Title: WSDL to C Mapping Revised Submission 1
1WSDL to C MappingRevised Submission 1
- Rebecca Bergersen
- Principal Architect, Middleware Standards
- IONA Technologies
- MARS/05-04-08
2Revision Overview (1)
- Sections 7.1 through 7.4 changed return values
of types string and QName to const . - preferable for performance reasons since it
avoids creating a temporary copy of the string or
QName in question. - Section 7.5 complete replacement with extended
explanation of conversions for WSDL ltimportgt,
ltdefinitionsgt, lttypesgt, ltportTypegt, ltmessagegt,
ltpartgt, ltoperationgt, ltbindinggt, ltportgt and
ltservicegt elements, including namespace mapping
rules, mapping of differing operation modes, and
method, parameter and fault mappings.
3Revision Overview (2)
- Section 7.6 complete replacement with
discussion and specification of the generation of
client stubs and server skeletons, and the
physical file structure. - Section 7.7 specification of mapping of
namespaces, class, method, and field names, and
C output files. Also provides memory
management guidelines and an extended C example.
4WSDL Conversion Overview
- Logical contract
- Must result in generation of C code
- Defines public interface
- Physical contract
- Do not necessarily require code to be generated
- Defines binding to transport and wire-level data
format - May be treated as run-time configuration
parameters - Two layers of generated C classes
- An abstract class derived directly from
ltportTypegt containing pure virtual methods
derived from its ltoperationgt elements - Client proxy and server skeleton derived from
above class
Logical Contract
Physical Contract
5WSDL ltimportgt element
- Used to aggregate WSDL source from various files
- May appear anywhere within WSDL source file
- Concerns source management
- No direct bearing on C mapping
- Recommended that exception be raised if any
ltimportgt element fails when processing WSDL
source - Recommended that circular references be detected
and handled
6WSDL ltdefinitionsgt element
- Root element of WSDL files
- Does not result in direct generation of code
- Is responsible for setting of namespace used
within generated code
7WSDL C Namespace
- Attribute targetNamespace
- Must be unique within its context
- Mapping rules specified in section
Namespace - If absent, then no namespace mapping is made
- WSDL Example
- ltdefinitions targetNamespacehttp//www.example.co
m/test/this_namespace gt - Resulting C namespace
8WSDL lttypesgt and ltschemagt
- Enclose data type definitions
- WSDL prefers use of XML schema as canonical type
system - XSD therefore adopted for these specs
- XSD mandates use of ltschemagt tags within lttypesgt
- ltschemagt may contain targetNamespace attribute
- ltschemagt can also use xsdimport to import
multiple namespaces - Where two or more ltschemagt tags share same target
namespace, the elements within are mapped to same
C namespace - Schema in ltschemagt tags mapped to C according
to definitions in 7.3, Mapping for Simple XML
Types and 7.4, Mapping for Complex XML Types
9WSDL Elements
10WSDL ltportTypegt element
- ltportTypegt describes abstract set of operations
supported by one or more endpoints - Each ltportTypegt element is mapped to unique
abstract class. - Required name attribute of ltportTypegt
determines name of class. - ltportTypegt contains ltoperationgt elements which
are mapped as pure virtual methods of the class. - Class used to derive client proxy and server stub
classes containing necessary bindings
11ltportTypegt example mapping
- ltportType nameTutorialAgt
- lt/portTypegt
- ltportType nameTutorialBExample
- lt/portTypegt
- C
- abstract class TutorialA
- public
- TutorialA()
- virtual TutorialA()
- // operations
- abstract class TutorialBExample
- public
12WSDL Elements
13WSDL ltmessagegt element
- Defines abstract structure and data types of
messages used in communication between client and
server - Contains ltpartgt elements which map to method
parameters - ltMessagegt does not map directly to C
- Its a logical link between ltoperationgt element
and ltpartgt elements of message - Operation inputs and outputs reference the
messages they expect - Operation maps to method message parts map to
parameters of method.
