Title: Sparse Recovery Using Sparse Random Matrices
1Sparse Recovery Using Sparse (Random) Matrices
Joint work with Radu Berinde, Anna Gilbert,
Howard Karloff, Martin Strauss and Milan Ruzic
2Linear Compression(a.k.a. linear sketching,
compressed sensing)
- Setup
- Data/signal in n-dimensional space x
- E.g., x is an 1000x1000 image ?
n1000,000 - Goal compress x into a sketch Ax ,
- where A is a carefully designed m x n
matrix, m ltlt n - Requirements
- Plan A want to recover x from Ax
- Impossible undetermined system of equations
- Plan B want to recover an approximation x of
x - Sparsity parameter k
- Want x such that x-xp? C(k) x-xq
( lp/lq guarantee ) - over all x that are k-sparse (at most k
non-zero entries) - The best x contains k coordinates of x with the
largest abs value - Want
- Good compression (small m)
- Efficient algorithms for encoding and recovery
- Why linear compression ?
4Application I Monitoring Network Traffic
- Router routs packets
- (many packets)
- Where do they come from ?
- Where do they go to ?
- Ideally, would like to maintain a traffic
- matrix x.,.
- Easy to update given a (src,dst) packet,
increment xsrc,dst - Requires way too much space!
- (232 x 232 entries)
- Need to compress x, increment easily
- Using linear compression we can
- Maintain sketch Ax under increments to x, since
A(x?) Ax A? - Recover x from Ax
5Other applications
- Single pixel camera
- Wakin, Laska, Duarte, Baron, Sarvotham,
Takhar, Kelly, Baraniuk06 - Microarray Experiments/Pooling Kainkaryam,
Gilbert, Shearer, Woolf, Hassibi et al,
Dai-Sheikh, Milenkovic, Baraniuk
6Known constructionsalgorithms
7Constructing matrix A
- Choose encoding matrix A at random
- (the algorithms for recovering x are more
complex) - Sparse matrices
- Data stream algorithms
- Coding theory (LDPCs)
- Dense matrices
- Compressed sensing
- Complexity theory (Fourier)
- Traditional tradeoffs
- Sparse computationally more efficient, explicit
- Dense shorter sketches
- Goals unify, find the best of all worlds
8 Result Table
Very Good
- Legend
- ndimension of x
- mdimension of Ax
- ksparsity of x
- T iterations
- Approx guarantee
- l2/l2 x-x2 ? Cx-x2
- l2/l1 x-x2 ? Cx-x1/k1/2
- l1/l1 x-x1 ? Cx-x1
Caveats (1) only results for general vectors x
are shown (2) all bounds up to O() factors (3)
specific matrix type often matters (Fourier,
sparse, etc) (4) ignore universality,
explicitness, etc (5) most dominated algorithms
not shown
10dense vs. sparse
- Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) - key property
of a dense matrix A - x is k-sparse ? x2? Ax2 ? C x2
- Holds w.h.p. for
- Random Gaussian/Bernoulli mO(k log (n/k))
- Random Fourier mO(k logO(1) n)
- Consider random m x n 0-1 matrices with d ones
per column - Do they satisfy RIP ?
- No, unless m?(k2) Chandar07
- However, they can satisfy the following RIP-1
property Berinde-Gilbert-Indyk-Karloff-Strauss08
- x is k-sparse ? d (1-?) x1? Ax1 ?
dx1 - Sufficient (and necessary) condition the
underlying graph is a - ( k, d(1-?/2) )-expander
- A bipartite graph is a (k,d(1-?))-expander if for
any left set S, Sk, we have N(S)(1-?)d S - Constructions
- Randomized mO(k log (n/k))
- Explicit mk quasipolylog n
- Plenty of applications in computer science,
coding theory etc. - In particular, LDPC-like techniques yield good
algorithms for exactly k-sparse vectors x - Xu-Hassibi07, Indyk08, Jafarpour-Xu-Hassibi-Ca
12dense vs. sparse
- Instead of RIP in the L2 norm, we have RIP in the
L1 norm - Suffices for these results
- Main drawback l1/l1 guarantee
- Better approx. guarantee with same time and
sketch length - Other sparse matrix schemes, for (almost)
k-sparse vectors - LDPC-like Xu-Hassibi07, Indyk08,
Jafarpour-Xu-Hassibi-Calderbank08 - L1 minimization Wang-Wainwright-Ramchandran08
- Message passing Sarvotham-Baron-Baraniuk06,08,
14Proof d(1-?/2)-expansion ? RIP-1
- Want to show that for any k-sparse x we have
- d (1-?) x1? Ax1 ? dx1
- RHS inequality holds for any x
- LHS inequality
- W.l.o.g. assume
- x1 xk xk1 xn0
- Consider the edges e(i,j) in a lexicographic
order - For each edge e(i,j) define r(e) s.t.
- r(e)-1 if there exists an edge (i,j)lt(i,j)
- r(e)1 if there is no such edge
- Claim Ax1 ?e(i,j) xire
15Proof d(1-?/2)-expansion ? RIP-1 (ctd)
- Need to lower-bound
- ?e zere
- where z(i,j)xi
- Let Rb the sequence of the first bd res
- From graph expansion, Rb contains at most ?/2 bd
-1s - (for b1, it contains no -1s)
- The sequence of res that minimizes ?ezere is
- 1,1,,1,-1,..,-1 , 1,,1,
- d ?/2 d
(1-?/2)d - Thus
- ?e zere (1-?)?e ze (1-?) dx1
16A satisfies RIP-1 ? LP works Berinde-Gilbert-Indy
- Compute a vector x such that AxAx and x1
minimal - Then we have, over all k-sparse x
- x-x1 C minx x-x1
- C?2 as the expansion parameter ??0
- Can be extended to the case when Ax is noisy
17A satisfies RIP-1 ? Sparse Matching Pursuit
- Algorithm
- x0
- Repeat T times
- Compute cAx-Ax A(x-x)
- Compute ? such that ?i is the median of its
neighbors in c - Sparsify ?
- (set all but 2k largest entries of ? to 0)
- xx?
- Sparsify x
- (set all but k largest entries of x to 0)
- After Tlog() steps we have
- x-x1 C min k-sparse x x-x1
- Probability of recovery of random k-sparse
1/-1 signals - from m measurements
- Sparse matrices with d10 1s per column
- Signal length n20,000
- Sparse approximation using sparse matrices
- State of the art can do 2 out of 3
- Near-linear encoding/decoding
- O(k log (n/k)) measurements
- Approximation guarantee with respect to L2/L1
norm - Open problems
- 3 out of 3 ?
- Explicit constructions ?
This talk
- References
- R. Berinde, A. Gilbert, P. Indyk, H. Karloff,
M. Strauss, Combining geometry and
combinatorics a unified approach to sparse
signal recovery, Allerton, 2008. - R. Berinde, P. Indyk, M. Ruzic, Practical
Near-Optimal Sparse Recovery in the L1 norm,
Allerton, 2008. - R. Berinde, P. Indyk, Sparse Recovery Using
Sparse Random Matrices, 2008. - P. Indyk, M. Ruzic, Near-Optimal Sparse Recovery
in the L1 norm, FOCS, 2008.
21Running times