Title: Kiosk Presentation on SAQA
1Kiosk Presentation on SAQA
Key features of SAQA
Structures of SAQA
The aim of NQF is to bring about transformation,
I.e. equity, productivity and quality in the
education system of South Africa.
There was a perception that South Africa needs
national standards for education and training and
the NQF and SAQA were to address this.
The idea for NQF arose in a debate, research and
policy formation for education and training in
the early 1990s.
The NQF Bill was passed into law as the SAQA Act
on the 4th October 1995.
The NQF was to be followed by the creation of
ETQAs, NSBs,SGBs which were going to contribute
towards the success of NQF.
4Key features of SAQA
Composition A chairperson and members nominated
from a diversity of interests.
Functions First, it must oversee the development
of the NQF. Second, it must oversee the
implementation of NQF. Third, it must advise the
Minister of Education. Fourth, It must consult
with all affected parties.
Objectives To create an integrated national
framework for learning and to enable access,
mobility and progression in education.
5National Qualification Framework (NQF)
Structure of NQF
12 Organizing fields
Unit Standards
Critical Outcomes
6Structure of NQF
NQF consists of eight-levels, which shall be
entitled Level 1 to 8, and each level shall be
described by a unique level descriptor.
Level 1 of the NQF shall be open-ended and shall
accommodate three sub-levels for Adult Basic
Education and Training for which certificate of
achievement may be awarded, and level 8 shall be
open ended.
The eight levels of the NQF shall be grouped into
the following bands Level 1 and bellow General
Education and Training band. Level 2 to 4
Further Education and Training band. Level 5 to
8 Higher Education and Training band.
NQF shall be divided into twelve organizing
fields which shall be
712 Organizing fields
Field 01 Agriculture and Nature Conservation
Field 02 Culture and Arts
Field 03 Busine4ss, Commerce and Management
Field 04 Communication Studies and Language
Field 05 Education, Training and Development
Field 06 Manufacturing, Engineering and
Field 07 Human and Social Studies
Field 08 Law, Military Science and Security
Field 09 Health Sciences and Social Services
Field 10 Physical, Mathematical, Computer and
Life Sciences
Field 11 Services
Field 12 Physical Planning and Construction
8Unit Standards
A unit standard shall be formulated so as to be
used as an assessor document, a learners guide
and an educators guide for the preparation of
learning material and will consist of
a unit standard title
a logo indicating approval by the Authority
a unit standard number
a unit standard level on the National
Qualification Framework
the credit attached to the unit standard
the field and sub-field of the unit standard
the issue date
the review date
9Unit Standards
the purpose of the unit standard
the learning assumed to be in place before this
unit standard is commenced
the specific outcomes to be assessed
the assessment criteria, including essential
embedded knowledge
the accreditation process (including moderation)
for the unit standard
the range statements as a general guide for the
scope, context and level being used for this unit
standard and
a notes category which must include the critical
outcomes and reference to essential embedded
10Critical Outcomes
Critical outcomes shall be embedded within a
standard and they include but are not limited to
identifying and solving problems in which
responses display that responsible decisions
using critical and creative thinking have been
working effetively with others as a member of a
organizing and managing oneself and ones
activities responsibly and effectively as a
member of a team
collecting, analysing, organising and critically
evaluating information
communicating effectively using visual,
mathematical and language skills
using science and technology effectively and
11Structure of SAQA
National Standard Bodies (NSBs)
General Standard Bodies (SGBs)
Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies
12National Standard Bodies (NSBs)
Establishment NSB is a sub-structure of SAQA and
there is one NSB established per field.
Composition Each NSB is composed of national
stakeholders comprising key interest groups in
the field.
Functions Recommend a framework of sub-fields to
be used as a guide for the recognition and/or
establishment of Standards Generating
Bodies. Recognise or establish SGBs. Ensures that
the work of SGBs meets the SAQA requirements for
the registration of unit standards and
qualifications Recommends the registration of
unit standards on the NQF to SAQA. Recommends
qualifications to SAQ
13Standards Generating Bodies (SGBs)
Establishment SGBs will be recognised by NSBs in
clearly established sub-fields
Composition Key education and training
stakeholders in the sub-fields drawn from
interest groups and specialists who will have
been identified by the NSB in accordance with the
requirements of SAQA.
Functions Generate unit standards and
qualifications in accordance with SAQA
requirements in identified sub-fields and
levels. Update and review unit standards. Recommen
d unit standards and qualifications to NSBs.
14Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies
Establishment ETQAs could be established on the
basis of social sectors economic sectors or
education and training sub-systems.
Functions Promote quality amongst constituent
providers accredit providers in terms of quality
management facilitate or ensure moderation
across constituentt providers evaluate
assessment certificate learners maintain an
acceptable database submits reports to SAQA