Title: Wash U DARPA PCES PI Meeting Report
1Faculty Assembly Please check off your name
12 December 2003
2Quorum Detection
Of those members who are here, I detect that 2/3
of them are present.
3Approval of last meetings minutes
4Dean Retention Vote
- ResultsFor 45 Against 15 Abstain 6
- Comments
- Do this with less waste of paper and envelopes
next year - Has shown improvement in rewarding success over
the past year
6Introduction of new faculty
- Senate Council
- Joseph OSullivan
- Arts and Sciences
- Christopher Gill (Nothing to report)
- Ron Cytron
- See http//www.cs.wustl.edu/cytron/facassem/
- Click on executive committee
- See if you can match the quote with the person
who said it
8Approval of December 2003 graduation list
- Changes?
- Add Zhenning Hu, D.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
- Motion needed to approve
9Motion from Jonathan Turner
Resolved. That the Dean and the Executive
Committee of the School of Engineering and
Applied Science develop a plan to advance
the school's performance in national
rankings, such as the U.S. News ranking.
The plan should have an objective of moving the
school into the top 20 by 2010 and into the
top 10 by 2020. Resolved also that the Dean
make annual reports to the Faculty Assembly
on the progress being made toward achieving
the plan's objectives, starting in
September of 2004.
10CSE course renumbering
- Introduction (Sally Goldman)
- Motion to approve
- Second
- Discussion
- Vote outcome
11New Courses
- BME 523 Biomaterials Science
- CHE 454/554 Industrial Accidents and Disasters
Case History Studies - EP 510 Graduate Engineering Communications
12B.S. in Engineering Management Dual Degree
- Introduction (Bill Darby)
- Motion to approve
- Second
- Discussion
- Vote outcome
13M.S. in Biomedical/MBA Dual Degree Program
- Introduction (Frank Yin)
- Motion to approve
- Second
- Discussion
- Vote outcome
14Other business?
- Need ¾ to add to agenda, else must wait until
next meeting
15Good and Welfare
- Idea to move these meetings to Whitaker
- Cannot because of conflict with seminar that
takes place there at 4 PM. - Other suggestions?
- Want food?
- Motion? (no second needed)