Putting Moisture into Spectral Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Putting Moisture into Spectral Models


... gridpoints is treated in Lagrangian fashion, with no interpolation required. ... H. van Dop and G. Kallos, Plenum Press, New York. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Putting Moisture into Spectral Models

Putting Moisture into Spectral Models
  • November 7, 2002
  • AT 703
  • Jonathan Vigh

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A transport scheme should have the following
  • Accuracy
  • Stability
  • Transportive
  • Local
  • Conservative
  • Shape-Preserving
  • Computationally affordable

Overview of advection in a spectral model.
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Advantages of Spectral Methods
  • Well-suited to spherical geometry (no pole
    problem, especially with ? truncation).
  • No approximation in horizontal derivatives (phase
    speeds of linear waves, advection are exact).
  • Convergence of smooth functions is fast with only
    a few modes.
  • Allows easy use of semi-implicit time
    differencing, leading to cost savings.

Disadvantages of Spectral Methods
  • Nothing is exactly conserved, not even mass.
  • Partly because of failure to conserve the
    mass-weighted total energy, artificial damping is
    needed to maintain computational stability.
  • Because of spectral truncation in the transform
    method, physical parameterizations do not always
    have the intended effect.
  • At high resolution, spectral methods are
    computationally expensive compared to grid point
  • Spectral models suffer from Gibbs Phenomenon.
  • Moisture advection using spectral methods gives
    poor results.

Gibbs Phenomenon
  • Gibbs Phenomenon is a spurious oscillation that
    occurs when using a truncated eigenfunction
    series (such as Fourier, Chebyshev, or Legendre
    series) at a simple discontinuity.
  • It is characterized by an initial overshoot, then
    a pattern of undershoot, overshoot oscillations
    that decrease in amplitude further from the
    physical discontinuity.

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Gibbs Phenomenon in Spectral Models
  • Truncation of an eigenfunction series expansion
    of a discontinuous function produces spurious
    waves in the vicinity of sharp gradients.
  • Effect may occur for any spectral variable which
    must be represented in physical space (i.e.
    topography and moisture).
  • Especially bad for topography, water vapor, and
    condensate (cloudiness).

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Effects of Gibbs Oscillations
  • Variance is introduced in model variables that do
    not correspond to any real physical cause.
  • Can influence basic time-mean fields such as
    surface pressure and meridional wind, affecting
    simulation of phenomenon such as El Niño.
  • Can affect surface fluxes.
  • Can interact with and cause problems with
    physical parameterizations.
  • Cloudiness and precipitation are adversely

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Spectral moisture transport
  • Moisture varies by several orders of magnitude
    between the surface and the stratosphere, and
    between the EQ and the poles.
  • Thus, moisture advection suffers severe
    representation error in spectral models.
  • Negative water is produced in undershoot areas,
    and excess water appears in overshoot areas.
  • Production of negative water can be as much as
    20 of the globally averaged precipitation rate.

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Moisture headaches
  • Negative values of any tracer are bad, but the
    problem is particularly troublesome with moisture
    due to thermodynamic interaction with the
    dynamics through clouds and precipitation.
  • Latent heat release associated with condensation
    is related to the absolute changes of water
  • Clouds and radiation are influenced more by the
    relative variations in water vapor.
  • In order to correctly simulate climate, both of
    these processes must be accurate.

Ways to mitigate moisture problems
  • Use a different moisture variable.
  • Fill the holes.
  • Use a transformed variable which cant go
  • Dont use spectral methods for moisture transport
    (do it on the grid).

Are there any moisture variables that arent as
  • Choices of moisture variables to predict
  • Dewpoint depression
  • Mixing ratio
  • Relative humidity
  • Other choices are similar specific humidity,
    vapor pressure, and dewpoint temperature

Which Moisture Variable?
  • Ian Simmonds (1975) did some experiments to
    assess the relative accuracy of the spectral
    representation of these moisture variables in
    being able to reproduce grid-point values of
    these quantities.
  • Defined information content for the finite
    spherical harmonic series approximation, tested
    for various N-wave truncations.
  • Found that mixing ratio was a poor choice, dew
    point depression was best, slightly better than
    relative humidity.

Why not just fill the holes?
  • One solution (commonly used) is to simply fill
    the holes of negative water.
  • Borrow either from a neighboring grid cell or
    from the global mean.
  • Local borrowing is arbitrary and can be
  • Global borrowing is easy, but not physical.
  • Can bother the parameterizations.
  • Other solutions locally adaptive FCT scheme

Use of a transformed moisture variable
  • Ooyama (2001) suggests use of a predictand that
    cannot become negative a transformed moisture
  • As an example, instead of predicting µ, you
    could predict the transformed variable
  • for which the recovered µexp v will always be
  • The logarithmic function bends µ at all values.
    The mean of µ is not well preserved.

