?
  • Overall, assimilation is not the only workable
    policy for a well-functioning national identity.

Our opinion
  • We believe that multiculturalism, the other
    side of assimilation, is a much more effective
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