Title: Securing Authenticity - The Power of Hot Stamping Foil
2About Holostik
From being an undisputed leader to being the
largest Indian exporter of anti-counterfeiting
solutions Holostik believes in authenticating
supply chains securing lives . Our offerings
range from anti-counterfeiting, labelling and
packaging products to various IT-enabled supply
chain management solutions.
3Why choose Holostik?
At Holostik, we use the next level of
manufacturing technologies which help us maintain
precision and perfection in our final products.
We are the pioneer and industry leader in
anti-counterfeiting solutions and provide the
holographic hot stamping foil.
4Revenue Stamps
Holostik holographic hot stamping foil are
Offering a spectrum of colours and finishes. Hot
stamping foil not only enhances the visual appeal
of products but also provides a robust defence
against counterfeit endeavours.
5Website https//holostik.com/ Email Id
MARCOMHOLOSTIK.COM Phone no. 91-9905124124
Address C 117, SECTOR 2, NOIDA 201301,