Project Alcohol and drug prevention among young people in St. Petersburg - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Project Alcohol and drug prevention among young people in St. Petersburg


Information and Analyses Center for Social and Health NGOs, St. Petersburg; ... What we adults need to do in order to stop mistreatment of young people. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Project Alcohol and drug prevention among young people in St. Petersburg

Project Alcohol and drug prevention among young
people in St. Petersburg
  • Anna Skvortsova,
  • Information and Analyses Center for Social and
    Health NGOs, St. Petersburg
  • Meeting of the Expert Group on Social Inclusion,
  • Healthy Lifestyles Work Ability
  • Helsinki, 29-30 May 2007

Why young people drink?
  • Many young people struggle with drinking. Alcohol
    is a part of young peoples lives, whether or not
    an individual young person drinks. Many young
    people have drunk, or currently drink, alcohol.
    Almost every young person has friends or peers
    who drink alcohol, and many also have parents or
    other family members who drink. Partying,
    drinking socially with other young people, is
    considered cool. The media creates a lot of
    images of young people drinking and promotes
    drinking as being fun and popular.

Goal of the project
  • To improve measures on how to provide more
    assistance to young people/children at risk (and
    their families) of social and health consequences
    including use of alcohol and drugs
  • To raise awareness of problems and to increase
    peoples knowledge about their rights to care and

Long-term objectives
  • To reduce alcohol and substance use in general
    and hazardous use in particular, and alcohols
    destructive impact on young peoples future.
  • To change misconception of society at large
    underestimating the negative impact of alcohol
    and drugs to health and wellbeing of individuals
    and to public health in general.
  • To influence risk-behaviour of young people
    towards responsible, sustainable relationship
    with alcohol, and towards abstinence vis-à-vis

Background of the project
  • The project - very timely and extensive
    background work through the SIHLWA expert group
    that has been done three sub-groups, which have
    met in November 2005 and May 2006
  • - Subgroup on Alcohol (periodic/binge
  • - Subgroup on Adolescent health and
    socially-rewarding lifestyles
  • - Sub-group on Workplace health and safety
  • The NCM is one of the Partner organizations,
    which has expressed concern of well-being of
    youth in the North, gender related inequalities,
    and social exclusion. It is fully in line with
    Nordic values to emphasize the importance of
    investing into human capital, especially the
    young generation.

Project description
  • The project will start in St. Petersburg (with
    possible expansion to the Republic of Karelia).
    Dialogue among partners will draw from each
    others experience and involve also Finland.
    Media coverage of project activities will be used
    to raise public interest to the growing alcohol
  • Previous alcohol/drug intervention projects among
    youth will be mapped and evaluated. The focus is
    on identifying the most innovative and practical
    interventions and lessons learned.
  • A stakeholder analysis of agencies and actors
    aiming to tackle alcohol/drug problem among youth
    and children will be done.
  • Coping skills through schools, professional
    colleagues and other possible channels for
    general youth will be improved.

  • In Finland
  • Centre for Health Promotion (Tekry)
  • Institute of Occupational Health (KTL)
  • A-clinic Foundation (A-klinikka säätiö)
  • In St. Petersburg
  • Committee on health of administration of St.
    Petersburg (when dealing with alcohol and drug
    prevention among youth there are 3 other actors
    Social Committee, Youth Committee and Education
  • Information and analyses center for Social and
    Health NGOs
  • NGO of social projects Stellit
  • NGO Look to the future (?????? ? ???????)
  • NGO Drug abuse prevention center

Activity outline
  • Stakeholder analysis by summer 2007 (Stellit)
  • Trainings for schools, professional colleagues
    2007/2008 (Stellit, Drug abuse prevention center)
  • Public actions (Look to the future)
  • Media seminars autumn 2007 and 2008 (Health and
    Social Committees, IAC NGO)
  • Decision makers/administrators seminar autumn
    2007 (Health and Social Committees, IAC NGO)

Stakeholder analysis
  • Best practices in alcohol prevention among young
    people in St. Petersburg will be analyzed,
  • - Preventive programs for young people provided
    by state, municipal and non-governmental
  • - Peer-to-peer education (including on alcohol
  • - Work of so called Health Councils in the
    schools aimed to share responsibility for
    planning and implementing of preventive work in
    the schools among teachers, school psychologists,
    social workers, parents and pupils

Preventive work not enough efficient in the
schools of St. Petersburg
  • Preventive actions are aimed on importance of
    healthy lifestyle as a whole, to prevention of
    smoking, drug and HIV-prevention. There are
    almost no actions aimed on alcohol prevention.
    One of the reasons is that school teachers and
    other specialists in the schools are poorly
    informed about the alcohol problems, about
    organizations provided assistance in a case of
    alcohol problems and they have almost no skills
    of practical preventive work in this sphere.
  • Young people themselves are not involved almost
    all work is provided by adults (school teachers
    and other specialists working in the schools).
  • Responsibility for prevention work is not shared
    equally among school specialists. Usually its
    vice-director for education who is responsible
    for prevention but often its not among the
  • Preventive work is not systematical.