14WSDL ltpartgt element
- ltpartgt is element of ltmessagegt
- Each ltpartgt maps to C method parameter
- Has name attribute that maps to the name of C
parameter - Has either an element or type attribute that maps
to the C type of the parameter
15WSDL Elements
16WSDL ltoperationgt element
- Specifies an abstract operation, usually using
the abstract messages defined in the WSDL - Has unique name attribute which maps to the name
of the corresponding C method - Has optional parameterOrder attribute which, if
present, determines the order of the parameter
list of the corresponding C method. - Usually used for RPC bindings
- May be one of four types
- One-way
- Request-Response
- Solicit-Response
- Notification
17WSDL ltoperationgt element (contd)
- May be one of four types
- One-way
- Request-Response
- Solicit-Response
- Notification
- Types determine what child elements an
ltoperationgt is allowed to have - Request-Response or One-Way operations have
- Required ltinputgt element
- Optional ltoutputgt element
- If present, optional ltfaultgt element may be
present - Solicit-Response or Notification operations have
- Required ltoutputgt element
- Optional ltinputgt element
- If present, then optional ltfaultgt element may be
18Operation elements ltinputgt, ltoutputgt and ltfaultgt
- ltinputgt and ltoutputgt
- Required message attribute
- Value is QName of expected message
- Contributes to parameter list of operation
through its parts - Optional name attribute
- Value is NCName
- No effect on mapping
- ltfaultgt
- Required message attribute
- Determines data members (and hence get/set
methods) of fault object - Required name attribute
- Determines name of exception object
19ltinputgt, ltoutputgt and ltfaultgt, contd
- If Request-Response or One-Way operation
- Used for messages from client to server
- Required ltinputgt element
- References message from client to server
- Optional ltoutputgt element
- Refers to a response message from server
- Optional ltfaultgt element
- Allowed if ltoutputgt element present
- References exception messages
20ltinputgt, ltoutputgt and ltfaultgt (contd)
- If Solicit-Response or Notification
- Used for messages from server to client
- Required ltoutputgt element
- Reference message from server to client
- Optional ltinputgt element
- Refers to response message from client
- Optional ltfaultgt element
- Allowed if ltinputgt element present
- References exception message
21ltoperationgt element mapping
- Maps to single C method in class corresponding
to ltportTypegt element in which it is contained - If WSDL definition of two or more operations,
including name attribute, are identical - One definition is ignored (recommended)
- OR second C method with an extended or mangled
name is generated. - All methods are virtual, to be subclassed by
client proxy and server skeleton
22ltoperationgt element mapping (contd)
- All methods return type void
- All values and references passed through C
operation parameter list - Method name is mapped from ltoperationgt name
attribute - All methods throw xmlException, regardless of
whether user exception is defined in WSDL or not. - Allows non-user exceptions to be thrown
- communications or other runtime exceptions
- All user-defined exceptions derived from
XMLException thus can be thrown by this
23Parameter types
- In, out and inout parameters used as in CORBA
- usage in ltinputgt and ltoutputgt self-evident
- When message common to both ltinputgt and ltoutputgt
within same ltoperationgt, each ltpartgt maps to
single inout parameter - When two or more ltpartgt elements, each in
different ltmessagegt elements, share same name and
type attributes, and these messages are used
independently in ltinputgt and ltoutputgt elements
within the same operation, then the ltpartgt
element maps to single inout parameter
24Parameter types example
- ltmessage nameStockIDMessagegt
- ltpart nameexchangeSymbol typexsdstringgt
- ltpart namestockSymbol typexsdstringgt
- lt/messagegt
- ltmessage namestockQuoteMessagegt
- ltpart namestockSymbol typexsdstringgt
- ltpart namehigh typexsddecimalgt
- ltpart namelow typexsddecimalgt
- ltpart namelast typexsddecimalgt
- lt/messagegt
- ltportType gt
- ltoperation nameGetStockPricegt
- ltinput messageStockIDMessagegt
- ltoutput messageStockQuoteMessagegt
- lt/operationgt
- lt/portTypegt
- C
25Fault Mapping
- User exceptions derived from XMLUserFaultExceptio
n, which is derived from generic exception class
XMLException - Request-Response and Solicit-Response can define
and raise exceptions through the ltfaultgt element. - Mapped as C exception classes thrown by method
it is defined in.
26C Mapping user fault classes
- Mapped to WSDL namespace as defined earlier
- User fault class derived from class
XMLUserFaultException - ltmessagegt element to which ltfaultgt refers maps to
the C fault class - Name of C fault class is the value of the name
attribute of the message - Error code implementation dependent and exposed
through inherited method error() defined in class
27Exception Examples (1)
- ltmessage nameReadyMessagegt
- ltpart nameboolFlag typexsdbooleangt
- lt/messagegt
- ltportType nameStockQuoteEnginegt
- lt!-- one-way operation --gt
- ltoperation nameStartEnginegt
- ltinput messagetnsReadyMessagegt
- lt/operationgt
- lt/portTypegt
- C
- class StockQuoteEngine
- public
- virtual void StartEngine(const XMLBoolean
boolFlag) throw (XMLException) 0 -
28Exception Example (2)
- ltmessage nameVoidMessage /gt
- ltmessage nameReadyMessagegt
- ltpart nameboolFlag typexsdboolean /gt
- lt/messagegt
- ltportType nameStockQuoteEnginegt
- lt! Request-Response operation --gt
- ltoperation nameIsEngineReadygt
- ltinput messagetnsVoidMessage /gt
- ltoutput messagetnsReadyMessage /gt
- lt/operationgt
- lt/portTypegt
- C
- class StockQuoteEngine
- public
29WSDL Elements
30WSDL ltbindinggt element
- Defines message format and protocol details for
operations and messages for particular portType - Describes physical rather than logical aspect of
WSDL - Not mapped directly to C under this
specification implementation-specific
31WSDL ltportgt element
- Defines an individual endpoint by specifying a
single address for a binding - Describes a physical aspect of WSDL service
- Not mapped directly to C - assumed to be a
runtime configuration element.
