Three Interfaces: Cloneable, Serializable, and Runnable - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Three Interfaces: Cloneable, Serializable, and Runnable


In Object, the method is protected. A public override of the inherited clone() method should throw a CloneNoteSupportedException. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Three Interfaces: Cloneable, Serializable, and Runnable

Chapter 8
  • Three Interfaces Cloneable, Serializable, and

Cloning objects
  • To clone an object is to make an exact copy of
  • A cloned object should be independent of the
    source object from which it is cloned.
  • An object is cloned by invoking its method
    clone(), which has protected scope in Object.

Cloning basics
  • To enable cloning, a class declares the clone()
    method inherited ultimately from Object as
    public. In Object, the method is protected.
  • A public override of the inherited clone() method
    should throw a CloneNoteSupportedException.

Cloning basics
  • If a classs fields include object or array
    references, the clone() override must ensure
    that, after the cloning, the source and target
    objects are independent.
  • Objects method clone()simply copies references
    so that a clone source and target wind up with
    references to the same object.

Cloning basics
  • Arrays can be cloned. A cloned array has the same
    number of elements and the same contents as the
    source array.
  • Cloning can be disabled by having a public
    override of clone()explicitly throw a

Serialization basics
  • Serialization is the process of transforming an
    in-memory object to a byte stream.
  • Deserialization is the inverse process of
    reconstructing an object from a byte stream to
    the same state in which the object was previously
  • Serializing out and serializing in are also

Serialization basics
  • The requirements for serialization are
  • Only class instances rather than primitive types
    can be serialized.
  • For an object to be serializable, its class or
    some ancestor must implement the empty
    Serializable interface.
  • An empty interface is called a marker interface.

Serialization basics
  • The syntax for serialization is straightforward
  • An object is serialized by writing it to an
  • An object is deserialized by reading it from an

Serialization code
  • FileOutputStream out
  • new FileOutputStream( save.ser )
  • ObjectOutputStream oos
  • new ObjectOutputStream( out )
  • oos.writeObject( new Date() )
  • oos.close()

Deserialization code
  • FileInputStream in
  • new FileInputStream( save.ser )
  • ObjectInputStream ois
  • new ObjectInputStream( in )
  • Date d (Date) ois.readObject()
  • ois.close()

Object graphs
  • If an object has references to other objects or
    arrays, the entire object graph is serialized
    when the object is serialized.
  • The object graph consists of the object directly
    serialized and any other objects or arrays to
    which the object has direct or indirect

Nonserializable superclasses
  • If a serializable class C has a nonserializable
    superclass S, instances of C still can be
    serialized if S has an accessible no-argument
  • Ss no-argument constructor is invoked
    automatically during deserialization to construct
    the S-part of the deserialized object.

Serialization and primitive types
  • Technically, primitive types cannot be serialized
    or deserialized. However, the ObjectOutputStream
    implements the DataOutput interface, which
    declares methods such as writeInt to write
    primitive types to streams.
  • ObjectInputStream implements DataInput for
    reading primitive types.

transient and static fields
  • A field marked as transient is not impacted by
  • During deserialization, transient fields are
    restored to their default values (e.g., transient
    numeric fields are restored to zero).
  • static fields are not impacted by serialization.

  • Serialization and deserialization can be
    customized by providing private callback methods
    named writeObject and readObject, respectively.
  • The Externalizable interface can be implemented
    by classes that need to have complete control
    over serialization and deserialization.

Cautionary notes
  • The same object should not be repeatedly
    serialized to the same stream.
  • A class should not be redefined in between the
    serialization and deserialization of its
  • Classes that need to disable serialization can
    throw a NotSerializableException in the private
    callback writeObject.

Multithreading basics
  • A thread of control is a sequence of instructions
    that execute in the JVM.
  • Java programs begin as single-threaded programs
    but can become multithreaded by constructing and
    starting Threads.
  • A program can have arbitrarily many threads of

Multithreading basics
  • A typical code segment to construct and start a
    thread is
  • Thread t new Thread( this )
  • t.start()
  • where this refers to a Runnable target.
  • A runnable target is an object whose class
    implements the Runnable interface.

Multithreading basics
  • The Runnable interface declares a single method
  • public void run()
  • The run() method is a pure callback that is, the
    programmer defines but never invokes run().
  • The system invokes run()to execute a thread the
    programmer invokes start().

Multithreading basics
  • If Thread is extended, the subclass should
    override the inherited run(), which returns
  • The override of run() provides whatever code a
    thread should execute.
  • A thread stops permanently once it returns from
  • A stopped thread cannot be restarted.

Thread priorities
  • If a program has multiple threads of the same
    priority executing, then thread execution is
    interleaved in unpredictable ways.
  • Threads have priorities ranging from MIN_PRIORITY
    through MAX_PRIORITY, which are numeric constants.

