Title: The Community Studies Project
1The Community Studies Project
Presented By Babs Gramsky Brittany
Sweigart Saranya Villavankothai Jackie Walker
2The Question
- Are college students more or
- less involved in religious
- groups, athletics,
- volunteering, and interest
- groups than they were in
- high school?
3Robert D. Putnam in Bowling Alone
- Dominant ThemeĀ For the first two-thirds of the
twentieth century Americans were engaged in their
communities, but a few decades ago involvement in
communities declined. - Pg. 16 27 - Opposing Position Perhaps the younger
generation today is no less engaged than the
previous generation, but are engaged in new
ways. - Pg.26
4Ways We are Involved
- What constitutes community involvement?
- How do these groups benefit the common good?
- Religious
- Athletic
- Volunteer
- Interest
5Religious Involvement
- 37 of first year students are involved
- More involvement in collegiate activities
- Encourage students to
- join other community organization
- work to improve their surroundings
- -from the 2005 NSSE Survey
6Athletic Involvement
- 67 intramural team involvement
- Of those involved
- 32 fraternity or sorority teams
- 30 school team
- 3 sports management
7Volunteer Involvement
- 51 want to be more involved
- 33 volunteer occasionally
- 26 pay attention to politics/current events
- Majority feel that voting makes no true difference
8Interest Group Involvement
- 49 of 18-24 year olds contributed money to a
cause listed below in 2004 - Health
- Abortion, AIDS, Cancer awareness.
- STD awareness, pregnancy
- Substance Abuse
- MADD, Partnership for a drug-free America.
- Childrens issues
- Athletic programs, child care, child abuse
- Elderly Support
- Violence Prevention
- Gang violence, rape, murder, and robberies
prevention - Contributors feel duties are fulfilled by
donating money
9The 18-24 year old Demographic (NSSE)
- 46 volunteered in the past year
- 29 volunteered in the last month for about 3
hr/week - 43 asked to volunteer of those 87 volunteered
- Of the 52 that were not asked to volunteer only
16 did
10The 18-24 year old Demographic continued (NSSE)
- Fiercely individualistic
- By 18yrs. viewed an average 400,000 commercials
- Stressed out due to
- Over programmed lives
- Increased competition with peers
- Having more information Ex. Internet
- Never being out of reach Ex. Internet and cell
11College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ)
- 11 believe NCC helps them connect to the larger
campus community - 36 have never attended a large social event
- 21 never used the recreational facilities on
campus - 93 expected to participate in co-curricular
activities only 32 actually did participate in
an activity
12NCC InvolvementHigh School vs. College
13Motivations for High School Students
14Motivation for College Students
15Assumptions for Less Involvement
- Involvement not for personal desire or
responsibility - Desire / feeling or responsibility is NOT
declining it is misrepresented
16- What does community involvement mean to you?
17Being active in available community events,
clubs, programs, and being a part of social
events and civil society, etc.--Jimmy Greene
18"Being involved in your community being someone
and going out there and doing something."--Alexis
19A great source for using your social skills,
getting a better perspective of surroundings, and
feeling a sense of welcome somewhere in life.
--Albert Baier
20"Community involvement to me is giving back to
your fellow man so that you are not only take and
take. It's the principle of brotherhood and
sisterhood that we must all follow."--Danny
21"Being a role-model, respecting the values you
are given, and giving back to the community. Act
accordingly to your fellow citizens and have
faith in the integrity of all men.Mark Biggs
22Community Circle
23Community Circle Activity
- Discussion
- After participating in this activity are you
surprised on how many of your peers are involved
in the same community activities? - Why?
- Our generation may in fact be the less involved
group that Putnam believes we are, but it is
also reasonable to suggest that our
non-involvement is partly due to the constant
pressure placed on us throughout childhood as
overscheduled children of the 1980s and 1990s
as suggested by Doherty.
25Works Cited
- Anderson, Jared R. and William J. Doherty.
"Democratic Community Initiatives The - Case of Overscheduled Children." Family
Relations 54.5 (2005) 654-65. - Doherty, William J. "Family Science and Family
Citizenship Toward a Model of - Community Partnership with Families." Family
Relations 49.3 (1999) 319-25. - National Survey of Student Engagement Exploring
Different Dimensions of Student - Engagement. 2005. Available http//nsse.iub.edu
/pdf/NSSE2005_Annual_ - report.pdf. Apr. 8 2006.
- Office of Institutional Assessment, George Mason
University. "College Student - Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ), Comparison of
New Century College and - Mason Respondents." September 2004.
- Putnam, Robert D. "Thinking About Social Change
in America." Bowling Alone The - Collapse and Revival of American Community. New
York Simon Schuster, - 2000. 15-28.
- Rousseau, J. J. The Social Contract Book I.
1762. Available www.constitution.org/jjr/ - socon_01.htm. Feb. 27 2004.