E x i t
2F O O D The traditional Lithuanian meals arent
usually very common between teenagers, especially
those ones who are living in big cities. We
rather enjoy pizza with friends at some cafes,
than eat a long lasting supper with our family
with lots of calorific traditional Lithuanian
meals usually made of meat and grated potatoes.
You can see a typical view of this meal in the
picture. On the other hand, the tradition of
eating well is inherited from our ancestors, who
would say, he who eats well, works well.
B a c k
3H O B B I E S A typical lithuanian teenage girl
doesnt differ a lot from other teenage girls all
over the world. They all like spending their free
time with their girlfriends talking about
unimportant stuff, going to the cinemas, going to
discos and parties too. The most popular topics
in teenage girls talks are boys, fashion, school
and, by all means, other private problems and
secrets. What is more, a lithuanian teenage girl
likes reading books, playing computer games,
going in for different kinds of sport and active
modus vivendi indeed. Some of them prefer riding
a bike to going to the cinemas, the other kind of
teenage girls prefer going to parties to reading
B a c k
4F A M I L Y About fifteen percent of the
parents of young teenagers are divorced. Most of
families are not very big, about two or three
children is the average. The most biggest
problems in a teenage girls life is to get along
with her parents and get what she needs. They
usually fall out about teenage girls wishes to
go out and come back late at night, about her
dressing up and make up. The less usual problem
is about the household chores. Lithuanian teenage
girls are very tidy so their parents usually
dont feel resentful about the mess that their
daughter had to clean up after herself. Despite
all these problems, most of lithuanian teenage
girls get along with their parents very well.
B a c k
5O U T F I T Lithuanian teenage girls are
habituated to looking beautiful and glamorous.
Therefore, we spend a lot of money for cosmetic,
clothes and other maidenly things also we try
not to tail away from global fashion. We interest
in it in magazines and the internet. Yet,
appearance isnt the most important thing for a
modern Lithuanian teenage girl. The gretest part
of the are occupied with their studies and
practically have no time for following the latest
B a c k
6E D U C A T I O N Education is occupying more
and more importance in every persons life,
especially in teenagers. It is normal to study a
lot and to go for ones goal. Studying fills a
quite big part in every students nitty-gritty.
Furthermore, many new after-school activities,
new possibilities in exchange programs, in global
projects have varied our daily studying. What is
more, it is usual to study here, in our native
country, because there is a big spectrum of
high-level schools, colleges and universities.
Its important to state that students wear
uniforms, which are different in every school,
and its very convenient because no bothersome
thoughts what to put on every day.
B a c k
7Made By Ignotaite Giedre Pakeviciute
Kristina Dubovskyte Erika Juryte
Neringa Sapiegaite Milda