32WSDL ltservicegt element
- Groups a set of related ports together to
describe a service - Describes a physical aspect of WSDL service
- Not mapped directly to C - assumed to be a
run-time configuration element
33Implementation and System APIs
- Assumed that an implementer will supply to
service developer dynamic invocation capabilities
and API to achieve this - set of tools that process WSDL source and
generate C source files - run-time communications engine
- implements connectivity, binding options, other
aspects of the physical WSDL contract - supplies services to the developer at C level
- mechanism for dynamically defining new services
- discovers calls available through previously
defined services - Further proposed that existence of dynamic
invocation API provides means to implement static
invocations of WSDL services.
34Physical files
- To realize tools component, implementer must, at
minimum - Generate header files containing abstract classes
mapped from WSDL ltportTypegt definitions - Generate a types header file containing C class
mappings when either a lttypesgt section containing
XML type definitions or a fault message exists - Optionally, tools may generate
- object factories for creating, tracking, managing
and destroying the objects mentioned. - Client and server implementations of the WSDL
service contract
35Physical File Structure
Client stubs
Server skeleton
Logical Contract
Type Factory
36Communications Engine
- Responsible for implementing physical WSDL
contract - Responsible for supplying physical communications
between client and server - Supplies interface so DII and static invocation
classes can connect to and communicate with
system - Engine class implementation-dependent, name not
defined in this specification - Referred to as CommsEngine in spec
- Recommended that it maps into namespace WSDL
37Dynamic Invocation Interface
- Collection of methods and classes supplied as
part of communications engine - Allow application to construct and use WSDL
services at runtime
38DII operations
- (Typically in following order)
- Construct new ClientProxyBase object connected to
communications engine - Construct ClientOperation object from
ClientProxyBase object. Set physical parameters
of the operation (port, binding, etc.) - Get input and output messages from
ClientOperation object - Construct Part objects that make up the input and
output messages - Add the Part objects to the input and output
messages - Set the values of the Part objects that make up
the input message - Invoke the operation
- Retrieve results of operation by examining values
of the Part objects that make up the output
39Class ClientProxyBase
- Class is both starting point for dynamic
invocation and base class for static
implementation of web service clients - Constructor uses pointer to communications engine
as point of contact with communications
40ClientProxyBase Definition
- C
- Namespace WSDL
- class ClientProxyBase
- public
- ClientProxyBase( XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- XMLString port_name,
- CommsEngine )
- ClientProxyBase( XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- CommsEngine )
- virtual ClientProxyBase()
- virtual Port get_port()
- virtual ClientServices get_service()
- virtual ClientOperation create_operation(
- const XMLString operation_name) throw
(XMLException) - const XMLString get_wsdl_location()
41Classes Operation, ClientOperation
- C
- namespace WSDL
- class Operation
- public
- Operation(Port , const WSDLPort )
- virtual Operation()
- virtual Port get_port()
- class ClientOperation public Operation
- public
- virtual ClientOperation()
- virtual const XMLString get_name()
const - virtual WritableMessage
get_input_message() - virtual ReadableMessage
get_output_message() - virtual void invoke() throw
(XMLException) -
42Static Client Proxy and Server Skeleton
- Tools Implementer may provide automatic
generation of client proxy and server skeleton
classes. If not, developer must create these
classes. - If implementer supplies DII functionality,
logical approach would be to use that API to
implement static classes described herein.
43Classes of a static invocation
44Client Proxy
- Must inherit from abstract portType class
described earlier and implement all abstract WSDL
operation methods - Must also inherit from class ClientProxyBase
- Brings methods for obtaining and controlling
physical aspects of WSDL contract (port and
binding details) - Client class named using class name of portType
with string Client appended - A portType-derived class named PortType maps to
client class named PortTypeClient, e.g.
45Client Proxy example
- C
- namespace PortTypeNamespace
- class PortTypeClient public PortType, public
WSDLClientProxyBase -
- public
- PortTypeClient(XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- XMLString port_name,
- CommsEngine 0)
- PortTypeClient(XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- CommsEngine 0)
- virtual PortTypeClient()
- // Include all abstract methods of class
PortType as non-abstract - // methods here.