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Try a hyperbolic transform
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Try a biased hyperbolic transform
  • This allows the predictand ? to go somewhat
    negative (without an adverse effect on µ), while
    preserving the proper shape of µ out at values
    not close to zero.
  • Effect of µ0 on the potential temperature
    difference is less than 3 x 10-4 K.
  • No discernible difference in simulations for µ0
    10-7 or 10-8. A slight difference for
    µ0 10-6.

If moisture advection doesnt work in the
spectral method, dont use it.
  • Most modern spectral models handle the transport
    of moisture (and other tracers) in gridpoint
    space using finite-difference methods.
  • The dry dynamics (linear advection, linear waves,
    PGF terms) are handled spectrally.
  • Moisture and other tracers are advected on the
  • All physical parameterizations are also done on
    the grid.

Lagrangian Techniques
  • In the absence of sources and sinks, mixing ratio
    is constant along a trajectory.
  • So the value of the tracer at the end of the
    trajectory should be the same as at the beginning
    of trajectory.
  • All that is needed is to calculate the
    trajectory, then determine the value of the
    tracer at the beginning of the trajectory.

Semi-Lagrangian Transport (SLT)
  • Trajectories are calculated from one time step
    only with no imposed continuity from time step to
    time step.
  • Forecast is desired at a set of gridpoints
    referred to as arrival points at time t ?T.
  • Trajectories are calculated backwards from the
    arrival points at time t ?T to time t, where
    they define a set of departure points.
  • Values at departure points are determined by
    interpolation from the background grid.

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  • A straightforward SLT scheme requires some sort
    of interpolation to get departure values.
  • A simple interpolation scheme makes SLT similar
    to any other forward time scheme which suffers
    from excessive diffusion.
  • SLT suffers from strong flow over the pole.
  • In practice, another grid (such as geodesic) is
    used in the vicinity of the pole.
  • Conservation is not attained mass fixer is
    still required (but it can be tied to the just
    the advection processes, unlike in the spectral

Shape-preserving SLT Schemes
  • Trajectory is divided into two parts
  • One goes from the arrival point to the gridpoint
    closest to the departure point
  • The other goes from that gridpoint to the
    departure point.
  • First segment between gridpoints is treated in
    Lagrangian fashion, with no interpolation
  • Second segment is treated in an Eulerian fashion,
    but now the CFL condition is always satisfied
    (the segment stays within one grid interval).

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  • Many approaches for transport on the sphere have
    been tried.
  • There is no ideal transport scheme in spherical
    geometry, although some are clearly more
    attractive than others.
  • Shape-preserving SLT schemes seem to be the best
    choice at the moment.
  • In modeling, there are always trade-offs. Silver
    bullets are rare, and it requires careful
    analysis to design a model with the properties
    that you desire.

  • Arfkin, George, 1985 Mathematical Methods for
    Physicists Third Edition. Academic Press, 985
  • Gottlieb, D. and S. A. Orszag, 1977 Numerical
    Analysis of Spectral Methods Theory and
    Applications. Society for Industrial and Applied
    Mathematics, CBMS-NSF Series, No. 26, 170 pp.
  • Lindberg, C. and A. J. Broccoli, 1996
    Representation of Topography in Spectral Climate
    Models and its Effect on Simulated Precipitation.
    J. of Climate, 9, 2641-2659.
  • Ooyama, K. V., 2001 A Dynamic and Thermodynamic
    Foundation for Modeling the Moist Atmosphere with
    Parameterized Microphysics. J. Atmos. Sci., 58,
  • Rasch, P. J. and D. L. Williamson, 1990
    Computational Aspects of Moisture Transport in
    Global Models of the Atmosphere. Q. J. R.
    Meteorol. Soc., 116,1071-1090.
  • Randall, D., 2001 Spherical Methods. AT 604
    Notes, 249-270.
  • Schepetkin, A. F. and J. C. McWilliams, 1998
    Quasi-Monotone Advection Schemes Based on
    Explicit Locally Adaptive Dissipation. Mon. Wea.
    Rev., 126, 1541-1580.
  • Simmonds, Ian, 1975 The Spectral Representation
    of Moisture. J. Appl. Meteor., 14,175-179.
  • Williamson, D. L., 1992 Review of Numerical
    Approaches for Modeling Global Transport. Air
    Pollution Modeling and its Applications IX, Ed.
    H. van Dop and G. Kallos, Plenum Press, New York.
  • ---, and P. J. Rasch, 1994 Water Vapor Transport
    in the NCAR CCM2. Tellus, 46A, 34-51.
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