Thread priorities
  • Although the range for thread priorities is not
    standardized, typical values are
  • 1 for MIN_PRIORITY.
  • 5 for NORM_PRIORITY.
  • 10 for MAX_PRIORITY.
  • The JVM uses priority-based, preemptive
    scheduling a higher priority thread always
    preempts a lower priority thread.

Thread priorities
  • If two threads T1 and T2 are started, but T2 has
    a higher priority than T1, then T2 preempts T1 if
    T1 is executing and T1 does not execute again
    until T2 stops.
  • A thread of a given priority P starts another
    thread of the same priority. The setPriority can
    change a threads priority before the thread is

User and daemon threads
  • Threads are of two types user threads and daemon
  • A program continues to run so long as at least
    one user thread is alive. By contrast, a daemon
    thread by itself cannot sustain a programs
  • The garbage collector runs as a daemon thread.

User and daemon threads
  • A user thread constructs a user thread a daemon
    thread constructs a daemon thread.
  • The setDaemon method can be invoked to change a
    threads daemon status before the thread is
  • Daemon threads are helper threads for user

Thread states
  • A thread is one of four possible states
  • Initial state. A newly constructed thread is in
    its initial state until started.
  • Runnable state. Once started, a thread is
    runnable or alive until the thread stops.
  • Blocked state. A thread can be blocked in various
    ways, e.g., by sleeping or waiting. A blocked
    thread becomes runnable once unblocked.

Thread states
  • Stop state. A thread enters the stop state if it
    returns from run() or the deprecated stop()
    method is invoked on it.
  • Once stopped, a thread cannot be restarted.
  • If a thread needs to run indefinitely, the run()
    method can have an infinite loop in it.

Thread groups
  • Every thread belongs to a ThreadGroup, which is
    either explicitly named or a default thread
  • Thread groups are a convenience. For instance, if
    several threads belong to a group, then setDaemon
    could be invoked on the group as a whole instead
    of on each individual thread.

Thread synchronization
  • Suppose that threads T1 and T2 read and write a
    shared field. In this case, T1 and T2 need to be
    synchronized so that, for example, T1 is not
    reading while T2 is writing. (Write operations
    are not atomic but rather consist of (a)
    evaluating the assignment value and (b) assigning
    the value to the target.)

Thread synchronization
  • Java provides a lock construct to ensure
    single-threaded execution of critical section
    code, that is, code to which threads must have
    mutually exclusive access.
  • The synchronized keyword can be used to lock a
    block of code within a method or an entire method.

Thread synchronization
  • The code segment
  • synchronized( this )
  • // single-threaded execution
  • shows the syntax of a synchronized block. The
    lock is the object to which this refers.
  • A synchronized block requires an object as a lock.

Thread synchronization
  • The code segment
  • synchronized void getChopsticks()
  • //... single-threaded execution
  • shows the syntax for a synchronized method. The
    implicit lock is the object to which this refers.

Thread synchronization
  • A thread that gains a lock can invoke wait to
    release the lock until a subsequent invocation of
    notify or notifyAll by the thread that gains the
  • Invocation of wait is guaranteed to be atomic
    or noninterruptable.
  • A thread that invokes wait simultaneously
    releases the lock and goes into a waiting state.

Thread synchronization
  • notify awakens an arbitrary waiting thread,
    whereas notifyAll awakens all waiting threads.
  • Either method can be invoked even if no threads
    happen to be waiting at the time.
  • The methods awaken only threads that went into a
    wait state beforehand.
  • The methods are typically invoked as the last
    statement in a synchronized block or method.

  • Synchronization locks open the possibility of
    deadlock, a condition that involves at least two
    threads. In deadlock, each thread holds a lock
    and releases it only when the other threads
    release their locks.
  • The JVM does not detect, prevent, or recover from
    deadlock. The programmer must avoid deadlock.

The join method
  • Suppose that t1 and t2 refer to two threads and
    that the t1-thread invokes
  • t2.join() // wait for t2 to stop
  • The invocation causes the t1-thread to wait
    until the t2-thread stops.
  • The join method is a powerful construct for
    thread synchronization.

Deprecated thread methods
  • The stop method has been deprecated. The
    preferred way to stop a thread is to have the
    thread return from run().
  • A stopped thread releases any held locks.
  • The suspend and resume methods have been
    deprecated because suspend is deadlock-prone and
    resume is used only in conjunction with suspend.

Critical section problems
  • Solutions to critical section problems are judged
    on four criteria. The synchronization mechanism
    in Java helps satisfy two of the four criteria.

Critical section problems
  • The four criteria are
  • Progress. If a critical section is unlocked, a
    thread should be able to enter it. The
    synchronized construct ensures this behavior.
  • Mutual exclusion. At most one thread can hold a
    lock only a critical section. The synchronized
    construct ensures this behavior.

Critical section problems
  • Starvation. None of the threads trying to enter a
    critical section should be permanently prevented
    from doing so. The synchronized construct does
    not prevent starvation.
  • Fairness. Each of N contending threads should
    enter the critical section roughly the same
    amount of time. The synchronized construct does
    not ensure fairness.
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