46StockQuoteEngine WSDL
- ltdefinitions targetNameSpacehttp//www.example.co
m/stockquote.wsdl gt -
- ltmessage nameStockIDMessagegt
- ltpart namestockSymbol typexsdstring /gt
- lt/messagegt
- ltmessage namestockQuoteMessagegt
- ltpart namestockSymbol typexsdstring /gt
- ltpart namehigh typexsddecimal /gt
- ltpart namelow typexsddecimal /gt
- ltpart namelast typexsddecimal /gt
- lt/messagegt
- ltportType nameStockQuoteEnginegt
- ltoperation nameGetStockQuotegt
- ltinput nameStockSymbol
messageStockIDMessage /gt - ltoutput nameStockQuote
messageStockQuoteMessage /gt - ltfault nameUnknownStockID
messagetnsStockQuoteIDMessage /gt - lt/operationgt
- lt/portTypegt
47Client StockQuoteEngine Proxy C
- class StockQuoteEngineClient public
StockQuoteEngine, public WSDLClientProxyBase -
- public
- StockQuoteEngineClient(XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- XMLString port_name,
- WSDLCommsEngine
CommsEngine 0) - StockQuoteEngineClient(XMLString wsdl,
- XMLQName service_name,
- WSDLCommsEngine
CommsEngine 0) - virtual StockQuoteEngineClient()
- virtual void GetStockQuote(XMLString
stockSymbol, - XMLDecimal
high, - XMLDecimal
low, - XMLDecimal
last) throw (XMLException) -
48Namespace mapping rules
- WSDL namespace is represented by a URI
- Example URI http//www.example.com/soapinterop
- Remove schema and from beginning of URI
- Schema http and urn
- Parse remaining string into list of strings using
/ and as separators. Treat consecutive
separators as single separator - www.example.com, soapinterop.wsdl
- For each string result, unescape each escape
sequence octet - www.example.com, soapinterop.wsdl
49Namespace mapping rules (contd)
- Parse internet domain name in first component
- www not considered part of internet domain
name, so must be dropped - Internet domain name is reversed, component by
component - If first component does not contain a top-level
domain name (com, gov, net, org, edu, for
example) or one of English two-letter country
identifier codes (see ISO Standard 3166, 1981)
this step must be skipped. - com, example, soapinterop.wsdl
50Namespace mapping rules (contd)
- Convert each string in list to uppercase
- If string component contains a hyphen or other
special character, convert it to an underscore. - If resulting component is keyword, append
underscore to it. - If resulting component starts with a digit or any
other disallowed identifier initial character,
prefix an underscore to component - COM, EXAMPLE, SOAPINTEROP.WSDL
- Concatenate list of strings using _ as
separating character to produce namespace name. - Namespace COM_EXAMPLE_SOAPINTEROP_WSDL
51Class Name Mapping
- portType name maps to C class name
- Schema complex type name maps C class name
- WSDL operation name maps to C method name
- WSDL fields would map to private members, so
mappings not defined by this specification. - Recommend WSDL fields map to C class member
with name var_fieldName
52C Type Output Files
- Mapping produces number of type definition and
stub files from wsdl contract. - Named according to portType name. If WSDL
contract specifies more than one portType, code
is generated for each one. - Type definition files
- WSDLFileName_wsdlTypes.h and WSDLFileName_wsdlType
s.cxx define the complex datatypes defined in
WSDL file, if any. - SchemaFileName_xsdTypes.h and SchemaFileName_xsdTy
pes.cxx define the complex datatypes defined in
the import schema file, if any.
53C Service definition, server skeleton, client
proxy output files
- Service definition
- portTypeName.h defines the super class used to
implement client and server - Server skeleton
- portTypeNameServer.h and portTypeNameServer.cxx
are the server skeleton code implementing the
service defined in the contract - Client proxy
- portTypeNameClient.h and portTypeNameClient.cxx
are the client stub code for implementing a
client to use the service defined by the contract.
54Memory Management
- Principles adhered to by this specification
- Client code must allocate, normally on the stack,
all parameters used for server calls - Server code must copy allocated parameters if it
needs local copies - Assignment operators and copy constructors which
perform deep object copies should be defined
where appropriate - Nested complex types should recursively allocate
and deallocate memory. - Discussion of memory considerations for complex
types unchanged from original
55Extended C Example
- Provides complex WSDL file and the types and
service files generated from it according to the
rules provided in specification. - Too unwieldy for slide presentation
56Work Remaining
- Complete TBDs, Check Thiss
- Resolve broken cross-references
- Replace illustrations with non-hand-drawn
examples - Define and describe several static and dynamic
invocation classes - Define and discuss contexts, object factories and