Title: Strangeness Production in PHOBOS
1Strangeness Production in PHOBOS
- Conor Henderson
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- For the PHOBOS Collaboration
- RHIC/AGS Users Meeting, 14 May 2004
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
2 Collaboration
Birger Back, Mark Baker, Maarten Ballintijn,
Donald Barton, Russell Betts, Abigail Bickley,
Richard Bindel, Wit Busza (Spokesperson), Alan
Carroll, Zhengwei Chai, Patrick Decowski,
Edmundo GarcÃa, Tomasz Gburek, Nigel George,
Kristjan Gulbrandsen, Clive Halliwell, Joshua
Hamblen, Adam Harrington, Michael Hauer, Conor
Henderson, David Hofman, Richard Hollis, Roman
Holynski, Burt Holzman, Aneta Iordanova, Jay
Kane, Nazim Khan, Piotr Kulinich, Chia Ming Kuo,
Willis Lin, Steven Manly, Alice Mignerey, Gerrit
van Nieuwenhuizen, Rachid Nouicer, Andrzej
Olszewski, Robert Pak, Inkyu Park, Heinz
Pernegger, Corey Reed, Christof Roland, Gunther
Roland, Joe Sagerer, Helen Seals, Iouri Sedykh,
Wojtek Skulski, Chadd Smith, Maciej Stankiewicz,
Peter Steinberg, George Stephans, Andrei
Sukhanov, Marguerite Belt Tonjes, Adam Trzupek,
Carla Vale, Sergei Vaurynovich, Robin Verdier,
Gábor Veres, Peter Walters, Edward Wenger, Frank
Wolfs, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Wozniak, Alan
Wuosmaa, Bolek Wyslouch ARGONNE NATIONAL
3The PHOBOS Detector
T0 Detectors
4The PHOBOS Spectrometer
- Two arms x 16 layers of silicon
- Highly-segmented in x-z plane
- Inner layers in zero-field region, outer layers
in 2T magnetic field - Tracking within 10 cm of interaction region
5Particle Identification in PHOBOS
- Three techniques for Particle ID
- Stopping Particles (0.05 lt pT lt 0.2 GeV/c)
- Silicon dE/dx (0.3 lt pT lt1.3 GeV/c)
- Time-Of-Flight (0.5 lt pT lt 4 GeV/c)
6Low-pT Stopping Particles
- Search for particles which stop in 5th
Spectrometer layer - Tracks identified via energy deposition pattern
- ?, K, p identified for
- 0.05 lt pT lt 0.2 GeV/c
- No B-field, so particle charge cannot be
7Low-pT Stopping Particles
Construct a mass parameter from energy deposition
in each layer
p p
K K-
? ?-
Method calibrated by Monte Carlo simulation
8AuAu Low-pT Particle Yields
AuAu ?sNN 200 GeV
- Yields corrected for
- Geometrical acceptance
- Reconstruction efficiency
- PID inefficiencies
- Absorption in the beam pipe
- Feed-down from weak decays
- Secondaries
- Mis-identified particles
- Ghosts
y - 0.1 0.4
9AuAu Low-pT Results
AuAu ?sNN 200 GeV
PHENIX spectra for mT lt 1GeV/c2 fit with
PHENIX - open symbols PHOBOS closed symbols
-1 for mesons 1 for baryons
- This fit extrapolates smoothly to the low-pT
points - No enhancement of low-pT particle yields
- No evidence of unusual long-wavelength physics
Solid line fit to PHENIX spectra Dashed line
extrapolation of fit
10Antiparticle/ Particle Ratios
Particles identified by Si dE/dx
- Invert magnetic field interchange trajectories
- Tracking efficiency and geometrical acceptance
corrections cancel in ratio - Antiparticle/particle ratios then just corrected
for absorption feed-down secondaries
11AA Particle Ratios vs. Collision Energy
K- / K p / p
Phys. Rev. C 67, 021901R (2003)
12Baryo-Chemical Potential At RHIC
AuAu ?sNN 200 GeV
Phys. Rev. C 67, 021901R (2003)
With T 165 MeV, ?B 27?2 MeV at ?sNN 200 GeV
in AuAu
13Particle Ratios in pp and dAu
?sNN 200 GeV
14 And Compared to AuAu
?sNN 200 GeV
15The PHOBOS Time-Of-Flight Detector
- Two Time-Of-Flight walls
- TB at 45 deg, 5.4m
- TC at 90 deg, 4m
- 120 plastic scintillators per wall, read-out top
and bottom - TOF timing resolution 100 ps
- Collision start-time determined from arrays of
Cerenkov counters (T0s) along beam-line
16The PHOBOS Spectrometer Trigger
- High-pT tracks identified by straight-line hit
combinations and online measurement of event
vertex - New scintillator walls installed (the SpecTrig)
online trigger decision made by programmable
electronic logic module - Resulted in factor 15-20 enhancement in dAu
17Time-of-Flight Spectra Analysis
- Momentum slices are fitted to extract the yields
of each particle species
- Yields corrected for geometrical acceptance and
tracking efficiency no feed-down correction
18Identified Particle pT Spectra from TOF
dAu ?sNN 200 GeV
19Particle Composition in dAu
dAu ?sNN 200 GeV
20Centrality Dependence in dAu
No observed variation in particle composition
with collision centrality in dAu
Peripheral 40-70
Central 0-20
21mT-scaling in dAu ?
dAu ?sNN 200 GeV
x 2
Kaon yields scaled by 2
22 But Not in AuAu?
AuAu ?sNN 200 GeV
- Spectra normalised at pT 2 GeV/c (Different
norm. factors for kaons and protons) - mT-scaling violated at low mT in AuAu
- Consistent with transverse expansion of AuAu
collision system
23PHOBOS Strangeness Summary
- Three techniques for particle ID from low to high
pT stopping particles Si dE/dx and
Time-Of-Flight - AuAu results
- Low-pT yields ? no evidence of unusual
long-wavelength physics violation of mT-scaling
observed - Particle ratios indicate ?B 27?2 MeV at RHIC
- dAu results
- Particle ratios differ from AuAu at same ?
- Preliminary identified particle spectra exhibit
mT-scaling - pp results
- Preliminary particle ratios similar to dAu
24Strangeness Outlook from PHOBOS
- AuAu identified particle spectra from TOF
- dAu low-pT particle yields
- Particle ratios in AuAu at 62.4 GeV
- Low pT ? yields in AuAu
25Back-up Slides
26Stopping Particles Acceptance
27Low-pT Yields Compared to Models
- Event generators unable to consistently describe
low pT yields. - HIJING overpredicts yields at low pT.
- Ratio of measured to HIJING yields averaged over
low pT range
28Comparison to Hydro. Models
P. Kolb and R. Rapp, Phys.Rev. C67, 044903 (2003)
Red curves Tdec100MeV
Solid without initial transverse boost
Blue curves Tdec165MeV
Dashed with initial transverse boost
Inclusion of an initial (pre-hydrodynamic)
transverse flow better describes the spectra.
29TOF and Spec PID Acceptances
30dAu pbar/p compared to models
31TOF Particle Ratios
32Particle Composition vs.?s in p(d)A Collisions