Project plan
  • Project proposes to strength alcohol prevention
    in the schools. Nevsky district is supposed to be
    pilot district there is good basis thanks joint
    Finnish-Russian project on Healthy Lifestyle in
    the schools implemented by Stellit and STAKES in
    2004-2006. District also participated in joint
    Finnish-Russian project NESTS Children and
    Families of Risk supported by Tacis CBC program

Project plan (2)
  • Training of the school staff in prevention of
    alcohol consumption among teenagers
  • Timetable September-October 2007
  • Organization of the meetings of Health Councils
    in the schools participating in the project
    support to the staff in development of the action
    plan for prevention of alcohol consumption among
    teenagers tailed to particular school and using
    skills learned in the trainings.
  • Including of these prevention actions to the
    schools plans on healthy lifestyles for 2007/2008
    school year
  • Timetable November-December 2007

Project plan (3) Coping skills
  • The program Discovery based on peer-to-peer
    method will be implemented in order to help to
    young people to learn how to express feelings, to
    listen, to talk, to assert its point of view, to
    develop leaders qualities, to learn how to say
    no. Discussions and lectures will be organized
    by volunteers of the movement Rovesnik and
    specialists of Drug abuse center.
  • Timetable September-December 2007
  • Railway college (Central district)
  • Industrial college (Central district)
  • Trade-economical college (Central district)
  • Alexandrovskii college (Petrogradskii district)

Project plan (4) Coping skills
  • Action Independence Day will be organized each
    month in various schools and colleges of St.
    Petersburg by a mobile team of young people with
    wide scope of technical tools in order to focus
    on health promotion and alcohol prevention among
    young people, with using play methods in
    education and creating motivation to healthy

Project plan (5) Public action
  • Street public actions will be organized in the
    beginning of the project and on its final phase.
    Its aimed to attract attention to an important
    problem alcoholism and promote healthy
  • Main target group young people from 14 to 30.
    For younger children will be organized special
    competitions and sideshows.

Media seminars
  • Through journalists organizations
  • With an assistance of Health committee of
    administration of St. Petersburg

Seminar for decision makers
  • With an assistance of Health committee of
    administration of St. Petersburg

Project management
  • Steering Committee of the project consisting of
    Public Health Committee, NCM representative in
    St. Petersburg, Social Attaché from the Consulate
    General of Finland in SPb, NDPHS/SIHLWA and
    representatives of partner NGOs.
  • The role of other committees (Youth, Education
    and Social) will be considered
  • The NGOs/institutions who are project partners in
    Finland should be consulted if they want to
    participate in a Steering Committee or
  • Advisory board will be formed by them in

Projects output/results
  • Project review and best practises focusing on and
    evaluating alcohol/drug use programmes and low
    threshold units
  • Stakeholder analysis in project areas
  • Young people at large provided with skills to
    cope with alcohol and refuse drugs
  • Media seminars (1-2 per site) organized
  • Decision makers/administrators seminar organized
  • Regional and local legislative and administrative
    measures for better enforcement in alcohol and
    drug policies identified and enforced

Success criteria
  • Successful implementation of activities
  • Assessment of media understanding of the problem
    before and after
  • Assessment of politicians/administrators
    understanding of the problem before and after
  • Positive development of administrative interest
    and measures protecting children and adolescents
    from alcohol and drugs

Accordance of the project to national priorities
  • The project is fully in line with the Nordic
    countries national strategies and priorities
    within health- and social sector, health
    promotion, collaboration within alcohol policies,
    drugs and NDPHS agreements.
  • The project is also in line with the Partnership
    countries (Russian Federation and the Baltic
    States) national strategies and priorities.
    Combating the harmful use of alcohol and drug
    abuse and its consequences is an explicitly
    expressed common goal.

Project evaluation
  • The project will be monitored on continuous basis
    through SIHLWA Expert Group. Feedback will be
    requested twice per year. Criteria for evaluation
    will be further developed in SIHLWA biannual
  • WHO-EURO is requested to provide external
    evaluation support. This would also benefit WHOs
    own alcohol strategy development.
  • Final evaluation will be made at the end of the

What shall we done in future?
  • We very rarely discuss among other things what we
    can do as adult people for doing this world more
    friendly place for young people where they will
    be treated well and as completely intelligent and
    capable human beings. How we can support them to
    trust their own minds. What we should do in order
    to be closer to young people. What we adults need
    to do in order to stop mistreatment of young
    people. How we can be really supportive for them,
    be on their side and show them total respect for
    their minds and lives, instead of just worrying
    at them.
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